The traveler of Baitullah(4)

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 This book was not just a travelogue, it was a living journey, a living Hajj and a living pilgrimage of a beloved servant of God in the house of God.  Of course this book was a magic, but like others I would not say, the magic of the pen.  It was the magic of love and love and the charisma of Ishq and Muhabbat.  It was a surge of thought and emotion and an outpouring of heart and soul.  The pen just spilled ink and scattered light.  And from heart to heart that light has been accepted, to whom Allah has bestowed as much tawfeek as possible.  Hazrat Ali Nadvi.  In the first Hajj journey of his life, he kept this travel letter with him to keep his heart warm in the heat of feelings and emotions and to keep his heart cool in the rush of love and love.  This tour was my first and auspicious introduction to Darayabadi's pen and ink.  The dreams cherished in the heart since childhood came to the full youth and now it seems that little by little it started to melt.  Only those who have ever had a dream in their heart can understand the joy that the heart and soul feel when the peacock of dreams slowly blooms in the garden of the heart.  The more beautiful the peacock of the dream, the deeper the joy of the Pekham fair.  The dreamer of my heart took me to the realm of dreams.  Sometimes I have different dreams, sweet sweet dreams.  Even after waking up, I was shocked and excited by the passion of that dream.  Sometimes I see Allah's House circumambulating.  Sometimes I see, I am on the way to Madinah in a camel caravan, and again I see, a sailing ship is floating with me in the ocean.  The deserts and mountains of the Hijaz, the oligarhs of Mecca and the date-gardens of Medina are all familiar to me, with all of them the relation of my soul and the bond of my heart.

Thus the day comes, the night goes, in the exuberance of joy.  Because the dreams of the heart are beginning to become reality, at least in the dreams of sleep.  Again in the morning and in the evening, the chest is tight and anxious with emotion.  My call will come!  I can appear as Labbaik!  If Allah's call is only for the righteous, then where will the sinners go?  Who will shed tears standing in wait?  Hazare Aswad then blacker by whom, Jamamer 'Abe Kauchare' then whose soul will be blessed?

 O black gilaf!  O green dome!  I want to come to be enlightened and sanctified.  I want to come to Milan-Sarovar to relieve the pain of a burning heart.  But how late!  How late is the night?

 At last the night fell and the light of dawn appeared.  The red sun rose in the eastern horizon heralding the new day of my dreams, leaving me thrilled, thrilled and excited.  Can I forget the happy memory of that day until the last day of my life!  That sweet moment!  Oh that I had the ink in my pen, That could paint pictures of happiness and pictures of joy!  Which can highlight the feelings and feelings of the heart!

 1403 Hijri 26th Sha'ban.  After Fajr, I was sitting and reciting Tilawat in Nooriya Mosque, when Hazrat Hafezzi called Huzoor.  i went  That soft holy smile on the face, with which I have known since my childhood, the smile in which I found fearlessness in childhood and adolescence and now find comfort and confidence in the journey of life.

 Hazrat very naturally said, Maulbi Abu Taher, get ready.  I understand something, I don't understand something.  But immediately I said, Inshallah I am ready.

Hazrat said, brightening the soft smile of the face and the calm look of the eyes, for what?

 Then I felt an absolute assurance and light from an invisible person deep in my heart.  So with calm conviction I uttered, Deeder Baitullah and Ziarat Madinah!

 Hazrat stretched out his two hands and pulled me to his wide chest.  I knew there was a lighted heart in this chest, and in that heart there was a different pulse from other hearts.  So I surrendered to receive the pulse from heart to heart, feeling the utmost good fortune.  Hazrat said, Jazakallah, Barakallah.

 It was the first hug of Hazrat in my life.  I don't know what was in that hug and what wasn't.  I just feel that this hug does not start from Hazrat and does not end till Hazrat.

 I then felt like the very lucky one, whose long-cherished dream peacock has now taken a full-fledged and enlightened form.  It seems that from now on I am a traveler of God's house and a converger of the green dome.  Today, I joined the ranks of caravans moving from country to country in the direction of Hijaz.  Thanks Alhamdulillah.

 After coming to the mosque, I prayed two rakats and raised my hands and cried.  I just cried and shed tears.  Such a wave of emotions was created in the heart that nothing was said even though the trembling lips wanted to say something.  In fact, there was nothing to say in the mouth.  It is not a moment of words, but a moment of silence.  He is an introvert.  He knows all the words and pains of the heart, all the longings and pleas of the heart.  My heart and my heart's dreams are all His.  All my asking and receiving, my supplications and consequences are all His.  O Allah, let this be true!  May it be fulfilled!  Sweet pain now become sweet joy!

I offered the first 'message' of good luck to Him under whose feet is my paradise.  Father also came to know from Amma.  Both of them were 'sweet-faced' at the good fortune of the child, both of them were filled with joy, but Amma's expression was like a calm lake, as I always see;  Abba's expression was like a sea wave, as I always saw it.

 Paharpuri Huzoor probably already knew, but told him.  He who always holds the torch of light on the path of life, knows the good news he has to tell.  As the poet of the West has said-

 The soil of the flower garden is wet with his "Khun Pasina"

 False is the spring in your garden, O friend, if you do not give him the fragrance of flowers.

 Then I told my life partner, who on that day stood between life and death and achieved the first glory of motherhood and gave me the first glory of fatherhood.  I expected such joy on his face at such good news.  Pointing to the 'pushpakli' on his lap, he said, Alhamdulillah, see how our 'chandkanya' has brought us 'heavenly fortune'.

 The next day Hazrat Hafezzi Huzoor called me, he did not ask whether I have my passport or not.  He just said, give me your passport.  Thank God, my passport was already prepared, because a few days ago suddenly this thought came to my mind, or the one who does not move the leaves of the tree without his command brought the thought in my mind that you can do your best to go to the house of God!

Tears come to my eyes when I remember that time.  Now Allah has given me a lot of wealth, but then it was very difficult for me to raise the few hundred rupees required for the passport.  But finally by the grace of Allah the passport was produced and on that day I kept it with me so that I could present it whenever I wanted.  Saying Bismillah, I handed it over to Hazrat.  Hazrat looked at me with a smile and said, 'Masha Allah, Dilme bahut shaok hain!' The heart was so excited with a wave of emotions that I don't know the words to express.  I am like the buyer in the market of Egypt who does not have a handful of wheat grains in his hand, but wants to get Yusuf!  But when He wills, all arrangements are completed from within the invisible veil.  All my travel arrangements started to be completed in that way.

 First it was decided that Hazrat Hafezzi Huzoor would visit Baitullah for four long months, three of us would accompany him.  Hazrat Sahebzada Maulana Hamidullah, Maulana Farooq Ahmad and myself.

 What a blessing!  The first visit of life to the house of Allah, for four long months, moreover under the umbrella of touch and education of Hazrat Hafezzi Huzoor!  My beloved Ustad Hazrat Paharpuri Huzoor also made his first visit in life for four long months and in the touch of Hazrat Hafezzi Huzoor, as his servant.  I never wanted to be so big!  But when the merciful gives, he gives beyond the limits of the servant's wants and needs.  Servant wants Paradise, Allah gives Jannatul Firdaus.  Indeed, that day, he was jealous of his good fortune.  If the people of the earth suddenly reach the sky and get the moon in the sky!  Then he may be jealous of himself!

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