A traditional madrasa and an old Khandan

It is found in history that there were eighty thousand communal madrasahs in Bangladesh alone before the English Baniyas occupied the country.  At that time, when the British abolished the permanent tenancy-given jagirs as a decree to bear the expenses of the madrasas, gradually all the madrasas were forced to close down.  For a long time, they were 'tats' in the intensity of the freedom movement of the country's clerics and Muslims against the British, but when it broke out in 1857 with the sepoy mutiny, the British were able to resist it through their stratagems and conspiracies.  In this situation, our predecessor Akabirs avoided the frontal war and established the traditional Darul Uloom Deoband Madrasa in 1866 in order to preserve the religion and faith of the Muslims.  And on the example of that Deoband madrasa, many madrasas were established across the subcontinent.  Several madrasas were also established in this East Bengal.  Hathajari Darul Uloom Muinul Islam Madrasa of Chittagong, known as a significant traditional institution, was established in 1901.  And at that time in 1322 Hijri, another madrasa called Ashraful Madrasa was established in Battali village in Mandari area of ​​Noakhali, which is still spreading the light of religion.  The founder of this madrasa was Hazrat Maulana Abdul Aziz, one of the followers of Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi.  Who was popularly known as 'Janabwala'.  This old man used to teach up to Ula or Meshkat - alone.  Many great scholars and world-renowned elders have been made by studying with him and being in his company.  For example, the book "Ahmadul Arab" with seven muallakas followed by "Saba Muallaka" in Arabic literature and the book of poems "Kenan Kusum" which confronts Bankim literature in Bengali literature is the author of the world-famous elder scholar Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Kobbad.  He was a privileged student.

Hazrat Janabwala from 1901 to 1960 - continuously for 60 long years from the first Jamaat to the 10th Jamaat Ula or Meshkat Sharif - alone carried out the work of Ta'leem-Tarbiat.  After his death, Hazrat Maulana Abdul Hafiz Sahib, the great companion of Hazrat, was engaged in this service for 12 years from 1961 to 1972.  About Hazrat Maulana Kobbad Saheb or Hakimul Ummat Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi Rah.  He said, if you want to see the example of Sahabad, look at him.  May Allah Ta'ala have sent this tyranny to the world so late to show us their example in our time.  Apart from Noakhali, many great scholars of Comilla-Chittagong were the scholars created by Mr. Walla.  In 1961 I was a 12-year-old teenager.  Due to studying and writing in Chittagong, I didn't have the opportunity to know about the little man and meet him.  Alhamdulillah, however, I have been fortunate to meet with his great companion Hazrat Maulana Abdul Hafiz Sahib a few times and have a little companionship with him.  Like his father, he was a great scholar and elder.  After his birth, Mr. Thanvi requested a beautiful name from Hazrat Thanvi.  Write the names of seven boys and three girls.  In that ratio, the first son was named Abdul Hafiz.

Here is a matter of great significance that Hazrat Janabwala had 13 children in total.  9 sons and 4 daughters.  However, those who were named after Hazrat Thanveer's chosen name were all alive, except for the remaining 3 children who died in infancy.  It is a Zinda Karamat of Hazrat Thanvi.  The names are respectively Abdul Hafiz, Abdul Muyiz, Abdul Hafeez, Abdul Jalil, Abdul Kabir, Abdul Azim, Abdul Qadir, Khadija, Rokeya, Fatima.  Almost all of the brothers were scholars.  But Bara, Mejho and the fifth brother were renowned scholars of the country.  After Mr. Janabwala's death, his elder brother Zada ​​took the reins of his father's madrasa and he too, following his father's example, alone taught all ten congregations up to Meshkat.  I heard many of his deeds during my student life.  Moreover, I bought a miswak for two annas and took it as a gift to Hazrat to see how alone he recited the books of the ten congregations.  The month was Ramadan.  Hazrat Kachari was sitting on a chair in the room.  When I contacted Halpursi, he said, "Since I had given dars to ten congregations alone before Ramadan, it must have been hard work, but now because the work of dars is stopped due to the Ramadan holiday, the labor has decreased a little, so high pressure has appeared and he also showed me that he fell and got an injury on his head that day."  .  I got a chance to hear about one of the miracles of Hazrat's student life in his own words, when Hazrat was studying Meshkat Sharif in Deoband, he once fell seriously ill.  Hazrat then told me the entire incident in his own words.  I recorded this auspicious and wonderful event in my Kashkul.  Hazrat said, Muhtamim Hakimul Islam of Deoband as the pir brother of Abbajan, Hazrat Maulana Qari Tayyab Sahib used to pay me Rs.  But because I did not think Hazrat Thanvi was a good old man, I did not go to Thanvi's court anymore.

At that time I developed a fatal disease, from which the doctors and the doctors declared me dead.  I was laid face down and covered with a cloth and Kari Taiyab Sahib Huzur was cutting my shroud with scissors with his own hands.  Seeing that I was suddenly getting up, Hazrat threw the cloth of the shroud under the bed so as not to be seen by me and pressed my back against Hazrat's chest and pushed me on top of Hazrat.  Already the doctor is summoned.  When the doctor asked me to give medicine, I indicated that I will not take medicine.  Hazrat thought that my soul might be stuck somewhere like a trap, now I will take my last breath by moving a little.  But no.  I was completely cured.  Here was the thing, when I was half dead I was dreaming that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, Hazrat Abu Bakr RA.  Another Khadem was flying westward over Deoband from the eastern side of the Deoband madrasa.  After a little while, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to Abu Bakr, "Come here, there is a sick patient, let us come and see him."  Saying this, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) turned back and sat beside my head.  Hazrat Abu Bakr also sat on the other side.  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) took a glass of water and choked on it himself and asked Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) to choke on it too.  I do not know the third person who was, but' standing on one leg at the side like a servant, wearing a turban adorned with a white garment.  Later, while narrating this dream to Hazrat Thanvi, after describing the appearance of that servant, Hazrat Thanvi said, He is Hazrat Haji Imdadullah Muhajire Makki Rah.

In any case, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to me, "Father!  eat it  I said, Lord!  What will play?  The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, "You will be cured."  I said, what is the use of living if hope is not fulfilled?  The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, What is your hope?  I said, to be able to read Hadith in Dawara.  The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, "It will be."  And what hope?  I said, Hajj is a blessing.  He said, that will happen.  What else?  I said, to be able to pledge allegiance to a good Pir.  The Prophet said, it will happen.  What else?  In this way, I put the glass of water on the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, and told him about 5 wishes and he predicted that they would be fulfilled.  Hazrat Thanvi Rah for not telling anyone a thing.  ordered so he didn't tell me that either.  One more thing I forgot now.  Hazrat told me again, after getting the assurance that all the hopes will be fulfilled, I drank the water that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and Hazrat Abu Bakr suffocated.  After that I sat up with a swish.  The good thing is, I have not had any illness in these fifty years.  This time I fell on the floor only due to high pressure and got a little hurt.  Huzur also said, When the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was leaving, I asked again, Huzur!  How much is my injury?  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said 70.  I asked him, 70 from now or from my birth?  He laughed and said, that cannot be said.  Huzur told me again, I am 20 years old in the year of Meshkat.  Fifty turned seventy now.  I do not know, when the other person's call?  I don't know who to hand over this deposit of Abbajan.  My brother Mufti Abdul Muyiz and Abdul Kabir are big scholars, they are the big-scale us-ad of Lalbagh Madrasa, will they come to the villages to protect this deposit?  know what?

 Huzur also told me, a few days ago one day in the afternoon while I was sitting with a chair like this in front of Kachari, a madman was telling me to go north on this road of Basikpur, it has been seventy and how much?  Seventy has been and how much?  At first I did not notice the meaning of his words, but after a while I realized that he was speaking to me.  My previous 20 years and now fifty years have combined to make seventy.  Later he pledged allegiance to Hazrat Thanvi.  Since I moved to Dhaka before the War of Independence, I could no longer maintain contact with Hazrat.  Perhaps another day before this meeting I had prayed there.  I saw in the Friday sermon, Hazrat Assultanu Zillullahi Fil Ardi added the word 'Adel' and read 'Assultanul Adilu'.  Hazrat Maulana Abdul Hafiz Saheb had numerous deeds, which cannot be replicated.  His elder brother Maulana Abdur Rahman was a very close friend of mine since his student days.  Now while going on a pilgrimage, I heard that he has also passed away.  May Allah Almighty make his and all his mentors' graves gardens of Paradise.  Huzur's Shahebzada Maulana Abdus Shaheed was also close to me since his student days.  I had the good fortune to meet him this time.  Hazrat Mufti Abdul Muyiz Saheb, Mejho Sahebzada of Janabwala, was also a religious and elder personality in large-scale scholars.  He was a man of few words.  During Hazrat Hafeji Huzur's presidential election in 1981, when I was engaged as the press secretary of Hazrat Hafezji, I met Mufti Sahib Huzur many times in the office of Lalbagh Madrasa.  But I don't remember having any memorable memories with Huzoor.  Khatib Bengal late Hazrat Maulana Habibullah Mesbah Saheb was once the son-in-law of Hazrat Mufti Saheb, so he had an opportunity to be a guest at Huzoor's house with Mesbah Saheb.  It is through my beloved Maulana Mahfuz, Huzur's nephew.

The first khatib of Baitul Mukarram of Dhaka National Mosque, Hazrat Mufti Amimul Ihsan Saheb, served as the khatib of that mosque since his death.  May Allah grant him the highest position in Paradise.  My acquaintance and some closeness with Hazrat Maulana Abdul Kabir Saheb also came from the election of 81.  In fact, the youth of my career was spent in a bad job, that is, in the job of Radio Bangladesh.  So at that time, I was deprived of the good fortune of establishing relations with many scholars and elders of the country.  I still regret that I could not meet Hazrat Maulana Abdul Kabir Saheb Huzoor for the same reason earlier.  Due to the fact that he was one of the caliphs of Hazrat Hafeji Huzur, he was often seen and talked with in important meetings or consultation meetings of the Khilafat movement.  As a scholar, he was also of great quality and seniority.  However, I did not develop a deep relationship with him as he was not in Dhaka during the 81 presidential election.  Although I did not have the opportunity to study in Lalbagh, many of my friends and colleagues were students of Huzur in Lalbagh.  That's why I considered him like a teacher.  We have seen those who were responsible for the destruction of the newly-emerged Khilafat movement, tried to use Hazrat Hafezzi as one of Huzoor's caliphs many times.  They used to use a little half-heartedly as people with a white heart and Allah.  As I was in Dhaka when Huzur was the Amir of Noakhali District Khilafat, I was not always blessed with his companionship.  Sometimes, during an urgent consultation, Huzur was only met.  I once met Maulana Haroon Saheb, Huzoor's elder Saheb Zada ​​at Lalmatia Madrasa.  And the current Muhtamim of Ashraful Madaris, Maulana Mamun Sahib, was also introduced a few days ago at Al Amin Madrasa in Majdi.

Hazrat Mr. Walla's seven sons were all scholars, but these three were large-scale scholars and prominent scholars in the country.  What I think, there must be hundreds of scholars in this Mubarak Khandan of Mr. Walla now.  Just as this Khandan is a traditional Khandan, Ashraful Madaris is also a traditional religious institution.  When the practice of religious knowledge almost stopped in this country due to the British, Ashraful Madras was one of the few communal madrasas that were established.  May Almighty Allah always accept and approve this Khandan and this Madrasah for the service of His Deen.  As well as us.  amen

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