Remembering death more and more


On that Day you will be asked about the favors that We bestowed upon you in this world.  What rights have you earned?

 It is in Hadith Sharif, a one-time event.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was fasting.  There was no food in the house.  Think how happy we are today.  What good food I am taking.  And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) lived in such a way that he and his family had to fast.  Ummul Mu'minin Hazrat Ayesha.  He said, sometimes it happened that the moon was seen for three months in a row, but there was no way to light a fire in our house.  Asked how to live?  He replied, by dates and water. For three months only dates and water are living!

 A companion said, "The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, never ate barley bread in his entire life." Once the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was hungry and there was nothing to eat at home.  The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, went out on some errand.  He saw that a companion was coming.  The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, asked, why did you come?  He replied, O Messenger of Allah!  Very hungry and nothing to eat.  Then the king of Jahan, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, Brother!  I have the same situation.  Come on, a friend of mine (an Ansari Sahabi) has a garden.  We entered the garden.  The Companions were very happy to see us that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, had arrived.  It was a hot day.  He sat the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) under a tree and himself went to fetch dates etc.  After a while he brought dates and cold water.  The Prophet (peace be upon him) ate dates and drank water.  Then he pointed at the Companions and said, what is said in the Holy Qur'an, (translation) 'On the Day of Resurrection you will be asked about the blessings.' On the Day of Resurrection, you will be asked about the dates and cold water, what rights have you earned for the blessings that I have given you?

Just think, when there was nothing to eat in the house during the time of hunger, even the dates and water that were found will be asked on the Day of Resurrection, what right did you get for it?

 But today we are living a luxurious life.  I am eating and drinking what I want.  When any good food came in front of Sahaba Keram, they used to burst into tears and could not eat food.  They used to say, we remember how the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) lived.  Today we are living such a better life!

 I was saying that the Qur'an warns us that you are engaged in worshiping your body day and night and you are engrossed in the thought of how to live a luxurious life, to earn more and more wealth, and this thought makes you indifferent to the Hereafter.  has done  As a result, you will go to the graveyard in this state, and when you go there, you will realize how foolish you were.  On that day you will be asked, what rights have you earned for the blessings that were given to you?  Have you thanked Allah?  Have you worshiped Allah?  Do you obey God's law?  My brothers and sisters!

We always read this Surah every Muslim has this Surah memorized.  But since the meaning is unknown, we remain indifferent to the important message it conveys.  Each one examines his condition and sees what thoughts he was occupied with from morning to evening and how much time he was focused on the main goal.  How much time has passed in the remembrance of Allah?  Have you ever thought that I have to leave this world, stand before Allah Ta'ala and answer for my actions?  How much time has this thought?  Then the reality is what the Qur'an has made clear (Tarjama) that wealth has made you careless.

 It is necessary to find a way out of this indifference

 The first thing in this regard is to shake off the misconception that this world is only for earning.  As the infidels say, (Tarjma) we have no life but this worldly life.  This is our life and death.  And time destroys us.  For the sake of Allah, try to understand the reality that the life of this world is a journey and it will end at any time.  After that the life of the hereafter will begin.  Accountable before Allah Ta'ala.  The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Remember more and more the death that destroys all tastes.” But we do not remember it.

I wear the shroud of my loved ones with my own hands, I bury them in the grave with my own hands, I carry the funeral on my own shoulders, I give soil with my own hands.  Then clean your hands and come back.  I never thought that such a time would come to me one day.  I too will go to the grave one day.  One thing is to remember death.  Hakimul Ummat Hazrat Thanvi Rah.  Said, I want to meditate at some point of the day that the last moment of my life has come, I am leaving this world.  Relatives have left me in the grave.  The angels have come.  Q&A has started.  The record of my whole life is laid before me.  Tell me, what will happen at this time?  It is important to meditate on this matter.  Take some time for this.  May Allah, by His mercy, strengthen this belief in our hearts that this world is not everything.  There is another life after this world.

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