Girls should think about their own reformation

 I was talking about Akhlaq-Durasti.  It is very important for our girls to pay attention to this.  It should be remembered that Azifa-Ibadat will not be of any use if Akhlaq is not strong.  In the Hadith Sharif, it was said to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that such and such a woman is very pious, worships all night, but causes trouble to her neighbor.  It is said, 'She is of Hell.' It is said of another woman that she does not worship much but treats her neighbors well.  Ershad said, 'He is a paradise.'

 The full maturity of our girls is nowadays limited to tasbeeh and azifa-reciting.  It is said that there is no focus on improving morals.  But beautiful character is an important part of religion.  And if a part of Deen is missing in someone, then his Deen is not complete.

 Some consider prayer and fasting to be the complete deen.  Some are only concerned with maintaining outward modesty, they have no concern about Azifa and Ibadat.  But their morals are not completely bad.  And even if it was old, it would not be of any use.  There are some people whose deeds and beliefs and transactions are right.  But they are conceited and arrogant about themselves and look down on others.  Then there is a moral defect in them.  Our girls have accepted Aqeedah-Amal, Namaz and Azifa as Deen and abandoned Akhlaq.  They think that we are very pious, old people, from morning to evening, engaged in backbiting-complaining, violence-jealousy, blasphemy-bragging, etc.  It is not old.  Men are also being told that they too have moral defects.  Let them also correct themselves.

In some ways, morals are more important than deeds.  Because, the evil of bad deeds is limited to oneself, on the other hand, others also suffer from the evil of bad morals.  This is Haqqul Abd.  It is a pity that not praying, kabeer indulging in sins are considered sins but envy, jealousy, backbiting, lust for ornaments, quarrels etc. are not considered sins.

 Correction method

 Now listen carefully to the correction method.  It has two parts: Ilam and Amal.  That is, knowledge and awareness must be gained first.  Then try to correct it in a suitable way.  Therefore, knowledge does not mean reading the general Qur'an translation, reading Surah Yusuf or reading Nurnama, Ofatnama;  Rather, one should read such books that contain descriptions of diseases.  In this way awareness about the disease will be gained.  And one of the deeds is to restrain the tongue.  Girls speak very well.  Whether someone calls you good or bad, you do not say anything.  Keep your tongue in check.  When the ability to control the tongue comes, one can get rid of ingratitude to the husband, misunderstanding the husband, slander-cursing, backbiting-complaining etc.  Not only that, these tendencies of nature will also disappear then.  Because, if the practice of backbiting is stopped, the tendency behind it will be inhibited and will weaken and disappear.

 The second act is to set a time and think about the transience of the world, about death and after death - the grave, the questions and answers of Munkar-Nakir, Hashar-Nashar, Account-Kitab, Pulseraat etc.  If you meditate like this for some time every day, the infatuation of money and status, greed and lust, pride and arrogance and other evils caused by them will continue to disappear.

Basically, there are two parts to treatment: awareness of the disease and trying to eliminate it.  For the first thing, after studying the Qur'an, read books that deal with various diseases of the heart, such as jealousy, pride, etc.  At least Purna Beheshti will study Geo.

 And the works mentioned are restraint of speech and contemplation of death.

 One thing to remember here is that it will not do you any good to read heaven by yourself like a parrot;  Instead, read everything to a scholar.  If there is no scholar in the house, appeal to the men of the house to read from the scholar and teach you.  Don't put it down after reading it;  Instead, set a time and read regularly yourself and read to others.  I promise, if you work, you will be corrected very quickly, inshallah.

 All diseases have one source.  Apathy about disease.  If the ahkam of the religion is observed in all matters, i.e. the work I am doing is not according to the religion and not against the religion, then it will be corrected in a short time, Insha'Allah.  It is necessary to make dua, may Allah grant Tawfeek.  amen

 [Khawatin Che Akabirin Ka Khetaab, pp. 53-55]

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