Miracle Mojeza of Al Qur'an


A Case of Interfaith Conferences in International Management.  The organizers decided that the conference would conclude with readings from the scriptures of the major religions.  A follower of a different religion will recite it.  That's it.  As usual, an Arab Christian recited a Surah from the Holy Quran.  He was a good reciter.  His poignant recitation enthralled everyone.  The reciter himself is particularly moved.  Almost immediately after the recitation, a prominent Muslim thinker and writer present asked the Christian reciter, 'Do you think the Qur'an is the word of God?'  , 'But that's only for Arabs.'

 In fact, the message of the Qur'an not only attracts people from all over the world, but the words of the Qur'an are so touching that they overwhelm even those who do not understand a single word of Arabic.  Another incident.  Qari Abdul Basit, the famous reciter of Egypt, was one of the companions of the then President Jamal Abdun Nasser in a meeting with the Soviet leaders.  During a break in the talks, the President invited Mr. Basit to recite some passages from the Qur'an in front of the top Soviet leaders.  When the recitation was over, Qari Abdul Basit saw tears rolling down the eyes of four people.  Later they said, 'We could not understand any meaning of what was recited, but what an incomparable poignancy seemed to resound in the words.'

This was at a time when the Quran was completely banned for Muslims in the Soviet Union.  It was a time when reciting the Quran, learning the Quran and even possessing a copy of the Quran was a serious punishable offence.  The KGB always kept a very tight eye on this.

 When the KGB agents were so suspicious, they would enter any house and see if the Qur'an was being recited or prayers were being offered there.  Religious leaders were forced to do hard labor.  Mosques and madrasas were closed and used as cinema houses, factories and offices.  No one could see a single copy of the Quran anywhere.  The state with all its might took such brutal measures that not even a spark of Quran Sharif could be seen anywhere.  However, even in the 70 years of shameful darkness, Muslims kept the light of the Quran burning.  At great risk to their lives, they adopted a covert-disguised strategy so that their children could learn the Qur'an.  Separated from their parents, young boys recited the Qur'an orally to teachers and received religious instruction and instruction without any printed books.  Although no one remembers them, it is one of the brightest chapters in our recent history.

 What kind of book can claim such ultimate devotion and ultimate sacrifice?  Only that Book, which gives this assurance at the beginning - 'This is the Book, in which there is no room for conjecture, and this Book is guidance only for those who fear God (Muttaqi)' (Surah Baqarah-2) and then every verse of the Qur'an confirms the truth of this assurance.  And the Qur'an declares - 'It is He (Allah Ta'ala) the Most Merciful who has taught (you) the Qur'an'.  (Surah Ar-Rahman 1-2) and this challenge is also announced:

Tell (them also) that if all the people and jinn come together (for this task) to produce something similar to this Qur'an, they will not be able to do it.  If they help each other in this matter (yet)." (Surah Al-Imran-88) Meanwhile, in Al-Qur'an, Allah says irrefutably that, "It is I who sent down this remembrance (Al-Qur'an), I will preserve it."  (Surah Hijr-9)

 Al-Qur'an is the earliest written document or specimen of the Arabic language.  There is no other language in the world that has survived fourteen years in the same state intact.  How many centuries have passed, how many rivers have changed, how many civilizations have risen and fallen, languages ​​have been lost, new languages ​​have been born.  Let me cite the example of a verse, Faeder ure on heo-vfonum (The Lord's Prayer, Matthew 6, Bible verse 900), which is said to mean 'the Lord the Father is in heaven.''  Not familiar and readable to the current English-speaking reader.  But any Arabic-speaking person can read the Quran fluently today, understand what the Quran is saying, and this applies to all readers in all the intervening centuries.

Renowned Pandit Dr.  Hamidullah narrates an incident.  Since the original Bible in Aramaic is no longer available, Christian scholars once assembled all the Greek manuscripts of the Bible in Germany.  After an examination of all the manuscripts that existed in the world, it was found that 'in these manuscripts there are more than two hundred thousand contradictions and contradictions ... of which one-eighth, or twenty-five thousand errors are of a serious nature.''When this report was published, some people  Started institutional activities for Qur'anic research in Munich.  The purpose is to test the Qur'an in the same way as the Bible.  A huge research project started.  which continued for about three generations.  By 1933, 43,000 (forty-three thousand) photocopies of the Quran had been collected.  After examination of all the manuscripts, the report published just before World War II found no discrepancies except for one or two minor scribal errors.

And that is why, centuries after centuries, this Muslim Ummah has continued to have such unimaginable affection and devotion to the Book of Allah.  Children's life begins with the first reading of the Qur'an, and the daily life of a Muslim begins with the reading of the Qur'an.  The Qur'an is divided into seven parts.  Each part is called 'Manzil'.  Therefore it is possible to recite the complete Quran every week.  Again this Quran is divided into 30 Paras (Juz), so the Quran can be recited completely once every month.  Al-Qur'an is the most read and most recited book in the world.

 At present, however, we see some changes.  We give 'thanks' to the joint and simultaneous painful assault of colonial education and television.  As a result of the evil effects of these two conflicts, the Qur'an is no longer part of their education and upbringing in the lives of millions of Muslim children.  We find that in many Muslim homes Quran recitation is arranged only on special occasions like someone's death etc.  However, most countries and societies in the world, at least not like the tainted Soviet Union of the past, are not so sophisticated that reading the Qur'an is a big risk.  Woe indeed to the man who dies of thirst while he has in his hand the pure and peaceful drink!  How wretched is the man who dies of disease while holding in his own hand the infallible medicine!

 Of course we will read the Quran, try to understand it and try to apply it in real life.  But we must remember that complete self-absorption and perfect manners and etiquette are essential prerequisites for reading the Qur'an and understanding the message of the Qur'an.  The real aim of our life will be to live with Al-Quran and that will be the real life.  Otherwise our life will be a mere pretense and performance.

 The direct reason for the miraculous preservation of the Qur'an is the intense devotion and devotion and careful attention of Muslims to the Qur'an and the inspiration given by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).  The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, once said to the Companions of Suffar, 'Which of you likes to go every morning and bring two big camels from 'Buthan' or 'Al-Aqeeq' (two markets near Madinah) without any offense or divorce?''At that time camels were  Very valuable and the camel was more valuable.  Much like a shiny new automobile these days.  Companions.  The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, "Teaching or reciting two Surahs from the Qur'an is better than gaining two camels, and three Surahs are better than three camels."  -Sahih Muslim 1336


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