We Shall Be Like Them: Humility for Knowledge

 Abu Zakariya Yahya bin Ziyad (207 Hijri) was a famous ilme Nahbi scholar of the third century.  He was also knowledgeable in hadith.  He is more famous by the name of Imam Farra (a name that is present in the pages of the books of Ilme Nahb).  It was the Abbasid Caliphate.  Caliph Ma'mun sent his two sons to Imam Farra to learn the knowledge of Ilm Nahb.  The two Shahjadas also sat kneeling near him and began to learn Ilm day and night.  A one day event.  Imam Farrah Rah.  He was going out for some need.  Two of his disciples ran forward to offer the master's shoes and a contest began between the two of them.  No one is willing to give up the privilege of carrying the shoes of the maestro.  Finally they agreed, each of them would give one shoe.  It is so.  Both of them put one shoe towards Ustadji's feet.  When this news reached the Caliph's court, the Caliph summoned Imam Farrah.  When the caliph came to the court, he asked him, who is the most honorable person?

Imam Farra: I do not know of anyone more respected than Khalifatul Muslimeen.  Khalifa: Why not?  Who is more dignified than the one whose shoes two would-be heirs to the throne give their lives for, and each of them settles their dispute by offering a shoe?  Imam Farrah: Ameerul Mu'minin, I wanted to forbid them, but I feared that it would prevent them from competing in noble deeds and deprive them!!  Hazrat Ibn Abbas RA.  According to the tradition, Hazrat Hasan and Hussain, the sons of the beloved Prophet.  He used to hold their saddles when he wanted to go on a journey.  A person present said to Hazrat Ibn Abbas RA, You have pulled the saddle for these two youths.  But you are bigger than them!  Ibn Abbas RA.  He said, shut up stupid!  Only geniuses understand the value of geniuses.  Caliph Ma'mun said, "If you had forbidden them, I would have blamed you."  This has increased their status manifold.  I am very happy that they have signed their qualifications.  This proved their intelligence.  In fact no matter how great a man may be, he can never rise above showing humility before his rulers, parents and teachers.  They will get twenty thousand dirhams for their work and you will get ten thousand dirhams for good teaching.

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