"Every creature must taste death."


Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur'an:

 كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَآىِٕقَةُ الْمَوْتِ ؕ

 Every creature must taste death.

 Death will come to any creature once.  For better or worse he must die.  You may have read in the newspaper, last Tuesday after Maghrib, a great old man from the world, Hazrat Maulana Shah Abrarul Haq.  Departed from the world.  Abrarul Haque Hardui passed away.  He used to come and go a lot in Bangladesh.  Have come many times.  First came in 1981.  He came last time in December 2004.  Stayed for about a week.  He was also more than 85 years old.  Sometimes he got very sick.  He became so sick that there was no hope that he would live in the world.  Then Allah Rabbul Alamin healed.  After recovery, he remained in the world for about four years.  Then he left.

Whoever comes into this world will leave.  Coming here means he has to go.  And since the arrival, the departure time is moving forward.  Ever since a guy arrived we've been watching him grow.  But actually the time of his departure is approaching.  He is moving towards going.  How many people come to this world and how many go.  Some going is a big deal and some going is not a big deal.  Where in India did Abrarul Haque pass away, but not only in Hardui area, but also in Pakistan, Bangladesh and all over the world, there is a discussion that he was a saint of God.  He used to show people the right path, show them the path of circumcision, and show them the way to leave the bad and follow the good path.  He used to do this good deed, his day and night Sadhana was to establish people on good deed and life and death was only for Sunnah.  How Sunnah can be established, how Sunnah life can come in every person in every house and how people can be saved from sin, from bid'ah, from Kufr and Shirk - that was always a fiqr and a headache.  He was always pained by the pain of the Ummah, the pain of the Ummah.  You will see this is being discussed now.  Not only here but everywhere.  Because he made himself waqf for Allah, waqf his life for the religion of Allah.

My life and my death are for Allah.' He has waqf his life for Allah.  And Allah's rule and Allah's principle is that whoever is for Allah, surrenders himself to Allah, has made a waqf for Allah, then Allah becomes his.  And when Allah becomes his, all people will become his.  The hearts of all creatures are in the hands of Allah.  In the hands of God's power.  God is the creator of the heart of the creature, God is the owner of the heart.  Allah will give your love in their hearts.  So today, Hazrat Abrarul Haq.  It is not intended to tell a biography, the biography will come out.  You have read something in the newspaper too, more will be known.  What I want to say in today's Majlis is that the servants of Allah are going.  God's saints are leaving.  We have a lot to learn from their lives.  In the Qur'an, Allah says:

 اُولٰىِٕكَ الَّذِیْنَ هَدَی اللّٰهُ فَبِهُدٰىهُمُ اقْتَدِهْ ؕ

 Allah has given them guidance.  So follow their path.  You also follow the path of their guidance.  To whom Allah has given guidance.  Those who were based on Sirat Mustaqeem.  He was based on the Shariah brought by the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, on the Sunnah of the Prophet.  Allah said, walk in their path.  So that is the path of the Prophet, peace be upon him, the path of the Companions.  And the path which the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam is walking is the only path of guidance.  It is the only way to please Allah, to get Allah.So here is the man who preached circumcision throughout his life, there are some small things in his education and initiation.  Just one or two sentences, few words.  If we can understand and act on them, then walking on the path of Sunnah and Shariah is very beneficial for us.  There are many such words in his life and education.  It is not his invention, if he had invented it, who would have followed him?  Things taken from the lives and traditions of all the Prophets, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.  That's why.

 A 'Makula' he used to say more often 'Ma la yudraku kulluhu la yutraku kulluhu.' We also say in Bengali - 'Purn nai to aadhi sai.' It was a theory of his.  It is a simple matter, which we understand about the world, but do not pay attention to it about the work of the Hereafter.  Abrarul Haque Sahib used to say, you should pay attention to this.  Start whatever you can.  We think we know how much it takes to be an old man.  What can be done?  It requires a lot of effort.  A great sacrifice is required, sacrifice is required.  We are not free for that.  We don't have that chance.  We do not have that courage.  Hazrat said that no it is not a matter.  Rather, look at two hadiths of the Holy Prophet.  That is, do not leave any good work as small.  Don't think that what will happen if you do this?  Allah's Messenger said, Do what you can.  Even if this is done, a lot will be done.  how much  Don't worry, this is also a noble deed.  Rasool says, a man brought water from a well.  You are also drinking water.  You pour some water in his pot with your pot, it is a good deed.  A murawbee will perform ablution, fill him with a lot of water in the faucet.  This is a good deed you do not think small.  It will also work for you, it will benefit you.  Even if you meet someone, meet him with a smile.  Ask with a smile - how are you brother?Without meeting with a smile, if he passes in front of someone with a black face and leaves without salam kalam, then he will not feel bad?  When he greeted, he said Wa Alaikum Salam.  When asked how he was doing, he said he was fine.  You don't think anything of it.  The Messenger of Allah said, This is also a good deed.  Don't take it too lightly.  That doesn't mean I don't have to do great deeds.  not that  Still, you are missing out on a lot of rewards by letting the little ones feel small.  don't do it  Act on this hadith more and more.  Don't underestimate any good deed.  And another hadith - 'do not consider any sin small', what will happen if you do this?  It is a small crime.  A crime is a crime.  No matter how small.  A sin is a sin.  Sin is sin, what is small and big?  Disobedience with whom not to see?  So whether the crime is small or big, but with whom the crime, whose disobedience, he is small?  Nowzubillah, he is the great Rabbul Alamin.  Then I will not think that this sin is small or what will happen if I do it.  A crime is a crime.  A sin is a sin.  Even if it's small I won't.  And even if the good deed is small, since it is a good deed, I will do it.  This theory and the one about the hadith will be much more.  Start whatever you can.  Can't catch all at once.  So start one by one.  But our problem is that we will not be able to do all the good deeds, so we will not do even the smallest ones.  I will not do what I can.  The world has changed.  Times have changed.  Now all these old rituals do not work.  Now it is difficult to do good deeds.  Society prevents it.  But there are thousands of good deeds that society will not say anything about.  If you don't light up the wedding, you might say something if you don't waste it.  He married his son but did nothing.  I will be in society, living with them, so how do I oppose their mentality.  I understand that it is your weakness due to which you could not do this noble work.But how many Sunnahs to enter and leave this mosque, Sunnah to enter with the right foot, Sunnah to read Bismillah, Sunnah to read Darud Sharif.  Bismillahi Wassalatu Wassalamu Ala Rasulillah Allahummaftahli Abwaba Rahmatik, this is just a matter of learning the prayer.  And read only Bismillah until the prayer is memorized.  And 'Allahummaftahli Abwaba Rahmatik' is written in front of the mosque.  Read it.  He entered with the right foot while exiting with the left foot first, recited 'Allahumma Inni Asaluka Min Fadlika'.  Here too there is Bismillah and Durood Sharif at the time of entry.  At the time of going out, he recited 'Bismillahi Wassalatu Wassalamu Ala Rasoolillah Allahumma Inni Asaluka Min Fadlika'.  What will hinder the society?  When entering the house, say 'Assalamu Alaikum' and say 'Bismillah' with your right foot, will the society stop you?  No one will stop.  What is the name of society?  My name and yours is society.  If you are right, the society will be right.  What is the name of the era?  Times have changed, have we changed?  Rather, we have changed.  Nothing has been sent down from the sky in the society.  Society is me and you.  That I understand.  Why don't I say that conscience and Shariah are bad?  It sucks so I won't do it.  I say this, then someone else will.  Another will say.  That will fix the society.  You will say, what will happen if I say, the other will not say.  But what does it matter?  you say  Will someone kill you?  will cut you?

Why in this age of human rights if you leave any work against the society then someone will kill you?  That barbaric era is gone.  Now is the golden age, the era of establishing human rights (!) Why are you afraid?  What I think is bad, do every person in society think it is bad?  Formality is bad.  Why do that?  Society, social pressure.  Everyone says this.  But who pressures whom?  We must remember this.  Society is not the name of something else, but my name is yours.  Times have not changed.  You and I have changed.  So if we intend to do these things with full determination and start working with courage to put ourselves on the right path and avoid wrongdoing, in a few days you will see that the times are right, the society is right.  Abrarul Haque used to say this time and again that don't look at the society, don't give all these excuses that times have changed.

 What is the issue of Sharia?  What is Sunnah Tariqa?  you listen to it  Understand from scholars.  And dare to start acting on it.  Seeing you, others will change their ways.  You have no reason to fear them.  Many aspects of the Sunnah and Seerat of the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, he repeatedly said that many things have changed, not only in his area, but many such changes have occurred in many places.  Even that change has led many to leave the bad deeds and follow the original Sunnah and Tariqa of the Messenger of Allah.


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