The traveler of Baitullah(5)

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The passport of Hazrat Hafezzi Huzoor is immediately processed at the embassy.  As a result, visas for Pakistan, UAE and Saudi Arabia were completed faster than expected.  It was a sweet experience to go to the 'headquarters' of Bangladesh Biman.  Biman's Pakistan-bound flight tickets were not available.  A senior official of Biman - who saw Hafezzi Huzoor only in pictures - when he heard that Hazrat Hafezzi Huzoor was going to Pakistan, he said that the flight on which Hafezzi Huzoor's ticket is not available will not fly in the sky.  So we got four tickets within thirty minutes of sitting down.

 What a great possibility there was to do hundredfold work of religion on the soil of this country from the safe shade of this great man like a banyan tree!  But how mercilessly we squandered that opportunity!  Who are more unfortunate than us in this country!  Western poet said about us?

 The portion is large.

 (luck is not small, but the pot is leaky)

 On reaching the Madrasah, I told the incident to Hazrat, and said, "If a letter of thanks goes from you to the name of the gentleman in the plane, then it would be good."  Hazrat liked my words.  Farooq Bhai took that letter.  I heard in his mouth, the gentleman was overjoyed to receive the letter.  He could not believe his luck.  Calling everyone, he was saying, Look, Hafezzi Huzoor has written me a letter thanking him.

 We don't do that much often.  I easily digest everything as I deserve it.  But our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, من لم يشكر الناس لم يشكر الله

 (He who does not give thanks to man does not give thanks to Allah.)

We should do it if there is no benefit to the world, but there is great benefit to the world in it;  Especially for those who want to do social and religious work.  And Hakimul Ummat Hazrat Thanvi.  Says, جزاك الله خيرا is better than شوکاکا, thank you, etc. to express gratitude.

 Anyway, everything was going well, but suddenly everything changed.  'Why did the decision to attend' change?  He will not go on tour now.  Now only the three of us will go.  For the needs of Nuria Madrasa, we will stay in Pakistan and Abu Dhabi for ten days and go to Makkah Sharif and we will wait for Hazrat and perform Hajj with Hazrat.

 A sudden disaster in the middle of full joy.  The mind was completely silent.  It seemed that the shadow of the clouds had disappeared and suddenly the bright sun appeared on the head.  But that is for a short time.  As if from unseen, my mind understood that, why would I be unwilling to do what God wants?  For the traveler of God's house is the first step, you have no desire;  From now on all your desires are dead before the will of Allah.  You gladly accepted the death of your will.

 This thought comforted me.  I said, O Allah, I agree as you take in your house.  You just accept it.

 In the poet's words—

 Majnu only wants to go to Laila's country

 Flying on wings, riding horses, walking, crawling

 Majnu just wants to get a little smile on Laila's face

 If life is worth it, take up the sword.

On the day when the new moon of Ramadan rose in the western sky in the evening, the new moon of my destiny also rose in the sky.  I was told, O fortunate one, after three days your blessed journey to the house of Allah will begin.  What can be more happy news than paradise in the life of a believer!

 Those three days passed with almost three ages.  I read Tarawi Nooriya in the third Ramadan.  I stayed for a long time in the service of Huzoor Paharpuri.  Huzoor narrated many incidents of his first Hajj trip in his life.  I have heard the feeling of the first sight of God's house in his mouth many times, but it seems as if I am hearing it for the first time today.

 Huzoor's recitation of Urdu poetry is very touching.  I have been listening since that student life, sometimes in Huzur's room, sometimes on a boat in the river at night.  I have heard the long qasida that Huzoor had composed on Rawza Sharif many times.  He recited it again today.  Not a poem, but a wave of tears.  A broken heart, a pitiful voice and a shower of drops of tears - the recitation of the Prophet became so touching that tears broke in my eyes.  Nate Rasool has heard a lot, but never like this.  Maybe because, at that time, I had a picture of the Kaaba in my chest, with Muhammad as the Prophet in my eyes.

 I left home at eleven o'clock.  With my student and relative Obaidul Haque.  It was a late night for Kamrangir Char, moreover, there was a 'martial situation' in the country.  There were no people on the road, there were three policemen.  They stood in the way and started harassing in a frightening manner.  Wish people never hurt people like that.  The more we try to prove ourselves innocent, the hotter their temper gets.  One of them, why so late at night?  Go to the outpost, go there and say what you have to say.

Nuria from home;  This straight path to Kamrangir Char is the only one I know, then and still.  Who knows where the outpost is!  Who knows the danger of going there!  Oh God, suddenly this is no trouble!  Suddenly what is this 'tyranny'!  A visit to God's house at night, such a danger to the servant at such a time!  And just a hundred yards away are my parents, but they don't know what I'm doing here.  A humble servant can and does only call upon Allah.  I also started calling Allah in my heart and Allah heard the call.  Suddenly one of them softened a bit.  That is, if it is as soft as it is, instead of Jan, it falls towards goods.  So at last they let us go with the little we had in our pockets.  In this short time on the way, a small lizard passed on us.  However, my mind calmed down thinking that surely this is an unseen guidance from Allah for a visit to the house of Allah.  Otherwise, why suddenly such a danger will come!  And suddenly why will it go up!  How many things could have happened, but nothing happened;  What is it but Ghaybi Tarbiat and Ghaybi Nushrat!

 I reached home at one in the night.  Mom and dad were upset.  They thought a reason for my delay was something that I was to blame.  However, they did not like to talk about this trouble on the way.  I silently scolded them and ate dinner.

For the rest of the night, the two eyes were not the same.  Time does not want to pass.  From time to time various doubts, apprehensions and anxiety arise in the mind.  If any danger comes down from the sky!  Or any disaster from the ground!  If suddenly I get sick!  If suddenly the 'sick country' gets sicker!  How many things can happen at the moment!  How helpless man is to fate, yet man's pride and arrogance remain.

 O Allah, will this night be worn today?  Takdeer will accompany me?  Will my tour start tomorrow?  Will I see Manzil at the end of the road?

 At last the night fell, the morning light appeared and the red sun rose on the eastern horizon.  First red sun of my life.  The new day of my new life started with this sunrise.  Began the first dew-washed day of spring in the garden of my dreams.  It was as if written for me in the blush of the sun, ``Ahlan wa Sahlan'', the first greeting of the Prophet's holy visit to Deeder Baitullah and Ziyarat.  (continued)

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