Self-esteem of Taliban Elam


I think it is important to say something.  I have said this many times.  But since the face keeps changing, it is possible that those who are talking now have not heard even once.  The unwan of the word is the self-esteem of the Taliban.

 What is the biggest problem in Ilam Maidan now?  The biggest problem is that Talib Ilam itself does not know its status and neither does the society of Talib Ilam.  The society of Talib Ilam has taken him to the extreme of indignity.  Talib has no dignity in the eyes of Ilam, nor does he have dignity in the eyes of society.  Talib Ilam himself does not respect his teacher.  The society also does not give dignity to the teacher of religion in the madrasa.  A university teacher does not have the same status as a religious madrasa teacher.  A talibé does not have the same status as a university student.  We see it step by step.  A Madrasa does not have the status of a school, college or university in the eyes of the society.  Who is not in the eye?  Not in the eyes of the society and not in the eyes of those living in the madrasas.  They also disrespect madrasa, disrespect madrasa teacher, disrespect science.  And so is society.  This is the biggest tragic problem in ilm now.  Until we regain this status, we have no future.

First you have to gain dignity in your own eyes.  I should respect myself, respect my teacher.  May I respect the madrasa and respect every subject related to ilm.  When I learn to respect myself, people around me will gradually respect me.  The biggest problem and the tragic problem is that in my eyes my dignity is gone.  I have no respect in the eyes of the society.  It has to be restored.  It is a prominent thought of Madrasatul Madinah.  Madrasatul Madina has put this thing in front of its goals and objectives to restore its dignity in its own eyes and to establish its dignity in the eyes of the society as well.  We have to think and identify that by doing this, our own dignity is saved and by doing this we also get dignity with the society.  So there is no opportunity for detailed discussion now.  Now talking about the problem I see.

 In our country, unfortunately, more than one type of education is prevalent in one family.  It is often seen that most of the children in the family go to school and college.  One studies in Madrasa.  One who attends a madrasa feels inferior and is looked down upon by others.  Someone looks with pity.  Someone says that it is useless!  Someone says with pity, you don't worry, give your Laiga a separate land.  I mean you can't walk.  So I will arrange your food and clothing ahead.  I have wronged you.  I established your brother by teaching him in college and university.  And I made you unemployed by teaching you in Madrasa.  So don't worry.  I have taught you this way for the benefit of my grave.  I will take care of your world.  It is but mercy, alms from the Father.  Bhai also says, my brother has been sent to Madrasa.  OK, I'll keep an eye on it.  And sometimes contempt, disrespect.

Talib Ilam himself disrespects himself.  First you gain dignity in your own eyes.  Try to make yourself dignified and respected.  You think that I am the most important, most respected member of this family.  Because I am the only Talib Ilam from this family.  So my status is higher than everyone.

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