Title of Azadi: Martyr Tipu Sultan Rah.


From today the entire Hindustan is ours' was said by General Hers on the day Tipu Sultan, the brave soldier of Hindustan, was martyred.  Through his martyrdom, the darkness of subjugation descended on the entire Hindustan.  As long as Tipu Sultan was alive, he drove out the British and maintained the independence of the country.  But if he accepts martyrdom, not only Hindustan, but the entire Muslim world will lose a guardian of freedom and fall into a state of guardianship.  So Tipu Sultan was an eternal hero for the people of India.  But due to the distortion of history and our indifference, this Muslim hero has either remained unknown to us or has acquired an identity that is contemptible for a great hero like him.

 Tipu Sultan was a true scholar and believer.  Although the father Haider Ali himself was illiterate, he arranged Talim-Tarbiat i.e. good education for his son Tipu.  Along with science and worldly education, he learned martial arts at an early age.  In 1767, at the age of seventeen, Sultan Tipu led an army of seven thousand soldiers in the First Battle of Mysore against the British and defeated the British with valor and bravery.  At the age of seventeen, Tipu Sultan took up arms against the enemies of Islam, and till his death, those arms remained a shining example of heroism.

Tipu Sultan was not only a ruler but also a clerical scholar.  At the age of seven or eight, seeing him with a group of children intoxicated by sports, a dervish summoned him and with the good news of becoming the future ruler, took a promise from him that after he became the ruler, he would build a Shandar mosque on this very spot.  After becoming the ruler, according to Wadamafik, he built a mosque called Masjid Ala and systematically inaugurated it in 1790 AD according to 1204 Hijri.  On this occasion, he invited Ulama-Mashaikh and Bujurgane Keram of the country and announced: On today's opening day, the person who will lead the prayer will be the one who has never performed Namaz after reaching puberty.  But what a surprise!  No one stepped forward then.  Seeing the situation, Tipu Sultan led the prayer and said 'Alhamdu Lillah, I am Sahib Tarateeb.'

 Despite being engaged in continuous warfare throughout his life, the people present were disturbed to see that his prayers were never performed.

 Once the Nezam and the Maratha forces assembled on the banks of the Tangbadara sea to attack Tipu Sultan's forces.  Tipu was on the other side of the sea and at that time the sea was terribly rough.  Seeing the turbulence of the sea, his Hazrat Amr Ibn As.  And he remembers the incident of the Nile River and he thinks that Allah Ta'ala still has Tashir in the mouth of a true Muslim.  Saying this he prayed to Allah in a monotonous manner and at his command the Mujahideen fired twenty-one times into the sea.  After a while, the roughness of the sea subsided.  Seeing the deeds of Tipu Sultan, the Mujahideen rushed upon the enemy with the sound of Takbeer.

Tipu Sultan was a ruler of Hindustan with a rare personality.  He published the first Urdu newspaper in the Indian subcontinent.  A weekly magazine called 'Fathul Mujahideen' was published under his supervision and contained the duties and activities of the Mujahideen.

 British failed to conquer entire Hindustan only because of his resistance.  So they fought desperately against him.  Turn thousands of people into murderers.  The decisive battle between the English forces and the Mysore forces took place in May 1799.  On May 4, after offering Fajr prayers, Tipu Sultan descended to face the enemy forces.  Surrounded by gangsters, he has to fight.  Even his personal and khas khadem Ghulam Raja Khan was extremely treacherous with him.  He refused to give water to the Sultan even though he had it, and the Sultan was thirsty all day long.  It was this murderer who advised him to surrender to the enemy.  At that time, Tipu Sultan made that famous statement while noticing him-

 "To me the life of a lion for one day is better than the life of a fox for a hundred years."

 He was exhausted from the continuous fighting since morning.  Afternoon comes to evening.  The inhabitants of the sky got ready to welcome this acceptable servant of Allah.  At some point in the afternoon, a gangster from Mysore pointed to the English and said that this is Tipu Sultan.  Immediately the enemy pointed all the barrels of their guns at him and there was an incessant shower of fire from all sides.

A bullet hit him in the chest and he fell to the ground.  When a soldier tried to remove the diamond-encrusted shamshi hanging from his waist, his self-esteem was hurt, he struck him with a sword.  He repelled the attack with his gun, but another English soldier lost his life.  At that time, another British soldier who was nearby fired a bullet at him and hit him in the ear.  Sultan Tipu was martyred in this firing, and the sun of Hindustan's freedom also set.  That day was May 4, 1799 in English.

 The next day, on May 5, Tipu Sultan was bathed and shrouded.  Millions of Hindus and Muslims thronged to catch one last glimpse of him.  Hindu women started mourning by throwing earth on their heads.  After reaching Lalbagh, the funeral was held.  Kazbi of the city led the funeral prayers.  He was buried next to his father Haider Ali's grave in Namazant.  At that time, five thousand rupees was donated by Shahjadad for his reward.

 Thus ended the life of a free-spirited, patriotic, fighting soldier and fearless cleric ruler of the Indian subcontinent.


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