A mother's advice to her daughter


Uma bint lost. She is one of those noble women whose glory still shines in the pages of history. He had a full walk in the world of literature. He was also incomparable in learning and intelligence.

His daughter Umm Yas. Very beautiful, talented and intelligent girl. A marriage proposal for her came from King Haresh bin Amr of Kinda. The parents accepted this proposal and handed over their beloved daughter to him.
At the time of farewell, Umama bint Haresh pulled her daughter close with tears in her eyes and said, "I would not have given you any advice if there was no need to give advice to a well-mannered, well-mannered, virtuous person." However, I give you some advice. Because, advice or admonition is a reminder to the heedless, reminding them again. And it is helpful for the wise. They find the path in Naseehat.
If it was not necessary for girls to go to their husband's house because of the love and wealth of their parents, then you also did not need to go to your husband's house today. But girls have to go to their husband's house. Because Allah created women for men. And created men for women.
Listen! The house, the environment in which you grew up from childhood till now, today you are leaving that house and that environment to a completely unknown environment. You are leaving familiar relatives, friends and moving to a person with whom you have no prior acquaintance. He has full rights over you from today. He is your guardian. If you give your all to him, he will give his all to you.

My dear daughter! I give you some warnings . You will remember them very well.
One. You will be satisfied soon! He will always make complacency and contentment his companion.

Two. Always keep yourself ready to obey any orders.

Three. You will keep a careful eye on the places where the eyes are often seen! And pay particular attention to smelly places! Let nothing unpleasant of you fall into his eyes and let no bad smell enter his nose.
Four. When he sits down to eat, you supervise him as much as possible. And during his sleep he will maintain calmness and silence as much as possible. Because hunger causes heat in the temper and lack of sleep provokes anger.

Five. Will sincerely preserve his house and wealth. And will be very caring towards self and family. Because saving wealth is an indicator of good management. And if you take care of yourself and your family, your position is strengthened.
Remember! One can never be loved and loved without prioritizing the preferences of others over one's own and the desires of others over one's own. You have to sacrifice a lot to make yourself loved and loved by others.

This virtuous woman went to her husband's house and obeyed her mother's advice to the letter. Thanks to this, Allah Ta'ala made their married life happy. Seven sons were born in her womb. They all became kings of Yemen in succession.
May Allah Ta'ala grant us tawfeek to live a peaceful life by following these advices, Ameen.

Reference: Alamun Nisa 1/74

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