All the sins that arise due to playing music


According to the commentaries of the Companions and the Taba'is, music and musical instruments are the sum of many sins.  Namely:

 a) source of hypocrisy 

b) inducement of adultery 

c) veil over the mind 

d) causing distaste for the Qur'an 

e) removing thoughts of the Hereafter 

f) causing attraction to sin and

 g) destroying Jihadi spirit.-Ighachatul Lahfan 1/187 

In fact, the harmful effects of playing music  So much so that it is not necessary to find any separate evidence for its impermissibility.  Despite this, it is proven through many hadiths of the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace.

 Commentary on the hadith

 The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said that singing and its business and practice are haram.

 Do not buy and sell female singers (maids) and do not teach them music.  And all this has no benefit in business.  Know that the price received is haram. - Jame Tirmidhi Hadith: 1282;  Ibn Majah hadith: 2168

 Nowadays, there is a huge market for music and musical instruments in which crores of rupees are being invested.  It should be remembered that all its earnings are completely haram according to the hadith of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

 The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, also said, Some people of my Ummah will change the name of wine and drink it.  And over their heads musical instruments and singers will play the songs of Ramanis.  Allah Almighty will destroy them on the ground. -Sunan Ibn Majah Hadith: 4020;  Sahih Ibn Hibban hadith: 6758

Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Masood RA.  He said, As water produces freshness (in the land), so music produces peace in the hearts of people.-Igachatul Lahfan 1/193;  Tafseer Qurtubi 14/52

 The truth of the above statement is now clear as daylight.  As a result of the widespread spread of music and music, so much hypocrisy has been created in people's hearts that the Islam of the Companions is being considered as immovable in this era and music, music, association of men and women are considered halal.  In Sahih al-Bukhari, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said,

 Among my ummah there will be some people who will make adultery, silk, wine and musical instruments halal. - Sahih Bukhari Hadith: 5590 Narrated in the hadith of Ahmad in Musnad, the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said,

 Allah Ta'ala has sent me as guidance and mercy to the believers and has ordered the abolition of musical instruments, the cross and the practice of ignorance.

 The life of companions in the light of hadith

 Any musical instrument is Haraam, except for playing the tambourine in two cases.  The hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the practical deeds of the Companions prove it.

 The famous Tabee'i Hazrat Nafe' rah.  Narrated in the Sahih Sanad from, he said, once on the way Abdullah Ibn Umar RA.  He heard the sound of the flute.  Immediately he put his fingers in both ears.  He went some distance and asked, O Nafe!  Do you still hear the noise?  I said yes.  Then when I said, "The sound is no longer heard," he removed his fingers from his ears and said, "Once the Messenger of Allah, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, heard the sound of a flute while walking.  -Musnad Ahmad Hadith: 4535;  Sunan Abu Dawud Hadith: 4924 Famous Tabei Mujahid Rah.  Such a hadith has been narrated from Ibn Majah Hadith: 1901

Think about it, can we show the courage to speak in favor of the devil's voice which the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and the Companions were not willing to listen to even for a moment?

 Sahaba Keram did not tolerate the sound of trumpets and trumpets.  So the question of music and musical instruments is not obvious?  Narrated by Nasa'i and Sunan Abu Dawud, one day a girl came to Hazrat Ayesha RA after Baznadar Nupur, Ayesha RA.  He said, Khabardar, do not enter my house until it is cut.  Then he said, The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said,

 The angel of mercy does not enter the house where there is a bell.-Sunan Abu Dawud Hadith: 4231;  Narrated in Sunan Nasa'i Hadith: 5237 Sahih Muslim, the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, bells, flutes and bells are the instruments of Satan.  Understandable.  

Commentaries of the four Imams

Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malek, Imam Shafi'i and Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal have given the same decision regarding music and musical instruments.  All have termed music as haram.

 Imam Malik rah.  When asked about music, he said, only the wicked can do it.-Qurtubi 14/55 Imam Shafi'i.  It is said that a person who indulges in music is an imbecile.

 He also said that all kinds of veena, tantri, dhakdhol, tabla, sarangi are all haram and their listeners are immoral.  His testimony will not be accepted.-Igachatul Lahfan 1/179;  Qurtubi 14/55

 Allama Ali Mardavi, a famous Faqeeh of the Hanbali Madhhab, writes, "Song without music is makruh tahrimi."  And if there is music, it is haram.-Ahsanul Fatawa 8/388

 Imam Shafi'i rah.  Conditionally, only oleemas are allowed to play the tambourine in the ceremony.  Because there is a description in the hadith of a break from playing the tambourine in the Olima ceremony for the purpose of announcing the marriage. - Jame Tirmidhi Hadith: 1089;  Sahih Bukhari Hadith: 5147, 5162 Remember, the purpose of playing the tambourine here is to announce marriage, nothing else.-Fathul Bari 9/226

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