Music and musical instruments in the eyes of Islam


 day one of my students came and said, Master!  Listening to music has become permissible.  By saying this he showed a reference to a monthly magazine.  Another student said, Master!  Dr.  Yusuf Karjavi has said that music with music is permissible!  In favor of singing, some argue that the tambourine was the musical instrument of the Arabs at that time.  Now it has improved with the touch of modernity.  Some even say that it is Sunnah to play music at weddings.  After a few days, my student came and said, Master!  Music with music is permissible, after hearing this my shyness towards music has gone.  How happy it feels.  Say something about this.

 I understood the matter and clearly understood that in this situation, listening to favorite artist's music would be more pleasant for him than listening to Quran recitation.  And Iblis Satan wants the servant of Allah to stay away from the Qur'an.  That is why Abu Bakr RA.  He called music as devil's flute.  It's scarier than Hamilton's fiddler.

 Commentary of the Qur'an: After praising the believers who hope for the Hereafter in Surah Luqman, Allah says about those who hope for this world.

And there is a class of people, who, out of ignorance, buy things for entertainment to distract the servant from the path of Allah. - Surah Luqman: 6 In the verse, it is said in Nuzul that Nazr Ibn Harith bought a slave singer from abroad and engaged her in singing.  did  If someone wanted to listen to the Qur'an, he would order the singer to sing for him and say, "Muhammad tells you to recite the Qur'an to pray, fast, and give up your life for religion."  Only suffering is suffering.  Instead, listen to music and enjoy life. - Maariful Quran 7/4

 It is in this context that Allah Ta'ala revealed the verse.

 Explanations of the Sahabi and Tabayyid

 Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Masood RA.  When asked the explanation of the verse "Lahwal Hadith", he said, "That is music." Abdullah Ibn Abbas RA, Abdullah Ibn Umar RA.  Says the same thing.  A similar opinion has been narrated from Tabee'i Sa'eed Ibn Zubair.  The famous Tabei Hasan Basri Rah.  Said, the verse was revealed about music and musical instruments, which make the servant heedless of the Qur'an. -Tafseer Ibn Qasir 3/441

 In another verse of the Qur'an, when Iblis-Satan offered to deceive the son of Adam, Allah Ta'ala said to Iblis,

 Make whoever of them you can stumble with your voice.-Surah Isra: 64

 In the explanation of this verse Abdullah Ibn Abbas RA.  He said that all things that call to evil are the voices of Iblis.  The famous Tabei Mujahid Rah.  Said, the voice of Iblis means music and musical instruments here.  Allama Ibnul Qayyim.  Said, it goes without saying that music is the best among the things that call to wickedness.  That is why it is called the voice of Iblis.-Ighachatul Lahfan 1/199

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