Jihad with Nafs (1)


Many kinds of thoughts arise in people's minds.  It contains all kinds of good and bad thoughts.  Bad thoughts arise alongside good thoughts, and good thoughts arise alongside bad thoughts.  The conflict between the good and the bad is the argument.  Sometimes the side of good thinking wins and sometimes the side of evil thinking wins.  In the end, the individual proceeds to perform the task according to the idea that the party wins.  Suppose a good idea arises in the mind to go to the mosque and pray with the congregation.  There is also the thought of not going as well.  The two sides began to argue and present evidence.  Arguments and evidences continued to be presented from both sides.  One side presented the importance and virtues of going to the mosque and continued to make arguments in favor of going to the mosque, while the other side tried to make arguments for performing namaz at home by pointing out various reasons and objections against going.  Finally, the action of going to the mosque or not going to the mosque will be done according to the side that will win this argument.  If the party in favor of going to the mosque wins, then going to the mosque and praying with the congregation will become, and if the party against going wins, going to the mosque will no longer become possible.  Such arguments are not limited to whether or not to go to the mosque for prayer;  On the contrary, from the religious thoughts of people to every deed and every good or bad thought-consciousness, such arguments are going on in the mind.  Bahash goes with Nafs constantly, every moment.We don't even think about how many times such arguments go on in our minds every day and how many times a side wins or loses.  Among such vagaries running in the mind, the negative side is nafse ammarah or evil instinct.  And the helper of Nafse Ammara is Satan.  He gets support and help from Satan.  And the positive side is Salima in Fitr ie good nature or good attitude.  And the salima or good-natured companion in fitrah is the angel.  He gets support and help from angels.  Each person is accompanied by such support and helper devils and angels.  Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Masood RA.  In a hadith narrated from the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, each of you is assigned with his helper jinn, Satan and helper angels. -Musnad Ahmad 3648 Qalb (mind/on-r/heart) is the form of all thoughts-consciousness.  There is a memory in the mind.  All kinds of emotions, feelings, imaginations, assumptions, sensations, etc. are transmitted and stored in that memory.  When any of these takes the form of thought and desire and wants to advance towards a goal, the mind takes it to the destination.  As such the mind can be compared to an engine.  And that thought or desire can be compared to a rider.  Our physical body is the equivalent of that car body.  And Ruh or Atma or Prana is equivalent to the power of the engine.  By the power of the soul, the mind-engine moves with its vehicle body, i.e. this inert body, towards Gana-Vya.  However, apart from this inanimate body, Ruh (soul/soul) and Kalb have another inanimate body, which is called jisme michali i.e. symbolic or metaphorical body.  In the state of sleep, the soul and the body wander with the mixture in this body.  It should be noted that during sleep, the supreme soul wanders out.  The soul still exists in the inanimate body, thus the inanimate body survives.The inert body in the form of the car also moves in the direction where the engine moves.  Soul, soul and body together are one car.  The driver of this vehicle is Salima (healthy nature) or Nafs (bad instinct).  Salima in Fitr is a healthy nature given by God in man, which guides man to a positive path.  A verse in the Qur'an says, follow the nature given by Allah (swt) upon which He has created man.  There is no change in God's creation.  This is the right religion. - Surah Rum: In verse 30, Fitrat means Salima or healthy nature, which guides people on a positive path according to religion.  Every human being is born with this nature.  About this Hazrat Abu Hurairah RA.  In a hadith narrated by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, he said, every child is born on Salim at Fitr, then his parents make him a Jews or a Nasara (Christian) or a Majusi (fire worshipper).

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