Zakat is an obligatory provision, its importance and issues(3)

 Zakat is not obligatory on all those things

 18.  Zakat is not obligatory on the food, clothing, housing and vehicle of one's family and pets.-Musannaf Abdur Razak 4/19-20;  Musannaf Ibn Abi Shayba Hadith 10207;  Addurrul Mukhtar 2/265

 19.  Zakat is not obligatory on household furniture such as beds, chairs, tables, fridges, cupboards, etc. and household items such as pots, pans, glasses, etc.  No matter how expensive it is.-Musannaf Abdur Razaq Hadith 7093,7102;  Musannaf Ibn Abi Shayba Hadith 10560;  Addurrul Mukhtar 2/265

 However, in this case, it should be remembered that if gold and silver are attached to the items on which zakat is not due, then zakat will be obligatory on this attached gold and silver along with other zakat-eligible assets.

 20.  Zakat is not obligatory even if the wearable clothes and shoes are much more than what is required.  - Raddul Muhtar 2/265

 21.  Zakat is not obligatory on the furniture of shops or business establishments which are not commercial goods.  However, since the furniture which is kept for sale in the furniture shop is a commodity, Zakat will be obligatory on these.

 22.  If you build a house or shop and rent it, Zakat is not obligatory.  However, in these cases, Masala No. 6 will be applicable on the money received for rent.

 23.  Zakat is not obligatory on the purchase of houses or any other items such as decorator's big dishes, dishes, etc. for the purpose of paying rent.  However, zakat will come on the money received for rent.

Loans and dues

 24.  If someone's debt is so much that he does not have nisab worth of zakat wealth, then zakat is not obligatory on him.  -Muatta Malek 107;  Musannaf Abdur Razaq Hadith 7003, 7086, 7089, 7090;  Musannaf Ibn Abi Shayba 6/547-548;  Addurrul Mukhtar 2/263;  Badayus Sanaye 2/83

 But here it should be remembered that this famous issue does not apply to all loans.  Loans are of two types.  A.  A loan taken under compulsion to meet needs.  b.  Loans taken for business purposes.

 Deducting the first type of debt from the wealth, it is necessary to calculate whether the nisab of zakat remains.  Zakat is obligatory if there is Nisab, otherwise not.  But loans taken for development such as construction of factories, or building for rent or sale, or loans taken for business expansion will not be included in the calculation of Zakat.  That is, Zakat cannot be given less due to such debt.  - Musannaf Abdur Razzaq Hadith 7087

 25.  The remaining part of the dowry is owed by the wife to the husband.  But this debt does not affect the non-obligation of Zakat on the husband.  That is, this debt cannot be excluded while calculating Zakatable assets;  Instead, Zakat should be paid on all wealth.  - Raddul Muhtar 2/261

It should be noted that delaying the collection of dowry without reason is highly reprehensible.

 26.  Money lent to others or goods sold by a merchant as a surplus, if this money is owed separately or in combination with other zakat-eligible assets, zakat must also be paid.  - Musannaf Abdur Razaq Hadith 7111-7113,7121,7123,7128;  Musannaf Ibn Abi Shayba 6/484-486

 27.  After the debt is recovered, it is obligatory to pay Zakat on that amount.  It is not necessary to pay it before that, but if you pay it, the zakat will be paid. - Musannaf Ibn Abi Shayba Hadith 10347, 10356

 28.  In the above cases, if a few years have passed since the debt is recovered, then it is obligatory to pay Zakat for all the previous years after recovery.  - Musannaf Abdur Razzaq Hadith 7116,7129,7131;  Musannaf Ibn Abi Shayba Hadith 10346, 10356

 29.  Even if the amount of dowry owed to the husband is Nisab, Zakat is not obligatory on it until it is received by the wife.  If the woman does not already have the Nisab amount of Zakatable assets after the acquisition, then the counting of years will start from now and Zakat must be collected after the completion of the year.

 30.  And if the wife is the owner of the Nisab amount of money or assets before receiving dowry, then this newly received dowry will be added to other money or assets and after the completion of years of those old assets, Zakat must be paid on all assets.


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