Life after performing Hajj should be like ours


Hajj is an important worship in Islam.  The fifth of the five pillars on which Islam is based is the Hajj.  However, the provisions of Hajj are completely different from prayer and fasting.  Because, it is not obligatory on a Muslim every day or every year;  Rather, it is obligatory only once in a lifetime.  And performing Hajj is an expression of a servant's genuine love for Allah.  The whole matter of Hajj is basically the commemoration of Prophet Ibrahim, a loyal servant of Allah.  Who has passed various difficult tests from Allah with full success.  Which is described in the Holy Quran.  His genuine love for Allah and his great sacrifice were so accepted in the court of Allah that even for the next Prophet's ummah, he was made a part of worship in the form of a mad servant and dressed up.  And so every year millions of religious people from almost every country of the world rush to perform Hajj due to the pull of love, pilgrimage and faith attraction of Baitullah.  Wearing a sheet wrapped around his body, in the guise of a fakir, Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik ... is everywhere resounding with the sound.  Those whose hearts are pure, those who have insight, they see the power of God, His immense glory, the presence of the Holy Spirit arises in their minds again and again.  And those who don't have it, those whose hearts are corrupted, they also have feelings, they also get the taste they don't need.  At this time, the fruits of God's mercy flow, after which the fortunate ones become selfless.

But this good fortune belongs to those whom Allah loves, whom He has given the ability to visit His house.  This worship is not obligatory on the common Muslim like prayer and fasting.  There are certain conditions for this.  In this context, the Qur'an has mentioned - "It is obligatory for people to perform Hajj to Baitullah for the sake of Allah (satisfaction), who can afford to go there." - Surah Al-Imran 97

 In the light of this verse, the jurists said that Hajj is not obligatory on an adult Muslim if he is physically and mentally healthy;  Rather, the main condition for Hajj to be obligatory is ability.  That is, the cost of traveling from one's own country or region to Makkah-Madinah, the cost of staying there, and the ability to bear the cost of one's family during this full trip.  And the person who is promoted under the said condition is obliged to perform Hajj only once in his life.  And basically this one time Hajj is enough for a Muslim to be careful, correct the mistakes of life and walk on a new path and make radical changes in life.  Because Hajj forgets everything in the world and instills the love of the great Rabbul Alamin in the hearts of people.  And so during Hajj, people leave their wives and children, family and relatives and drown in the love of God.  Surrendering oneself in the court of the mighty, mighty Lord, the heart and mind are moistened with divine mercy.  It is not to be understood as the condition of servant and slave at that time.  It is just a matter of being present and experiencing.  It is worth noting that the benefits of worship such as prayer, fasting, etc. are clearly described in the Quran.  The benefit of prayer is that prayer prevents people from all immoral and bad activities.  And fasting creates piety in people, awakens in people's hearts the feeling that God Almighty is watching me.  Likewise, the benefit of Zakat is that Zakat keeps people's wealth clean.  Through this wealth is blessed and the needs of the poor and helpless are met.  But while describing the benefits of Hajj, it is only said - meaning: "so that they may come to their places of good." - Surah Hajj 28

No specific benefit of Hajj is mentioned here like prayer-fasting;  Rather, it is only asked to be physically present and perceive it directly.  This means that the benefits of Hajj are not to be explained to anyone.  It will not be understood by hearing from anyone.  It's just a matter of feeling.  That is why people can feel their inner changes at this time.  He notices changes in his thinking, activities.  And this is reflected in his real life.  Even his style of interest-stimulation changed and became completely different.  And he himself can realize that now he is no longer the person he was before, now he has become someone completely different.

 One thing that should be known here is that even though Hajj has so many benefits, everyone is able to experience it only according to their status and ability.  In which the greater the sincerity, piety and mujahada, the more careful and careful the Hajj works, the more benefit he will experience.  Hajj will affect him as much.  Even if he performs Hajj several times, he will continue to feel new benefits every time.  Each time he will be impressed anew.  Be more refreshed in faith and belief than before.

 And because at this time people forget everything in the world and surrender themselves to the love of a mawla, a special relationship of the servant is established with Allah Ta'ala, he starts enjoying his mercy and majesty directly, moreover, he keeps himself free from all kinds of sins in the holy land and holy places, the deceptions and sins of the devil.  Hajj is enough to make a radical change in a person's life by keeping himself away from all things and seeking forgiveness for his past sins at important places.  This short mujahada encouraged him to live the rest of his life without sin.  As a result, it is very easy for this person who is inspired by the love of God to avoid all sins in the life after Hajj.

One of the merits of Hajj is that through Hajj people get rid of all the sins of their past lives.  But without the rights of the slave.  It is mentioned in Hadith Sharif-

 Meaning: 'One who performs Hajj for the sake of Allah and abstains from all lewd and sinful words and deeds becomes as innocent as a newborn child.'(Sahih Bukhari 1:206)

 That is, Hajj erases all the sins of human life.  However, if any rights of the slave are unpaid, that is excepted.  That is why the main preparation for Hajj before going to Hajj is to receive dua from the Moorabids and to pay off any unpaid dues.  And if it is not possible to pay, ask for forgiveness from him.

 And so if one goes on the Hajj journey after fulfilling all the unpaid rights of a servant and is able to perform Hajj following all the rules, then he becomes as innocent as a new-born child.  And God's relationship with this innocent servant deepens.  So, after Hajj, even after Hajj, he should be free from sin and impurity, and the rest of his life should be spent like an innocent child.  And this will be the main claim of true love for Allah and the manifestation of the fresh desire of a true lover.

 What to do back home

 The full duration of the Hajj journey is essentially a perfect time in a person's life to acquire piety and godliness.  In this short period of training, a person develops himself as a complete Muttaki.  Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that that piety remains intact even after returning to the country.  And if you have been involved in any kind of sin before the Hajj journey, professionally or for any other reason, it is necessary to completely separate yourself from it before the Hajj journey and to keep asking Allah for forgiveness repeatedly during the Hajj.  And at the end of Hajj, returning home, it is necessary to avoid all kinds of sins.

That's why you should be in touch with God.  It is mentioned in the Qur'an - Meaning: "O you who believe, fear Allah and be with the truthful." (Surah Tawba: 119)

 In this verse, first of all, the believers are addressed and said that, O believers!  Fear Allah.  And the purpose of this fear is not to disobey Allah and avoid sin.

 But since it is very difficult to avoid sin in our environment, because all around us is sin and sin.  Therefore, the easiest way to adopt taqwa in this environment is to be in the company of Allah.  Because Allah Ta'ala has ordered the adoption of taqwa as well as the companionship of the people of Allah.  And one of the principles of the Qur'an is that whenever Allah Ta'ala gives a commandment that is difficult to obey, He gives another commandment at the same time which, if acted upon, makes the first commandment easy to follow.  And so it is possible to stay away from sins easily by staying with the people of Allah, building relationships with them, obeying their words, etc.  Because people are naturally influenced by the environment.  As a result, it is essential to avoid the environment of sin and accustom yourself to the environment of good and honest people and spend the rest of your life sin-free.

 Besides, the following practices should be done regularly.

 1.  Reciting some amount of Quran regularly every day.

 2.  Going to the mosque for the five times prayer and trying to perform the takbeer with the ula.

 3.  In addition to the daily obligatory and sunnah prayers, developing the habit of some Nafal prayers.

 4.  Try to pray Tahajjud daily.

 5.  Reciting Istegfar, Durood Sharif and other dua-dhikr etc daily.

 May Allah grant us tawfiq to act.  amen

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