What is Daf and what does it look like in the eyes of Islam

 According to the narrations of those who directly saw the daf in Arabia, one side of the daf is open.  When played, there is a dyab dyab sound.  Just like the sound of playing a plastic pot.  In fact, tambourine does not fall under the category of any musical instrument.

 While introducing the tambourine in the book Aonul Bari, it is written that its sound is neither clear nor smooth nor melodious and pleasant.  If the sound of a tambourine is thin and catchy, it is no longer a tambourine;  It will become a musical instrument.-Aonul Bari 2/357 And when the characteristics of a musical instrument come between daf, it will be unanimously considered as impermissible.  -E improved.  Then I can call it nothing but ignorant nonsense.  Because many musical instruments including drum, tabla have been mentioned in several hadiths.  If not in reality, where will the names of these musical instruments come from?  Moreover, according to the commentaries of Muhaddis, daf does not fall under the category of musical instruments, which we have already known.  Daf still exists in Arabia.

 When the students asked the Sudanese teacher of Darul Ihsan University about this, he said, Daaf is for children, and Quran is for adults.  There is no scope for mature people to leave the Quran and indulge in these things.  Even if it is accepted that daf was the highest musical instrument in that era, then what is the point?  Musical instruments can no longer be made legal.  In the hadith, the Prophet called it Haram.  With the 'good intention' of modernizing Islam, some people are issuing fatwas today that it is permissible to shake hands with girls, there is no need for such a strict veil between men and women, music, movies, television are part of entertainment.

There is no problem with a clean shave, a beard is not an important issue in Islam, etc. Many 'modern', 'ultra-modern' fatwas are heard today.  It should be remembered that Islam is not like other 'religions';  Rather, it is an eternally modern ideal given by God, there is no need to make it more modern on our part.  Just as there is no room for extravagance in Islam, there is also no room for divorce.  Islam is the middle way.  Allah Ta'ala has given the law as much as it needs to be given.  Its full observance is the real proof that the virtuous age of the Sahaba is the source of all goodness.  If we also expect welfare then we also have to fully follow all the rules of Islam and verify all our faith, deeds and fatwas according to their standards.

 None of us can claim that we have understood Islam and the Prophet's hadith more than the Companions.  Qawali with music

 Even a world that uses the name of a Sufi saint today has a touch of modernity.  So some modern Sufis say that Zikir and Qawwali with music are permissible.  As evidence, they present the hadith of two girls singing poetry by playing tambourines as recorded in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.  In this context, Allama Ibn Hajar Askalani.  writes, Ayesha's narration in the hadith is the best answer against their unrealistic claims.  Hadith Rabbi Hazrat Ayesha to clarify the fact that music is impermissible.  Saying that the girl was not a singer.  They did not sing any song.-Fathul Bari 2/442

Imam Qurtubi rah.  He said, what is meant by song, Balikadvay did not sing it.  Lest anyone misunderstand that's why Ayesha.  He clarified the matter.  Imam Qurtubi also said that the kind of music and musical instruments that a group of Sufis have made popular is completely haram. -Tafseer Qurtubi 14/54 The famous saint Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi.  He stopped listening to Qawwali in his era.  When people asked, he said, currently the conditions for listening to Qawwali are not followed.  So I repent from it.-Ahsanul Fatawa 8/392

 If this was the case in the era of Junaid Baghdadi, then what will be the situation in our era?  A learned man made an instructive statement that it is good for you to be modern, but in becoming modern, do not cross the boundaries of humanity and do not become friends of Satan.

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