Islamic teachings on resolving marital disputes


The role of marital relationship in shaping human civilization is immense.  Conjugal relations play a major regulator in the formation of a society.  Marriage is the relationship between two men and women in a Shariah-compliant manner.  A family is formed by the combination of responsibility and love of both husband and wife.  Then a society.  So if you want to build an ideal society, you need an ideal marital relationship.  That relationship will be pure;  Strong bonds of responsibility and love.  However, this relationship is not always harmonious.  Unwanted events often occur due to small mistakes.  Sometimes these events take a complicated form and the husband and wife engage in vices like quarrels.  In social parlance, such disputes between husband and wife are called 'marital quarrels'.

 Husband and wife are each other's lifelong companions.  Therefore, in the way of their life, pride and shame, mistakes and mistakes are normal things.  But this normal thing becomes abnormal when it turns into marital discord.

 The effect of marital discord on family and social life is very harmful.  For this reason, if the husband and wife do not agree in any way, a peaceful separation is allowed at the end.  However, there is no room for conflict.  But it is a sad but true fact that marital discord is increasing at an alarming rate in our society.  The situation has reached such a level that 'husband kills wife or wife kills husband' on the basis of a minor quarrel is now a daily occurrence.  (May Allah protect us)

In most of the society, an unusual issue like conflict has become a normal thing in the family today.  But the leaders of the society do not seem to have any thought and any welfare system for solving this matter.  An impartial analysis between two men and women will show that the root cause of all our problems is the same - trying to find peace and success within their own fabricated doctrines by discarding the noble ideals of Islam and the laws given by Allah.  So if we really want to solve the problem, then we have no other option but to go back under the shadow of Islam.  Marriage relationship, its problems and solutions is no exception.

 Disputes between husband and wife are mainly due to lack of awareness of one's own rights and neglect of other's rights.  If everyone is aware of their responsibilities, there is no chance of marital strife.

 This is why Islam has clearly defined the rights of one over another and has given orders for the realization of those rights with great importance.  Some of the main rights that a husband has over his wife in Islamic law are-

* To obey and serve the husband.

 * Do not make any demands beyond the husband's means.

 * Do not allow anyone to enter the house without the permission of the husband and do not leave the house yourself.

 * Keeping husband's wealth faithfully.  This includes protecting the wife's own chastity.

 * Responding immediately to husband's summons unless there is a Shariah-compliant reason.

 On the other hand, some of the rights that a wife has over her husband are-

 * Collecting stamp duty.

 * Providing maintenance of wife with halal goods.

 * Arranging accommodation as per requirement for living.

 * Arranging workers if possible.

 * Not oppressing the wife by abusing authoritative power.  Looking at wife's faults with a forgiving eye.  But be warned if necessary.

 * If there is more than one wife, maintaining equality between all regarding maintenance, night stay etc.

Apart from the above rights, husband and wife have other rights, which can be exercised to keep the marital life free from strife.  However, if for any reason there is discord, the husband and wife will discuss with each other and try to understand where the main problem is and what is its solution.  Then both will sincerely try to solve those problems.  But if the problem is more complicated, the solution of which is not possible only by the husband and wife, then the guardians of the respective families will discuss and try to resolve their conflict.  Ulama may also be consulted;  Rather it will be considered better.

 It should be noted that the decision taken by the parents should be beneficial for both the husband and wife.  Lest that happen, those who were called to solve the problem came and showed weakness towards one side and made the problem more complicated.  We must always remember that husband-wife relationship is a very delicate relationship.  A little carelessness can cause irreparable damage to both.  In this regard, the correct guidance of Islam is the only key to make the marital relationship strong and sweet.  May Allah grant us Tawfiq.  amen

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