You will be treated according to the position you put yourself in


A prominent thinker of the second century Hijri is Asad Ibnul Furat.  He is Imam Malik, Imam Abu Yusuf, Imam Muhammad Ibnul Hasan.  Other Mujtahids were accompanied by the Imam.  That is, he inherited the two famous centers of knowledge, Madinah and Kufa.  Time was shared in the court of Imam Malik.  At the beginning of the day, the shaykhs of Madinah used to sit before him, then the shaykhs of Egypt, then others would come.  Asad Ibnul Furat was allowed to enter with the third party.  But within a few days, Imam Malik received the approval of the Prophet and was allowed to enter with the second party.

 Imam Malik's prayers were very solemn.  Even his distinguished disciples did not dare to ask more questions.  At their request Asad Ibnul Furat Rah.  Imam Malik rah.  Who used to ask different questions.  Asad said, "Abdur Rahman Ibnul Qasim and other Sheikhs used to ask me questions." Abdur Rahman Ibnul Qasim rah.  He was one of the leading scholars of Imam Malik.  Later, Fiqh of Imam Malik was compiled through him.

 Imam Malik noted the talent of Fiqh and Ijtihad in Asad Ibnul Furat.  Advised him to go to Iraq.  Imam Abu Yusuf in Kufa at that time.  And Imam Muhammad.  existed  Asad Ibnul Furat accepted the discipleship of these two Imams.  However, the contribution of Imam Muhammad Ibnul Hasan was more in developing his talent.

Asad said, I appealed to Muhammad Ibnul Hasan, I am a foreigner, and I have not had the opportunity to hear much of your discussion.  Imam Muhammad said, "You will sit in my majlis with everyone during the day and I will give you special time at night." Asad said, "When my eyes woke up at night and I was drowsy, he used to splash water on my eyes and face!"

Imam Muhammad rah.  looked at me and said, 'Shut up!  He was Ameerul Mu'minin in Hadith.

 Then Asad Rah.  He went to Egypt.  Abdullah Ibn Wahb, a distinguished student of Imam Malik, requested him, "Look at the books of Imam Abu Hanifa, will you tell me about these matters like Imam Malik?"  Ibn Wahhab did not agree.  Then he came to Abdur Rahman Ibnul Qasim and made the same request.  Ibnul Qasim rah.  agreed and a comprehensive compilation of Fiqh Maliki was prepared.  These books are popularly known as 'Almasailul Asadiyyah'.

 Imam Abdur Rahman Ibnul Qasim.  He used to recite two complete Qurans day and night.  Asad Ibnul Furat Rah.  When he requested him, he said, I am reducing for you a complete recitation of the Qur'an so that this collection of knowledge is ready.

 Such was his skill in composition and compilation that the value of any book with which his name was associated increased manifold.  Readers used to collect those books even at very high prices.

 Imam Asad Ibnul Furat.  When he came back to his country, his majlis was attended by many shaykhs from home and abroad.  Among them were the Shaykhs of Iraq as well as the Shaykhs of Madinah.  When he used to discuss the opinions of Iraqi imams, the shaykhs of Madinah would plead, ``Abu Abdullah!  Now light the second lamp as well.' Ibnul Furat Rah.  Then Madani used to discuss the opinions of Imams in detail.

 One day Imam Muhammad rah.  When he saw the passers-by drinking water on the side of the road, he asked, "Are you drinking from here?"  Asad said, 'I am also a traveler, my position is on the road!' After hearing this, Imam Muhammad rah.  He gave him eighty dinars and said, I have just come to know that you are living like this!

 There is a beautiful incident in this context.  Asad Ibnul Furat Rah.  When he was returning to his country, he did not even have travel expenses.  Imam Muhammad rah.  Discussed him with an important person in the administration and asked him to go the next day.  But the advice he gave while leaving is worth remembering.  He said, 'On such and such a day you will meet him.  But remember, you will be treated according to the position you put yourself in.'

He went there on time.  He was respectfully seated and Khadim brought some food in a covered dish and set it before him.  He began to think and found it humiliating to take food in the absence of a host.  But very politely said to Khadim, thank you for carrying the food with difficulty, but will your master be happy if I eat alone?  Asad said, I had forty dirhams.  I gave the whole thing to that Khadim and asked him to take the food.

 He took  Later I learned that the person heard this account and said, 'By God, this is a very free-spirited person.'

 Later he granted ten thousand dirhams and requested to meet him again.  All heard Imam Muhammad.  He said, 'If you were to meet again, you would have to become their servant.  In that which has been granted to you, you shall continue and return to the country and employ yourself in the service of the people.'

 Meanwhile Imam Malik passed away.  At his death, the entire Kufa was devastated.  Imam Muhammad rah.  He was the most popular Imam of Kufa.  Asad said, I asked him to test, among the scholars of Kufa, Imam Malik.  Why so much respect and honor?  He disagrees with you on many issues?

Among his Madani disciples the name of Suhanun Rah. is particularly notable.  He collected the books called 'Almasailul Asadiyyah' and again discussed them with Imam Abdur Rahman Ibnul Qasem.  After additions and subtractions, he prepared the famous book of the Maliki Madhhab, 'Almudawanatul Kubra'.

 During the reign of Amir Ziadatullah, Imam Asad Ibnul Furat.  was appointed Qazi of Kairawan.  After serving this duty for about ten years, he was sent as a commander in the 'Chikillayah' campaign.  He was also a valiant Mujahid besides having profound knowledge of Ilm and Fiqh.  He faced one and a half million Christian soldiers with only ten thousand companions and was victorious with the help and support of Allah Aala.

 A narrator said, I saw the flag of Jihad flying in the hands of Asad ibn al-Furat.  And he is reciting Surah Yasin.  He was mortally wounded in this campaign and this mujahid of pen and sword departed this world in 213 Hijri.

 The entire city seemed to fall apart to bid him farewell before he left for Chiquillia.  Seeing the neighing of horses all around, well-armed troops ready for the expedition and the sea of ​​people present, he recited Takbeer and Tahleel and said, People, neither my father nor my grandfather was powerful, nor did any of my forefathers witness such a sight.  My writing helped me to be where I am today.  You also devote your energy and talents behind it and focus on compiling the religion with sacrifice and perseverance.  May Allah grant you success in this world and the hereafter.

 Information source: Tartibul Madarik 3/291-309;  Addibazul Muzahab p.  161;  Siaru Alamin Nubala 9/14-16;  Al Alam

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