Jihad with Nafs (2)


An innocent animal gives birth to a healthy child, do you see a cub with cropped ears among those children? - Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim This hadith implies that the innate nature of every human being guides him to a positive path.  , does not indicate negative path direction;  Rather, negative thoughts arise in him due to the influence of the environment and surroundings.  As an animal baby is not born with cropped ears, humans later mutilate its ears.  In essence, the healthy nature that is born in humans is Salima Fitr.  On the other hand, Nafs or Prakriti is a power in man which has both good and bad qualities.  Allah has placed in him the ability to receive both types of influence.  In the Qur'an it is mentioned (interpreted) the oath of (man's) self and the One who has reconciled him (in all respects).  Then He endowed it (the soul) with the knowledge of good and evil.  He who purifies the soul is sure to succeed and he who pollutes it is doomed to failure.  -Surah Ash-Shams: 7-10 This verse implies that the self has the ability to receive both good and bad influences.  When he is influenced by the evil teachings of Satan or the evil influence of his surroundings and the negative aspect prevails in him, then he is nafse ammarah or evil inclination.Again, by continually disobeying the nafs, repeatedly presenting evil to him as evil, and continuing to give him good guidance, he also learns to call evil evil and ceases to incite evil.  When it reaches this stage, then the nafs is called nafse lawamah, the instinct that despises evil.  Then, if this situation continues, at some point the soul will be so satisfied that it will no longer incite evil.  When the nafs reaches this stage, it is called nafse mutamayinna, i.e. a nafs about which one can be satisfied and about which one can be free from fear.  However, since the nafs is naturally prone to negative influences and the efforts of Satan to influence it are strong from the beginning, the term nafs refers to ammarah or evil tendencies in the nafs.  Note that the above three words namely Nafse Ammara, Nafse Lawama and Nafse Mutmainna, exist in the Holy Quran.  But it is not right to think that these words are used there in the sense mentioned.  It is a term of Sufiaye Keram.  However, it was being said that the mind is the driver of the engine (car) in this Fitrat Salima or Nafs or bad instincts.  Whenever any of the emotions, feelings, imaginations, guesses and sensations etc. in the mind takes the form of thoughts and desires and wants to move in a direction and the engine of the mind intends to take its car to the destination, then the competition between Salima and Nafs begins in Fitr - who is in the driver's seat.  will be seated  The arguments and arguments between the two drivers to establish superiority with arguments and proofs begin.  The winner of that gets to the driver's seat and drives the car to the destination of his choice.  And the body is connected to that engine and follows it.  Therefore, in order for good thoughts to reach the final positive destination, salima or good nature must be victorious in fighting with Satan or Nafse Ammara.For that, you have to know the arguments and strategies to defeat the ego.  The details of such symbolic battles and the strategies to win them will be discussed under the title, Inshallah.  The importance of the matter is immense.  Because no one is free from Ammarah in the soul.  No one is free from the fear of harm from Nafse Ammara.  Therefore no one is safe from nafse ammarah and the evil incitement of nafse ammarah.  Moreover, Nafse Ammara's accomplice Satan is with everyone.  Those who want to lead a carefree life without consideration of good and bad, have a different story.  It is up to them if they do not take seriously what the consequences of any thought will be.  But the believer who vows to overcome evil thoughts and conquer good thoughts and accordingly establish good thoughts and perform good deeds must take the matter seriously.  When any kind of emotion will enter the mind, when any emotion will appear on the screen of the mind, what the mind will say, what thoughts will keep going back and forth in the mind is not a matter of anyone's discretion.  This matter is completely in the control of Allah.  But the slave has the power to reach the level of determination.  For this reason, if one decides to commit a sin and starts a determined action, the servant becomes a sinner.  Because, it happens in his own jurisdiction.  Therefore, if any bad emotion or feeling arises in the mind, or if any bad desire is awakened, so that it does not take the form of a decision, one should speak against it with the speech of the mind, if the nafs and the devil speak in favor of that evil, then one should argue with the nafs and the devil.  Arguments and arguments presented by Nafs and Satan must be refuted.  All such bahaach will be highlighted under the title of Nafs Sahe Bahaach.If you can win these battles, you will win the Jihad with Nafs.  Jihad with Nafs and join the ranks of Mujahid.  However, it must be remembered that the mercy of Allah Ta'ala is absolutely necessary to overcome this temptation of the soul.  Without the mercy of Allah Ta'ala it is not possible to win by reasoning alone.  So this bahah will start with 'Auzubillah ..', the bahah will also end with 'Auzubillah ..'.  That is, seeking refuge in Allah Rabbul Alamin alone in all situations and in all areas and seeking His mercy.  I don't know that anyone has written anything under the title 'Nafs Sahe Bahach'.  However, Sufiaye Keram's writings have enough information about this.  They have discussed strategies to resist the various evil thoughts and negative desires of the self and have provided guidance in this regard in the light of Quran and Sunnah.  In the light of Qur'an and Sunnah, the guidance given by Sufiyae Keram, the personal experience of various thinkers and the description of my own little practical thoughts and thoughts will be based on it and the writing entitled 'Nafs Sahe Bahach' will be built on it.  The discussion will continue in serial numbers of Alkauser, InshaAllah.  Different topics will be discussed in each issue, so that the readers do not have to rush to read and understand the topic of the next issue because they have not read any previous issue, and they can feel the flavor of different topics in each issue.  The discussion is not theoretical;  Rather, an attempt will be made to present it in the form of a story, so that the readers are able to overcome the theoretical complexity of spiritual matters in the spirit of the story.

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