No other religion in the world could give rights to women in Islam


As girls from pure Hindu families we have always been taught that we will get married, have children and serve our husband no matter what.  Then I noticed a lot of things in reality, which is violence against girls.  For example, if a woman is a widow, she must always wear a white sari (dress), eat vegetables, keep her hair short, and she can never marry.  A wife must always pay dowry in her husband's house;  Whether the wife can afford to give whatever the husband wants or not.  Not only this, if the wife is unable to pay the full dowry after marriage, then she suffers both mentally and physically.  He may even 'drop to death while cooking';  That is, her husband or both her husband and mother-in-law can intentionally set fire to her body in the kitchen, later it will be shown that the wife died due to accidental fire.  Many such incidents are happening.  Last year, the daughter of a friend of my father took this fate!  Above all, men are considered gods in Hinduism.  In a certain Hindu puja ceremony, unmarried girls worship the image of a deity and pray that they get a husband like that deity.  My mother also told me to pray like this.

 The superstitions of Hinduism came to my attention and I realized that they have no basis and are just rituals, which are not oppression of women;  In this way, girls can never get their rights.  Later when I came to study in England I felt that here men and women are given equal rights and girls are not deprived of rights.  I thought, we women can do whatever we want here.  However, as I continued to meet people in England, meet new friends, see new societies and go to places where 'sociality' is created, i.e. dance clubs and bars etc., I began to feel it.  That 'equal rights of men and women' is not in the real sense as it is said in theory.

Outwardly, women were given equal rights in education, work, etc., but in reality they were deprived in various subtle ways.  When I used to visit different places with my friends, I would see that everyone was interested in talking to me and I thought this was very natural at first.  But later when the real intention of those people was caught, I realized that it was not as I thought.  I started to feel uncomfortable.  Because they had dishonest interest in getting to know me.  Then I felt that I was losing myself.  I had to dress in such a way that others liked to see me;  One had to speak in such a way that others were happy.  I soon began to feel very uncomfortable.  But everyone says that this is how they get a lot of pleasure.  I, however, could not consider this mind-bending to be an enjoyable thing.  I think such a life of women is a life of subjugation.  She has to dress to impress other men, dress up to be attractive to them, and talk in a way that they like.  At this time I thought about Islam, although some of my companions were Muslims.  But' I was thinking of a change and was looking for something that would offer peace and security.  Everyone has a belief, based on which he lives.  If one believes that association with other people is a matter of pleasure, then one will do so.  If someone thinks that drinking is a way to enjoy life, he will resort to it.  But' I have felt that these do not bring any good results and thus one does not actually attain peace.  And by participating in these activities, women's dignity is further damaged.

In today's age of 'equal rights', a woman is expected to have a 'boyfriend' and not be a virgin;  It is not surprising!  Needless to say, this is clearly unfair and degrading to women, although some women don't want to realize it.  I finally got permanent security when I accepted Islam.  Islam as a religion is complete and its guidance is clear in every aspect of life.  Many people have the misconception that Islam is a religion of oppression - Islam is a religion of oppression, because in Islam women are covered from head to toe;  Islam is believed to have curtailed the freedom of women in this way.  In fact, women have much more rights in Islam, and that was given to them 1400 years ago.  Now compare the rights given to non-Muslim women in Western or other societies - recently (how much?).  But' still discounted?  There are many societies where women are oppressed, oppressed, as I mentioned.  Muslim women have the right to inherit property.  Have the right to run your own business.  They have full independent rights over ownership, property, expenditure of own property etc. and wife has no right over husband in these assets.  A Muslim woman has the right to obtain the necessary education and can refuse marriage proposals for reasonable reasons.  In many places in the Holy Quran, the rights of women are mentioned and the husband is commanded to treat his wife well.  The reason there is sound guidance in Islam is that it is not man-made, but the law given by the Creator Himself;  And so Islam is the right religion.

The question is often raised as to why Muslim women cover from head to toe.  It is also said that this is oppression.  This is binding.  This is how Islam wants to keep women captive.  But this is not true.  According to Islam, marriage is an important aspect of human life, which builds society.  So women should not expose themselves to anyone other than their husbands.  It is also a commandment on a man that he cannot open himself to anyone except his seventy wives.  It is because of the dignity and honor of women that Allah Ta'ala commands women to be veiled: Al-Qur'an 33:59.

 In society we see that most women are attacked and teased because of their fierce clothing.  Another point I would like to make.  That is, the rules that Allah Ta'ala has given in Islam are not only for women;  But also for men.  Islam forbids the free association of men and women for the good of both.  Whatever Allah Ta'ala commands is correct, complete and beneficial for humanity.  There is no doubt about it.  A verse of the Holy Quran makes it clear: Surah Noor 24:31. 

 I was very happy when I started to screen.  That's what I really wanted.  I felt very satisfied and calm.  Because I obeyed the instructions of Allah Ta'ala.  The grace I have received through the veil has cheered me up.  I felt safe.  I felt safe.  People respect me more because of this screen.  I realized the difference in people's behavior because of screens.  Finally, I will say that I did not accept Islam blindly or under any pressure.  The Quran itself declares that there is no compulsion in religion.  I accepted Islam with strong faith.  I have seen the ups and downs of life;  I have also experienced other types of walking.  So I can say with full confidence that I did the right thing.  I have no hesitation in this work, no hesitation.  Islam does not oppress women, does not allow any environment and occasion for oppression;  Rather give them freedom and give them the rights they deserve.  Those who embrace the Islamic life are truly free and free from the shackles of human slavery;  Because man-made rules and laws are nothing, only a means of oppression, oppression and exploitation by one group over another, an instrument of exploitation and torture by one group of another group.  There is no scope for such lawlessness in Islam, there is no question.  Because Islam has come to root out lawlessness, oppression and slavery.  Islam has given women the freedom and autonomy that no other system has given.

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