Misfortune of Muslims and a perspective


One of the discussions that became amusing during leisure time was the backwardness of Muslims in science.  It is often said that, 'This is the misfortune of Muslims because they are backward in science.'

 It is true that the East lags behind the West in science and technology.  However, it is also true that this backwardness is not the reason for the misery and subjugation of this nation.  Actually the problem lies elsewhere.  If it is possible to awaken certain characteristics among the Muslim Ummah, the existing knowledge and technology can fulfill their national needs.  Therefore, the question of the backwardness of knowledge and science in the context of the subjugation of Muslims is raised;  Rather, it diverts attention from the main problem, creating some suicidal delusions.

 Two things can be considered in this context.  One.  Muslim participation in modern education system two.  Proficiency of Muslims in modern science.  Take our country.  It is a Muslim country and more than 80 percent of its people are Muslims.  However, the modern education system is the mainstream of state-sponsored education in this country.  Therefore majority of students of the country are taking education in modern education system.  This is not only about Bangladesh, but in all Muslim countries the modern education system is state-sponsored.  Similarly, the same picture is obtained even if the statistics of countries where Muslims are a minority are taken.  Most of the Muslim immigrants in those countries are involved in the local education system and needless to say it is modern education.  So how can it be said that there is no practice of modern science in the Muslim society?  When an educated Muslim utters such words, there is a grave fear that Muslims have forgotten their identity in the subconscious mind?  Have they started to think that only those associated with mosques and madrasas are Muslims?

In any case, the second point, i.e. the proficiency of Muslims in modern knowledge and science is also proved from here.  Since the majority of Muslims are acquiring knowledge in modern education systems, modern education is the majority in the Muslim society.  Is there any subject of modern science which Muslims are not studying?  It does not seem that there is a lack of expertise and expertise.  It would be an understatement to say that even world-class talent has not been created or is not happening among Muslims.  If some enterprising person were to compile a list of such Muslim geniuses, it would, I swear, be quite long.

 Therefore, the claim that there is no practice of science in Muslim society is completely baseless.  One might say, 'There is no equivalent of the West.' Then I would say, you are right, but there is no need for it.  Adequacy is the key here, not comparison.  That is, we have less or more than them - that is not the main question.  The question is what we have was not enough to meet our needs?  Of course there was.  Even though the vast majority of the educated population is engaged in the practice of modern science, it is not enough - it is ridiculous.

 So why are our needs not being met?  Why Muslims are subjugated?  What is the main problem?  We have to think boldly about the answer to this question.  The next question is what can be the way out of the problem.  It is essential to be brave and honest in diagnosing the problem first.  Our main problem is only one.  I want to say very clearly that even though we are Muslims we have left Islam in all walks of life.

Various territories of the Muslim world were long occupied by non-Muslim colonies.  Even after independence, we could not abandon the principles and structure of our social system, financial system and judicial system that the non-Muslims had developed during that period of subjugation.  This has had an inevitable impact on our national education system.

 Not only that, we are still carrying the mindset they created in us during the subjugation period.  Thoughts and values ​​and attitudes and observations could not return us to identity.  Therefore, being Muslim as a nation has no effect on our social system, financial system and judicial system.  Therefore, it is necessarily inappropriate in the education system.  We have not been able to mold our national education system according to the Islamic perspective, nor have we been able to successfully integrate Islam.  As a result, millions of Muslim students are not able to achieve independence of thought and perspective even though they have obtained higher degrees in science.  As a non-Muslim observes the universe with dispassion about the Creator, does not our educated community do the same?  As a result, this knowledge does not help them to reach the Creator even after the immense mystery of creation is revealed.

This is also true in terms of philosophy and lifestyle.  We have failed to introduce the independent power of election which is essential to a brave nation.  Therefore, we have accepted their abomination and unhealthy life-philosophy along with western knowledge and science.  But there was no need for it.  Is Western consumerism and Nazism an essential part of science and technology?  Isn't it somehow possible that we accept science and technology and apply them in the light of our own beliefs and life-philosophies?  If the acquired knowledge can be adapted according to the Islamic perspective, no doubt, we would have become the best power in the world.  This is not just a theory, the past history of the Muslim Ummah is proof of this.

 We had the greatest potential to lead the world and devote ourselves to the welfare of world humanity, but Chinese subjugation and indiscriminate obedience have thwarted that immense potential.  Not only that, but it is a bitter truth that slavery and subservience have been accepted as the basic philosophy of education and education system by various nonsense words and strange imaginations like civilization, modernity, progress etc.  As a result, the mental structure of Muslims is developing in such a way that it has become difficult for them to realize their potential.  Rogakran- when the person becomes indifferent to the disease itself;  Then recovery becomes much more difficult.

Yet the bottom line is that even in the thick darkness of despair, there is a glimmer of hope.  The pulse of life in the Muslim world is palpable due to continued oppression and exploitation and deprivation.  At the same time, being fed up with the long consumerist and oppressive way of life, the non-Muslim society is also becoming interested in the Islamic way of life.  The time is not far off when Islam will become the center of interest of world humanity.  And since Islam is a universal ideal, there will be no reason to be surprised if other nations become pioneers in ideological competition by accepting it.  Then in the Muslim society, despite the fact that the children of Muslim parents easily get the Islamic identity, those who are not able to understand its value look with jealous eyes, but it will not bring any benefit.

 In the Qur'an, Allah the Exalted said, 'If you turn away, I will replace you with another community.  Then they will not be like you. Those of us who have been given the Muslim identity by Allah Ta'ala are certainly not ready to accept this misfortune.  In that case, we have to return to Islamic ideals.  Perhaps he still has a chance.

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