The glory of the Muslim nation is Imam Malik Rah.(1)


His position is very high in the state of knowledge and piety.  His abode in the heart-state of the Muslim Ummah.  Even today his name is spoken with reverence in the centers of learning all over the world.  Every center especially alert to the practice of hadith becomes respectful when his name comes up.  Yes, I am talking about Imam Malik Ibn Anas.  His enlightened journey on the path of knowledge, truth and good deeds has created wonder in the minds of the truth-seeking people of the world and created a great curiosity.  How did he grow so big?  What path did he walk to achieve this royal status and amazing acceptance?  In this article, we will try to find the answer to this question from various chapters of the life of this great Imam.


 He had a strong passion for science since childhood.  Worldly wealth was not much in student life.  He broke the roof of the house and sold its wood to buy books.Later, when he rose like a radiant sun in the sky of Elam, all the means of earthly comforts fell at his feet.  But the Great Imam had no attraction for the world, for the means of the world.  That splendor could not turn him away from the hereafter even for a moment.  This is the characteristic of real great men.  Imam Malik, who has a strong mind and power.  At the age of just seventeen, he started giving dars (recitations) of the Holy Hadith Sharif.From this time, his wisdom was shown in various events.  Ja'far bin Abdullah rah.  Narrated, we were once present in the court of Imam Malik.  Then a person appeared and asked, "What do you say about the interpretation of 'The Most Merciful Enthroned'?"  What is the nature of this institution? Imam Malik Rah.  He was very saddened to hear her question and kept his head down looking at the ground.  His forehead became sweaty.  Then he replied, الاستواء معلوم والكيف محول واليمان به واجب, والؤال عنه بدعة أخرجوا عني هذا المبتدع 'The matter of existence is known, its nature is unknown, it is obligatory to believe in it and to question it is innovation. Remove this heresy from me.' Another time a person entered his Majlis and raised the question, What is your statement about the Qur'an being created or not?  (That is, like other creations, the Qur'an is not a mortal creation?) Imam Malik rah.  He said, 'Kill this Jindinak.  This statement of his will give birth to a thousand fitnahs.'Indeed, after the death of Imam Malik, great fitnahs were created about this.  Many true scholars were persecuted for questioning this false doctrine.  Many were even martyred.  Here are some more enlightening sayings of Imam Malik. He said, the name of excess of description is not knowledge, but knowledge is light, which Allah bestows in the hearts of people. Once he was asked, what do you say about the pursuit of knowledge?  He said, very good and beautiful work, but from morning to evening one should be aware of one's duties and be busy in performing duties.He once said, "It is not proper for a scholar to speak of knowledge to those who do not have the ability to understand it, because it is disrespectful and demeaning to knowledge."


 Imam Malik had deep respect and sincere love for the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).  His famous disciple, Ameerul Mumineen Abdullah Ibn Mubarak of Hadith world.  Narrated, 'Once I attended the service of Imam Malik.  He was busy teaching Hadith Sharif.  A scorpion kept stinging him.  And Imam Sahib's face started to fade.  This happened about ten times.  But Imam Sahib did not stop teaching hadith, even in his speech and interpretation, no mistake or inconsistency was observed.  After the end of the majlis, I asked him privately, Lord!  What is the reason for the change in your face that I noticed repeatedly during the prayer today?' Imam Sahib then told him about the sting of the scorpion and also said that my patience is not because of my endurance;  Rather, it was possible because of the sense of honor of the hadith of the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace.


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