The Taliban and Al Qaeda: A Laughing Incident


A boy went to a grocery store and asked the shopkeeper for yarn.  The shopkeeper gave him a nice bundle of yarn.  The boy said, "Give me the hammer-marked thread."  The shopkeeper explained to him that this yarn is very good, durable, but the boy did not listen to him.  He said, no give me hammer brand yarn.  Haturi brand yarn is the only strong and durable yarn.

 The reader must have understood why the boy was in this condition.  He heard and saw advertisements about Haturi Marka yarn all the time in newspapers and radio-television.  This campaign inculcated in his mind that Haturi brand yarn is the only strong and durable yarn.

 Even an inferior product can be transformed into a market beater by promotion.  But the quality of the product is not that good.  Consumers do not agree to touch any product other than that product due to hearing about its virtues repeatedly in the ears or eyes of the consumers.  It is only the charisma of propaganda.

 The present age is the age of propaganda.  If even an infamous issue gets a place in the campaign, bus, nothing else is needed.  There will be a worldwide uproar over it.  Lately, thanks to the world media, Reuters, AFP, and Anglo-American Jewish-Christian propaganda, there is a serious fear in the whole world about the two words Taliban and Jihad.  There is no end of fear even in these underdeveloped countries of Europe and America.  As a matter of fact, the propaganda made him seem a hundred times more.  Again, some fake organizations with these names have been created in a conspiratorial way against Islam.  Islam never condoned chaos and anarchy.  But the conspirators are not sitting still.  They create anarchy with people of their own making.  After that, in the name of search, they were exposed to the intended category.  Conspirators are desperate to identify our communal madrassas as their strongholds and factories.Their real objective is not Taliban-Taliban, their objective is to completely destroy these communal madrassas, the traditional bastions of Islamic education in the subcontinent.  So after a few days, many madrasas were visited by their agents in the name of investigation.

 Such an incident took place in Jamia Islamia Patia, the second largest madrassa in the country.  Naib Muhtamim of the Madrasa Mr. Maulana Abdul Halim Bokhari said while speaking in an anti-terrorism seminar organized in Osmani Auditorium a few days ago, the words Taliban, Harkat and Al Qaeda are also used in different meanings.  Which our media world and foreign brothers are not aware of at all.  A funny incident happened in our Madrasah.  A few days ago I was informed that a foreign guest has arrived at the madrasa, waiting for you.  I went to the guest house to meet.  He asked me, are there Taliban?  I said, of course there is.  He was shocked and said, how many are there?  I said, about three thousand.  Hearing this number, he was more surprised and said, what is their job?  I said, reading from Qaida Bogdadi to the last level of Islamic education.  Mehman was more surprised and asked, so there is al-Qaeda here?  I said, yes, of course there is.  What is the work of al-Qaeda?  I said, teaching actions and words.  He was more surprised and said, "So there is Harkat here?"  I said, yes, of course.  Harkat-Sakin and Tashdeed are all here.  In the course of the conversation I explained to him that the students are called Taliban in Farsi and the first book taught in their syllabus is called Qaeda Bogdadi.  And the recitation of Qaida Bogdadi begins with jer, jabar, etc., which is called harakat in Arabic.  He then started laughing.This is the condition of our media and foreign brothers.  They may have been told by the enemy that there are many Taliban in these madrassas.  So they started traveling to different madrassas to investigate again and again.  And if there are no Taliban (students) in the madrasah, then what will there be?  Now if someone does not understand all this and says that there are Afghan Mujahid Taliban and Arab Mujahid Al Qaeda and their supporters Harkat etc. then what can be said other than ganjakhuri?

 Our communal madrassas are completely neutral and peaceful.  Nothing but a school of authentic Islam.  No weapons were kept or trained to create terror and anarchy here.  And there is no chance of this.  The conspirators are propagating various fictions against these madrasas in domestic and foreign media just to harass and harass them.

 If one supports the Afghan Mujahid Taliban, it may be for the sake of personal freedom.  Anyone can do it.  But that is why it is not possible for any sane person to create an organization to create terror under different names in a peaceful country.  The students and teachers of Qaumi Madrasa are the guardians of the sovereignty and dignity of this country.  As they have sacrificed their lives for Islam throughout the ages, no one has made more sacrifices and sacrifices for the country than them.  The history of two hundred years of British warfare speaks for itself.  This is the real history.  May Allah grant everyone understanding.  amen


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