Full total solar eclipse: what a strange similarity in darkness!


A total solar eclipse happened a few days ago.  There was a big event in the whole country based on it.  There was extensive reporting in newspapers before and after the adoption and many articles were published.  The subject of most of the writings was the ignorance and superstition of the people of the past and the superiority and enlightenment of the people of the present age.  We are for the practice of science.  Although there are fundamental methodological and conceptual differences with conventional business, we feel the need to practice science in a deeply and multidimensionally oriented manner.  We never support self-forgetfulness in the name of knowledge.  We do not believe in the simple equation that all men of the past were superstitious, and all men of the present are free from superstition.  We believe that superstition exists today as it did in the past.  And the light of knowledge was in the past as it is now.  Allah Ta'ala has not left any part of time empty from two sources of knowledge: 'Revelation' and experience'.  Both types of knowledge have been given to people according to the usefulness of time.  The nations that have managed to reconcile these two philosophies have benefited the most and those that have rejected either have suffered.

Deprived of the light of revelation, people were immersed in various superstitions and used to imagine various supernatural forces in nature and indulged in their worship.  History also says that there was no conflict between 'Ahi' and 'Experience'.  It is created by man himself.  And it has created it in two ways: a class has neglected the revelation of science and incorporated abas-ba chin-a-bhavana and various fabricated opinions into their religion and creed, as a result of the enrichment of human experience between 'religion' and 'knowledge'.  The conflict has become apparent.  The Burning of Western Christendom - Paradigm -  It is needless to say that religion is not responsible for this, but those Ahabar and Rohban who have perverted the religion are responsible.  The second category is those who have become so enamored with the pride of observational modern science that they have gone beyond proven facts to deny the revelation of science in a completely unjust manner.  They have started to think that even trying to know and understand the revelation that was revealed to the last Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and what the predecessors of the Ummah preserved letter by letter, is 'backwardness'.  But experience and observation have always supported the views of the Qur'an and Sunnah.  Many superstitions about solar and lunar eclipses were widespread in the past and still are today, because there is no conflict with modern observable knowledge about the significance mentioned by the prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, about one and a half thousand years ago;  Rather, we believe, as this knowledge progresses, the truth of his words will be revealed.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, '... solar eclipse and lunar eclipse are two signs of Allah Ta'ala.' Needless to say, this is the last word on the matter.  Does not the amount of information gathered through observations about the motion, distance, orbit, etc. of the sun and moon prove that our solar world is governed by a coherent system?  Because of which today we can predict that after the next hundred years the total solar eclipse will appear again!  Needless to say, this well-rounded direction proves the boundless talent of its director.

 The power of observation which could have been helpful in the path of knowing Allah Rabbul Alamin, modern ignorance has taken him in the opposite direction.  Man is so overwhelmed by his powers of observation that he no longer has the luxury of understanding its significance.

 The ignorant people of the past were obsessed with superstitions and took shelter of the gods and goddesses and the proud people of the present have lost themselves in the pride of knowledge and are enjoying themselves.  The question is, although the character is different, do not both classes fall into the same delusion?  Can anyone tell, between these two animals, which one is better, which one is worse?

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