The glory of the Muslim nation is Imam Malik Rah. (3)


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They will be entitled to reward due to their intentions.  There is a proverb in Arabic, which means - there are many streams in the path of love. Imam Malik rah.  Its ring was of silver and nagina was of black stone.  It was engraved - حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل Allah is sufficient for us and He is a good manager. When a disciple of Imam Sahib asked him the reason for engraving this verse on the ring stone, he said, Allah Almighty said in the Holy Qur'an about the believers, (translation) 'They say,  Sufficient for us is Allah and what a good manager He is.''My sincere desire is to keep my eyes fixed on this verse and its meaning rooted in my heart.  It was written in the court of Imam Malik (RA): ما شاء الله When a questioner asked about its meaning, he replied, Allah Ta'ala said in the Holy Qur'an, (translation) Why did you not say when you entered your Garden, What Allah wills happens?-  Surah Kahf and my garden is my house.  So I want this word of Allah Ta'ala to be uttered by my mouth whenever I enter the house.  The house in Madinah Sharif where he stayed was the house of Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Masud, the beloved companion of the Prophet.  In Masjid an-Nabawi, he used to take his seat in the same place where Ameerul Mu'minin Hazrat Umar RA usually used to sit.  He took a seat.


 With deep respect and love for Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, his holy hadith and his beloved Madinah, Imam Malik rah.  Who was gifted by Allah Ta'ala with such a characteristic, which is not known to have been achieved by any other human being in the world.  That is, he used to dream of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) every night.  Once Imam Malik Rah.  Was thinking about the answer to a question regarding the date of doomsday.  Then he thought, I will ask the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, about this tonight.  When the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, came in a dream at night, he presented his question.  Then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) showed him his five blessed fingers.  That is, through this he refers to the following verse of the Holy Qur'an, في خمس لا لعليهن إلا الله This is one of the five, which no one knows except Allah. - Fayzul Bari Abu Nuaim Ispahani in the book "Hilayatul Auliya" narrated by the famous Abid Sahal.  Bin Mujahid Rah.  Once he saw the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, in a dream and asked, O Messenger of God!  Your blessed age has passed.  Now, if you are in a religious dilemma, who should you ask for a solution?  He replied, "Ask Malik Ibn Anas."  Another incident is described in the same book.  An old man named Abu Abdullah said, I had the good fortune to see the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, in a dream.  I see that he is staying in the mosque.  People gathered around him.  Some musk is placed in front of the Prophet, he fills it with anjali and gives it to Imam Malik.  And Imam Malik sprinkles it among the crowd.The interpretation of this dream, according to my intuition, is that (during the era of Imam Malik) knowledge first took place in the bosom of Malik, then reached others through him.  Imam Muslim rah.  Its teacher is Muhammad Ibn Rumh.  Narrated that I was blessed to see Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in a dream and humbly asked him, O Messenger of Allah, who is the best between Imam Malik and Lays?  We often argue about this.  Then the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, Malik is the inheritor of my Masnad.  It was not too late for me to understand that this holy saying of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, means, Malik is the inheritor of my knowledge (and He is the best).


 Imam Malik's beloved disciple Yahya narrated, Imam Malik rah.  When he reached the twilight of his life, the Alim-Ulama of Madinah Sharif and other cities flocked to his residence to hear his last sermon and to attain his Faiz for the last time.  I counted them to be one hundred and thirty.  I was one of them.  I used to go to Imam Sahib, offer salam and stand in front of him.  When I was standing near him, the Imam opened his eyes and looked at me and said, Praise be to Allah, the One who sometimes laughs and sometimes weeps, who gives life and who gives death.  Then he said, 'Death is near and the time of meeting with Allah is not far.'  How are you feeling?  Imam Malik rah.  He replied, 'I feel very cheerful.  Because Allah Almighty has given me the companionship of His saints.  According to me, the awliya are the Ahl al-Ilam.  I feel more cheerful because my whole life has been spent in the pursuit of knowledge and its propagation.  I believe that my efforts have not failed.I will certainly get its reward from Allah Ta'ala.  Because we have come to know about the actions prescribed by Allah Ta'ala, the Sunnahs of the Prophet and their rewards through the Prophet.  As the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam said, whoever performs the prayer with care and regularity has such and such a reward.  Allah has such and such a reward for a person who fights against the disbelievers.  Few have pure and detailed knowledge of these subjects except the students of Hadith.  So this knowledge is the legacy of the Prophets.  Because knowledge of different worldly scriptures can be acquired without prophethood.  On the other hand, it is impossible to know which deeds of religion and Shariah are rewarded and which deeds are displeasing to Allah without the knowledge of Prophethood.  Therefore, the person who devotes himself to the pursuit of knowledge will witness many miracles, the significance of which only Allah Ta'ala knows properly.' Then Imam Malik rah  Says three more precious words, each of which is worth writing down in letters of gold.  The summary of which is as follows:

 1.  He is his teacher Rabi'ah.  narrates that swearing by Allah, he (Rabiyyah) used to say, If an ignorant person makes a mistake in prayer, and after he asks me about that matter, I teach him the obligatory sunnah and manners of prayer, then in my opinion he will gain ownership of the whole world in the way of Allah.  Better than giving away. 

 2.  By Allah, if a doubt arises in my mind regarding an issue or a tradition, and to resolve it, I immerse myself in my heart day and night in restlessness and go to a scholar in the morning to get its solution, that is better for me than a hundred Hajjs.  

3.  I have heard many times from Imam Ibn Shihab Zuhri, he used to say, By Allah Almighty, if a person asks me for some advice and I can give him the right advice and it leads to his purification, and his relationship with Allah is not impaired, then it is a hundred times.  I think it is better than Jihad journey.Yahiya said, This was the last word I heard from Imam Malik.  In this way, Imam Malik, the great saint of truth and good deeds, the shining sun of knowledge, died on a mournful day in 179 Hijri from the service of the Prophet of knowledge.  He journeyed towards the ever-soft shade of Paradise.  May Allah Ta'ala grant us the tawfiq of being blessed with the spiritual blessings of Imam Malik and learning from his life style.

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