Bringing women who have left home back home

 This strange philosophy has been established in the minds of people only by the force of propaganda that if women are engaged in household work for their husbands, children, parents and siblings, then it is a curse and humiliation, but if they cook food for men, the house is clean.  He does, entertains them in hotels and airplanes, charms customers with sweet smiles in shops and entertains bosses in office-courts but his name is honor and freedom.  Innalillahi...

 Added to this is the sad joke that despite working outside for eight hours a day to earn money, the modern woman is not freed from domestic chores.  As before, they have to do all the housework.  In Europe-America, most women have to come home after working outside for eight hours a day, cook, wash dishes, clean the house, etc.

 The argument put forward today to keep women out of the house is that, 'In an age of national progress and progress we cannot afford to keep half our manpower unemployed.'  Still there are so many vacancies in the workplace that additional manpower is needed!

 But the reality is that these arguments are thrown out in a country where the shoes of many highly educated unemployed people are constantly eroding.  A vacancy for a cleaner or a driver somewhere is filled with applications from ten masters degree holders.  It will be the duty of our leaders to provide employment to all the unemployed youth first.  Make full employment of this half of the manpower first and then think about the remaining half.

 The family system has been destroyed

 Allah Ta'ala has made women responsible for the house, the management of the house has been entrusted to them.  So that family ties and discipline remain intact.  But when they leave the house, the result is that the father is out, the mother is out, the children are in school.  So the house is locked.

The family system has been destroyed

 Allah Ta'ala has made women responsible for the house, the management of the house has been entrusted to them.  So that family ties and discipline remain intact.  But when they leave the house, the result is that the father is out, the mother is out, the children are in school.  So the house is locked.

 The natural responsibility of the woman was that by her position in the house, on the one hand, domestic order would be intact, on the other hand, the child would also receive love and compassion, and talim and tarbiyat from her lap.  Mother's lap is the child's first school.  From here he learns good manners, learns about the good way of life.  But today in the western life-system children are deprived of the love and compassion of their parents.  The family system has become fragmented.  Husband working in one place, wife in another.  There is no contact between the two during the day, while both men and women have free association at their workplaces.  In this way, the mutual relationship between husband and wife is damaged, alienation and illegal relations are created.  In some cases, the situation is leading to divorce.

The Gorbachev Experience

 If it were just me saying these words, one might say they are reactionary radicals, but a few years ago a book was published by the last president of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev.  This book is read all over the world.  It has a chapter on women titled Status of woman.  In very clear and clear language he wrote there-

 "In our Western society, we have brought women out of the house and thereby achieved some material benefits.  The combined efforts of men and women have increased the rate of production somewhat, but on the other hand we have suffered greatly.  Our family system is destroyed.  As a result, the loss we have faced is much more than the increased production.  That is why I have started a movement, the important objective of which is to bring back home women who have left home.  It requires thinking about how to make it successful.  Otherwise, if this situation continues, like the family system, our nation will also face destruction.

 These words were written by Mikhail Gorbachev, in his above mentioned book.  The book is readily available.  Eager readers can read the words from that book as well.


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