All the virtues of the holy Ramadan Kareem

The month of Ramadan is more prestigious and blessed month than the remaining eleven months of the year.  There are many special features of this month.

 1.  It is in this month that the Qur'an, the document of the liberation of mankind and the jinn, was first sent down from Laohe Mahfuz to Baitul Izzat in the sky, and the first revelation to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was revealed in this month.  It is stated in the Qur'an- (Tarjama) that the month of Ramadan is the month in which the Qur'an was revealed, a guidance for mankind and a clear guidance for those who are on the right path.  - Surah Baqarah 185

 2.  The door of mercy is opened in this month.  Hadith Sharif - "When the month of Ramadan begins, the door of mercy is opened." - Sahih Muslim, Hadith 1079/2

 3.  In another hadith, the merits of this month have been described that, "On the occasion of the good fortune of the month of Ramadan, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of Hell are closed."  And Shaitan is chained.' - Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 1899;  Sahih Muslim, Hadith 1079/1

 4.  This month is the month of salvation from hell.  So this is a golden opportunity to get the permission of liberation through more worship and Istegfar.  The hadith is found in Sharif - "Allah Ta'ala frees many people from hell every day during Iftar." -Musnad Ahmad Hadith 21698

5.  Businessmen have a special season when their business is very busy and profitable.  That season earns much more than other times of the year.  This month of Ramadan is the best season for traders of the Hereafter to trade in the Hereafter.  Because in this month, many times more rewards are obtained from each amal.  The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said - 'Umrah in Ramadan is equivalent to Hajj.' - Jame' Tirmidhi, Hadith 939;  Sunan Abu Dawud, Hadith 1986

 In another narration (which is weak from the point of view of the hadith), the matter is described in this way: "Whoever prays one Nafl in the month of Ramadan, it is as if he prays one Fajr in another month."  And whoever performs one fard in this month, it is as if he performed seventy fards in another month.  - Shuabul Iman 3/305-306

 In other words, if you perform Nafal in this month, you will be rewarded like other months.  And one fard of this month is equivalent to 70 fards of another month.

 This is the reward for other periods of this month except fasting.  And about the reward of fasting, Allah Almighty himself said - (Tarjama) "Surely fasting is for Me, and I will reward it myself." Sahih Muslim, Hadith 1151/165

Only he knows the amount of this reward.  In this context, the title 'Virtues of Fasting' has been highlighted.

 Ramadan is the month of mercy, blessing, forgiveness, freedom from hell and gaining paradise.  Therefore, even after receiving such a month, the person who could not forgive his sins, Jibraeel himself.  Baddua was made and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, rahmatullahil alamin, also affirmed that he was amen.  Hadith Sharif has come - "The Prophet, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, got up on the pulpit and said Amen, Amen, Amen."  He was told, O Messenger!  You wouldn't do that.  The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, Jibraeel said to me, "Wretched is the person who does not enter Paradise, even if he receives both his parents or one of them (by serving them).  Then I said, Amen.  Then he said, "Woe to that person who could not atone for his sins even after receiving Ramadan."  I said, Amen.  Jibraeel said again, "May that person be destroyed to whom my name is mentioned but he did not bless me."  I said, Amen.  - Al Adabul Mufrad: 225, Hadith 646;  Sahih Ibn Hibban, Hadith 908

Every good deed has different virtues and rewards with which the Almighty Rabbul Alamin will reward the doer, but the matter of fasting is quite unique.  Because apart from the multiple rewards of fasting, there is an incomparable declaration about it.  The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

 'Every action of man is increased.  A good deed (sawab) is increased from 10 times to (in special cases) 700 times.  Allah Ta'ala says: But the matter of fasting is different.  Because fasting is for me.  So I will repay him myself.'- Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 1894;  Sahih Muslim, Hadith 1151/164

 In this hadith, two things can be concluded:

 1.  There is a specific policy regarding the increase of reward for all periods other than fasting.  That is from 10 times to 700 times.  This is the general rule.  Allah Ta'ala can provide more than this in special cases if He wills.  But usually the reward of all periods is determined through this principle.  But fasting is different.  Because its reward has no fixed boundaries;  Rather, Allah Ta'ala Himself has announced its reward.  Only he knows how much it will be.

An external reason for the great virtue of fasting may also be that fasting is a result of patience.  And the good news of Allah Ta'ala for those who are patient is - 'Those who are patient will have countless rewards.' - Surah Jumar 10

 2.  All worship is for Allah.  Due to the many special features of fasting, he chose him only for himself and said - 'Fasting is for me, so he will give the reward of fasting himself and he will give good news to the fasting person.  -Lataif 168-170

 Hadith Sharif mentions various rewards and rewards for fasting.  Below are some of them:

 1. Fasting will recommend the Day of Resurrection

 It is mentioned in the Hadith Sharif - "Fasting and the Qur'an will intercede for the servant on the Day of Resurrection."  Roza will say, O Allah! I have completely abstained from eating and drinking and sexual intercourse during the day.  So forgive him and reward him and accept my intercession for him.  And the Qur'an will say, I prevented him from sleeping at night.  So accept my recommendation regarding that.  Then their intercession will be accepted.' -Musnad Ahmad, Hadith 6589;  Tabarani-Majmouz Ghawaied 3/519

2.  Fasting is the shield and fortress of Hellfire

 Hadith Sharif - "Fasting is a shield and a fortress for salvation from the fire of Hell." -Musnad Ahmad, Hadith 8972

 3.  Faster will enter Jannat through Shahi Toran called Rayyan

 It is stated in a hadith that there is a royal arch called Rayyan in Paradise through which only those who fast will enter.  No one else can enter through that archway.'('And whoever enters through the Rayyan Gate will never thirst again.' Sahih Bukhari 1/254; Sahih Muslim, Hadith 1152

 4.  All the sins of the fasting person's life will be forgiven

 Hadith Sharif has come - "Whoever fasts Ramadan with full faith for the sake of Shawaab, Allah will forgive all the sins of his life." - Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 1901

 5.  The prayer of the fasting person is accepted

 It has been mentioned in the Hadith Sharif that the dua of three persons is not returned: the dua of a fasting person at the time of breaking fast, the dua of a just ruler and the dua of an oppressed person.  Allah raised the dua of these three people above the clouds.  And for this the gates of heaven were opened.  Then Allah Almighty said, I swear by honor and great honor!  I will surely help you even if it is delayed.' - Sahih Ibn Hibban, Hadith 3428

6.  Two joys for fasting

 It is mentioned in the Hadith Sharif-'There are two special moments of enjoyment for a fasting person.  One at the time of Iftar, the other at the time of meeting one's Lord.' - Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 1904;  Sahih Muslim, Hadith 1151/164

 7.  The smell of a fasting person's mouth is more fragrant than that of a perfumer

 Allah Ta'ala has evaluated the stench in the mouth due to fasting in an unimaginable way.  He said that the stench caused by starvation is more fragrant than incense to him and he blessed the fasting people who were intoxicated with his love.

 The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said - "Certainly, the smell of the mouth during fasting (from abstaining from food and drink) is better in the sight of Allah than the fragrance of incense." - Sahih Bukhari Hadith, 1904

 It should be noted here that in the narrated hadith, stench refers to the smell that arises from inside the stomach due to abstinence from eating and drinking.  Bad breath caused by keeping teeth and mouth unclean is not the point here.  So the fasting person must be aware of keeping his teeth and mouth clean.

May Allah Ta'ala grant us all Tawfeek to fulfill the right of Ramadan and protect us from the curse of the Prophet.  Amen!


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