How fortunate is he who died in the way of Allah

 The fort of Khaybar fell.  Muslim forces won.  Suddenly they saw the body of a man, whose body was black and his face was covered with dust.  And wearing dirty clothes.  Who is this person?  Where did it come from?  Why come here?  Various other questions made the Companions very worried.  But no one knew his identity and the secret of his arrival.  Meanwhile, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) arrived there.  Companions requested, "O Messenger of Allah!  None of us can recognize this person.  He said, "You don't recognize him. He is such a person, who has never prayed a single rak'ah, nor fasted, nor even given a single penny of zakat in his life."  [And Hajj was not yet obligatory.] But my heart bears witness that this person has become a resident of Jannatul Firdaus.''

 Seeing the companions surprised, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told the whole story.  Narrative: This man was a slave of a Jew, he used to ride his master's goat.  When the fort of Khyber was under siege by Muslim forces, he once left the fort with a herd of goats.  He had great interest and curiosity to see the kings, palaces or royal palaces.  Moreover, he had a long-standing interest in seeing the king of Hijaz, Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace.  So he advanced towards the Muslim army.  A companion asked, where is the King of Hijaz staying now?  The companion pointed to a tent.  The man was very surprised.  Thought, the king's tent will be made of gold and silver!  Hanging in front of the tent will be a variety of colorful curtains decorated with gold work!  There will be servants and servants running around!  And there will be a strict guard of guards.But none of these are here.  There is only a tent like a common soldier's tent.  And there is the King of Hijaz!  Neither the royal palace nor the royal palace was seen, but the king was there.  So, with curiosity to see the king, he proceeded towards the tent.  He entered the tent with great joy and unknown apprehension.  This is the King of Hijaz sitting.  How beautiful!  How smiling his face!  How good is his look!  But why is his life so simple?  The matter had a tremendous effect on him.  He asked Muhammad, Well, what do you invite people to?  The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, 'I invite people to La-Ilaha Ill-Allah.  And I am the Messenger of Allah, I give this invitation.  So you also accept one God.  Accept me as his Messenger. Hearing this, the man accepted Islam.  Then the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, asked, O Messenger of God!  Now tell me what to do?  He said, "You have become a Muslim at such a time that neither now is the time of prayer that I ask you to pray, nor the month of Ramadan that I ask you to fast."  You don't even have wealth to pay zakat.  But there is one worship, which Muslims are doing now.  That is jihad in the way of Allah.  Now that's what you can do.  And if you die doing this Jihad, you will go directly to Paradise.  But before that, bring back the herd of goats to your master.' Then the man drove the herd of goats towards the fort, so that the goats could reach the master.  Then he jumped into the field of Jihad.


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