If you talk about faith, listen to it, read it and think about it, faith becomes fresh


 You all know that Allah has sent many Prophets (pbuh) to the world.  The real words of the Prophet (pbuh) were only one.  That is: 'O people!  You shall worship none but Allah.  Allah created you, He is the Creator of everything.  And He is your Lord.  He is the provider.  He sent you to the world to test.  What is the test?  Yes, who among you obeys His word, and who does not obey His word - this is the test.  I am also a servant of God, a human like you.  I am also a prophet of Allah Ta'ala.  Allah Ta'ala has sent me to you to say these words.  If you listen to me, walk as I say, then you will find peace in this world, and when you return to Allah, you will be rewarded there, and you will be in peace forever in Paradise.  There is no peace in this world for the one who disobeys Allah Ta'ala, and he will receive a severe punishment after returning to Allah Ta'ala.  So I say, people!  Believe and become Muslims - worship only Allah.

 This invitation is the invitation of truth.  The invitation of Haq.  Hearing this invitation, people always divided into two groups.  Some people listened to the Prophet and obeyed.  They are Muslims.  And many people did not give importance to the words of the Prophet.  They used to make different arguments.

The condition of those who fear Allah Ta'ala is always better.  Allah fills their hearts with much peace.  They have no worries.  Because they fear Allah!  And Allah loves them very much.  It never happens that I belong to Allah, and Allah does not belong to me.

 If a Muslim is in trouble and calls out to Allah with patience, then Allah will hear his call!  His help will come.

 Patience means obeying the words of Allah Ta'ala.  To follow the teachings given by his Prophet.  If you patiently listen to Allah Ta'ala, He will open a way for His beloved servant.  So say:

 Wherever I am/In crowd or alone/In village, town, sea or mountain/Whenever I call my friend/He is my help/He is my refuge/So tell me brother, what do you care?

Everything in this world - people, jinn, angels, animals, insects, plants, rivers and streams, sea and mountains, sky and wind, moon and sun are all created by Allah!  His power over everything.  Everything is his servant.  Everything is under the command of Allah Ta'ala;  Again, everything perishes, perishes and dies at his command.  Who can harm whom if Allah does not want?  Who can benefit whom if Allah does not will?  Enemies surrounded the house of our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW to kill him.  They thought, where will he escape from us today?  Who will protect him today?  Our beloved Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, came out of the house after reciting the first verses of Surah Yasin in front of all the infidels!  Beloved Prophet left in front of the eyes of Kafir Palawans!

 Who will kill whom Allah saves?/He who pursues the friend of Allah/Dust in his eyes;  He will die himself!

 The infidels have not seen him!  But then their 'eyes' were in the place of eyes.  Our beloved Prophet came out in front of them!  But by the order of Allah Ta'ala, those 'eyes' could not see the Prophet.

 The eye that sees by the command of Allah, the same eye does not see by the command of Allah.  This is true, this is normal.  This is how Allah has saved His beloved servants, will save and will save them.

He who obeys Allah Ta'ala and listens to Him all the time, for him is help and reward.  Again, the situation of the servant who does not listen to Allah Ta'ala, is the opposite!  He gets punished and punished.  You must have heard the name of Hazrat Musa (AS).  Yes, he was another prophet of Allah, whose name appears many times in the Quran.  How many times did he invite Pharaoh, the king of Egypt!  He repeatedly warned that if you do not obey Allah, you will be punished.  The punishment will be very severe.  It will not be tolerated.  Not Pharaoh Dambar.  What stubbornness!  Do not listen to the prophet!  He started saying, 'Hey I am big God'.  Shit!  What is the competition of his servant in the land of God!  He calls himself God!  Again, God is great!  Do not feel ashamed, do not repent!  In the end, that's what happened.  There was only one chance!  Pharaoh missed!

 When people dressed as big gods/drowned in the Red Sea.

 With the help of Allah Almighty, as soon as Prophet Musa (A) crossed the Red Sea with the help of Muslims, Pharaoh drowned like a rat in the chest of the sea with his swords and army!

 They always say 'I am big god'/ drown.

 Allah Ta'ala taught - if you are proud, you will be drowned, you will be drowned, then regretting and holding your ears a thousand times will not help!  Fail the test!  Pharaoh has sunk and drowned.  Fail the test of God!  What shame, doom!  O Allah!  Save us, we want to die as Muslims!  Amen!

Another servant of Allah also claimed himself as God and made a grand plan to kill the beloved servant of Allah, Hazrat Ibrahim (a).

 Look at the courage!  He wants to kill God's beloved servant by lighting fire!

 Nimrod lit the fire/ for Ibrahim (as) it was Fagun/ Whose Lord's love/ fire is his cool home.

 When Nimrod threw Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) into the fire, God's servant 'Fire' became the guest of Ibrahim (A.S.)!  Very good host!  The guest who cares a lot!  By the order of Allah Ta'ala, the fire became a place of peace for Hazrat Ibrahim (A)!  Such a big fire did not even burn a hair of Ibrahim (A), but a small mosquito made the life of Nimrod, the enemy of Allah Ta'ala, miserable!

 Friends, that's all for today.  InshAllah I will talk about your faith again another day.  Let's learn from these events!  From today, I firmly resolve to obey all the words of Allah Ta'ala.

 O Allah!  You grant us obedience to you!  Amen!

 Let us not wish to evade Allah Ta'ala in any way!  Reason:

 Who will you cheat?  Allah? / Who created the heavens and the earth, the jinn and man? / He hears everything!  You see everything!

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