The glory of the Muslim nation is Imam Malik Rah. (2)


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 There was a profound silence during the hadith of Imam Malik rah.  No one dared to speak even a little loudly.  The world-renowned Alim Sufian Chaori once attended the Dars of Malik.  Noting the serious atmosphere of the lecture and the charisma of Shaan Shaukat, he recited a few lines, which meant 'If he does not answer, all the questioners sit with their heads bowed.  No one dares to question again.  He sits with dignity in the seat of kingship in the kingdom of Taqwa.  He is not a king, yet (like a king) he is obeyed.' The famous Sufi saint Bishar Hafi said that it was also a great blessing to say that a person's 'Haddachana Malik'-Imam Malik narrated to us between earthly blessings and glory.  That is, the glory of Imam Malik reached such a point that people considered his discipleship to be a matter of worldly glory.  However, the matter was a matter of the Hereafter and a religious matter.  Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi Rah.  In one of his famous speeches, talking about the status of the Madrasa, he highlighted the dignity of Imam Malik rah. in a very touching language as follows: "The era of Imam Malik."  All over the world, Ilm-practice is booming.  At that time, it was considered a matter of great honor for someone to say that ``Haddachana Malik'' means Imam Malik narrated this hadith to us.  This was the most prestigious event of all time.  If someone in any part of the world said, 'Haddachana Malik', then everyone's ears would have lit up.  Everyone started looking up at him and wondering who was the lucky person who had the honor of receiving Imam Malik's discipleship.  Imam Malik rah.  At the end of the Umayyad rule and the beginning of the Abbasid rule, Dars was enthroned in Masnad.He used to narrate hadiths in the holy city of Medina.  A proposal came to him from the court of the Caliphate (Khalifa Harunur Rashid) that you should come to the court and give some lessons to the two princes Amin and Mamun.  He replied, 'From your house has started the process of imparting knowledge and honor.  Now you do not deserve his humiliation.  You have to come to knowledge, knowledge does not go to anyone.' As a result of this comment of Imam Malik, Amin and Mamun went to the court of Imam Malik and heard the hadith from him.  He used to say, "I have never accepted the company of a foolish person in my life."Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal Rah.  He used to say, 'There can be no greater honor for scholars than this.  For in the company of fools the light of knowledge dims and the person concerned is cast down to a lower level of empathy.  As a result, the sharpness of his knowledge is reduced to a large extent.


 Imam Malik was very attentive to the manners of the hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him).  He did not even change his knees during courtship;  Rather, he used to sit in the same position as he used to sit until the end of the Majlis.  He had never in his healthy life responded to the call of nature within the Haram limits of Madinah Sharif.  However, after falling ill, he was unable to do so.There was a separate post for him in the course of teaching hadith.  He used to wear good clothes and put on perfume and come very humbly and pray at that chowki.  As long as the recitation of hadiths continued in the majlis, he would keep the atmosphere of the majlis pleasant by throwing incense and agarwood into the incense pot kept on the side. Unfortunately, today we do not have that love and sense of greatness towards hadith.  We hold Hadith Dars in four different ways.  Imam Malik's soul was connected with Madinah Sharif.  That is why he never left Madinah Sharif for the fear that he would die outside Madinah Sharif.  It is said that because of this, Imam Malik.  He did not perform Hajj more than once.  After performing the obligatory Hajj, he did not travel from Madinah Sharif to Makkah Sharif.  He was asked, which of the two cities do you prefer to live in, Makkah Mukarramah and Madinah Munawara?  In reply, he said, why should I not prefer to stay in Madinah, in whose streets the king of Dojahan, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, walked, and in the city where Hazrat Jibraeel (A.S.)  Landed again and again.  Imam Malik stayed in Madinah Sharif all his life.  He died in this holy land and had the good fortune to be buried in its holy ground.  Death in Madinah Sharif is essentially a matter of sheer luck.  There is a clear declaration of its merits in the words of the Prophet himself.  Hazrat Omar Ibnul Khattab RA.  He used to make dua saying often, Allahum Arzuq Shahadah في سبيلك واجعل موتي في بلد رسولك 'Bless me O Lord for the martyrdom of your way/may I die as if your Prophet died in Madinah' Imam Malik Rah.  At that time, a person said that the soil of Madinah Sharif was defective. Imam Malik.  Gave him a fatwa of thirty lashes and imprisonment.  Imam Sahib did not ride in Madinah.  He used to say, I feel ashamed to trample the holy land that holds the grave of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with the horse's hoof.


 Imam Malik rah.  Who was given physical beauty as well as internal beauty by Allah Ta'ala.  He had a tall and muscular body.  Having an oval and beautiful pointed nose.  There was little hair on the forehead.  Hazrat Omar  And Hazrat Ali also had such a short forehead.  His beard was very thick and extended to his chest.  Wakidi narrates, Imam Malik rah.  He lived for ninety long years.  But in this long life he never used Khiyab on his beard.  He was very intelligent.  He used to wear clothes from the city of Aden in Yemen.  Aden's cloth was of the finest quality and of high value.  He also used expensive fabrics from Khorasan and Egypt.  His clothes were bright.  Cut off the part of the goof that falls on the lips.  His golf was also abundant.  In this regard, he is Amirul Mu'minin Hazrat Omar.  He imitated it.  He used to  He used to say, "I don't like to accept as a friend the one whom Allah has given abundantly but whose clothes and hopes do not have signs of blessings."  Because he is showing ingratitude by concealing the blessings given by Allah.  Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddis Dehlawi Rah.  He said, the elders of the ancient era used to wear both ordinary and advanced class clothes for pure intentions.  Their purpose was to express gratitude and fame by showing signs of the blessings of Allah Ta'ala.  The behavior of both categories of elders is admirable.

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