"The moment in history has come when the right decisions have to be made."- Hazrat Mawlana Mufti Taqi Usmani(H.)

The ongoing crisis in Palestine 
has caused deep wounds in the hearts of every Muslim in the world.  Muslims and non-Muslims as well as the entire 'human world' have been shocked by the brutality of the Israeli hyenas.  Despite the constant condemnation and outrage, not a shred of humanity has awakened between Israel and its allies.  Rather, the terrible history of the destruction of human rights is being written in the Gaza Strip.

 In such situations, effective action is required.  From all walks of life, the rulers and the ruled, domestic and international.

 More than that, there is a need to have a clear and accurate understanding of the Hamas-Israel war.  Any confusion or misunderstanding in this regard can lead to dire dangers, even existential threats;  Both in worldly and hereafter considerations.

 With this, the compassionate leader of the Ummah, Sheikhul Islam, Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani has awakened the nation.  or  The Hurmat Aqsa Conference was held on 6 December 2023 at the Jinnah Convention Center in Islamabad.  Scholars and national leaders of all political and non-political parties and opinions gathered.  They declared solidarity with the Palestinian Mujahideen in this jihad.  Hazrat also gave historical guidance in it.

Hazrat Ulamae Keram, National Leaders and Honorable Sudhi!  Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Taala Wabarakatuh.

 Alhamdu Lillah, we have gathered to discuss and listen to a matter that, I would not exaggerate, is an issue of two hundred and two million people of Pakistan and the heartbeat of every one.  And that is the Palestinian issue.  Alhamdu Lillah very inspiring speech before me.  There have been many opinions.  Many proposals have also come.  Rather than reiterating them, I would like to briefly draw your attention to a few points.

 The first thing is — Alhamdu Lillah, everyone agrees on this, Israel's brutal, hellish and merciless massacre of innocent Gazans violates even the minimum human values.  This has been revealed, the impure enemies have dug even a drop of humanity in their hearts.  Everyone condemned it.  But there is some confusion.  I would like to present a brief review to clear them up.

One thing is the proposal from the whole world, from various international organizations, even from the OIC, the organization of Muslim countries, is the ceasefire proposal.  A cease-fire means that Israel will be kept out of the war and Hamas will be kept out.  This is the general meaning of a cease-fire proposal.  But the reality is, our demand is just this — stop the bombing of Gaza City.  Not an offer to stop fighting.  The Janbaz Mujahideen of Hamas are fighting to liberate the Palestinian territories from Israeli occupation in the name of Islam and on the basis of birthright.  This struggle of freedom-loving Mujahideen will never stop.  This war is not over.  This resistance struggle will and must continue until the Israeli occupation is removed from the entire Palestinian territory.  So our demand is not for a ceasefire.  If Israel wants to fight Hamas head-on instead of attacking innocent civilian Gazans, let's face it.  The war will continue.  Hamas will resist until all their tanks, military equipment are looted, inshallah.

 Therefore, the demand to stop this brutal bombing should be raised in the mouth of any conscious Muslim instead of a ceasefire.  Israel is killing innocent children, helpless women and innocent people to cover its defeat and avenge its losses.  I want to protest against it.  It is a war crime.  We demand an end to this war crime.  Not a proposal to end the war.  The war will continue, InshAllah.  The battle will continue until victory is achieved.

The second point I would like to point out is the repeated talk by administration officials, and sometimes misunderstandings by peace-loving people, of a 'two-state solution to the Palestinian crisis'.  That is, two states will be established in Palestine.  One is the state of Israel, the other is the state of Palestine.  It's a completely preposterous claim.  We strongly reject it.  We have been against the establishment of Israel since day one.  Pakistan's founding father has since described Israel's existence as an 'illegitimate child of the Western powers'.  Even today we are strong in that spirit.  Therefore, we can never accept any decision that Israel has occupied, whether they belong to it and Gaza and the West Bank to the Palestinians.  Therefore, the solution proposed in the light of 'two-state policy' should be stopped.

 Third point — There is a terrible confusion all over the world even among Muslim officials who are influenced by the propaganda of the Western media.  It is also part of the mission of the Western world, especially America.  Their policy is that when a nation embarks on a struggle to free itself from an occupier, it is stigmatized in the world court with the terrorist tag.  This policy has been applied to our Kashmiri brothers.  The freedom-seeking masses of Kashmir have been and continue to be labeled as terrorists.  The Taliban in Afghanistan have long been called terrorists.  Finally forced to kneel down and sit at the table with them to compromise.  Alhamdu Lillah, may Allah grant them victory.

This principle is applied in Palestine.  Alhamdu Lillah, Hamas is the name of a political force.  They are not just a warring group.  Regrettably, in some media, their Mujahideen are given the name of Jodha or Ladaku.  In fact, they are all mujahids in the path of Allah.  Jihad fee sabilillah is doing.  Mr. Haniya Sahib just said, among them there are a large number of complete Quran memorizers.  Besides, partial memory is not less.  He also said, they are specially initiated in religious training.  Before joining the work of Hamas, they are specially trained in religion and Islahi.  Indeed, they are mujahids in the path of Allah.  They are fighting resistance.  As they continue to fight for self-defense, they are termed as terrorists.  But the terrorist is Israel.  Who have been carrying out brutal massacres in the Palestinian territories for seventy five years.

 So saying — Hamas is an isolated group, it's not;  Rather, they represent the entire Palestinian people.  So I want to save myself from this confusion.

 4th Point — Ulema and national leaders before me have drawn attention to this point.  That is, there is so much oppression on Muslims!  There is no Joe to look at the children!  Not to mention the status of women!  But we and our rulers are only limited to some verbal statements and maximum financial support.  May Allah grant them more Tawfiq.  We are also grateful for the effort.  But regrettably, our ruling class has not yet taken the decisive action that should have been taken at this moment.

Mr. Ismail Hania has also indicated this.  He said, I am not asking you to come and fight in our territory.  He just made it clear.  But reach out as much help as you can to the common Muslims and Mujahideen in Gaza.  We beg you, don't screw it up.

 I would like to mention before you the provisions of Shariat.  The provision of the Sharia is that if an enemy occupies a Muslim territory or seizes its rulership, Jihad becomes obligatory on the Muslims of that territory.  If they are not able to resist then jihad becomes obligatory on the surrounding Muslims.  In this way, Jihad became obligatory on all the Muslims of the world according to their ability.  As a student of Islamic Shari'ah, I declare before you that Jihad is obligatory on all Muslims of the world, wherever they may be, to the extent that they are able to offer whatever assistance they can to the people of Gaza will do.

I am now reciting two verses of the Holy Quran before you.  I think the message of these two verses should be an inspiration to the entire Muslim Ummah by virtue of this conference.  Allah says in Surah Nisa-

 The Qur'an says to the Muslims - what happened to you!  You do not descend in the path of Allah!  Do not wage jihad for those helpless men, women and children who have been crushed by the enemy.  They are supplicating — O Lord, deliver us from this settlement.  They are also making dua, May Allah send us a helper.  Get us a sponsor.  [Dr.  Surah Nisa (4) : 75]

 Depicting the scene of these women, men and children, the Qur'an is addressing the entire Muslim Ummah, saying, "What has become of you, you are not entering into Jihad to save them!"

Listen to the second verse from Surah Tawbah –

 Referring to the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, Allah Almighty says, “Declare among all – if you love Allah, His Messenger, and Jihad in His Cause more than your father, your son, your brother, your wife, your mother,  The wealth you have acquired, your business, fear its decline and the house you love, but wait for My command.  [Dr.  Surah Tawbah (9): 24]

 Allah says, wait for 'my order' to come!!

The last point I would very humbly submit to you is the criticism of the Muslim rulers from this conference.  It is correct up to a point.  Undoubtedly, it is our right to raise criticism.  It is also our duty to call upon our rulers what we think is right.  So at the moment we are not in conflict with them;  I speak on the basis of compromise and goodwill, because the teaching of our Shari'ah is, be benevolent to all.  Special mention is made to seek the favor of rulers.  One of the main duties of Ahlul Ilam is to advise the rulers.  From that point of view, my mind is saying, I am very understanding with myself and turning to Allah, making dua to Allah, beseeching Allah Tabaraka wa Ta'ala — there are moments in history, when the right decision is not taken, then  Its cost has to be multiplied over the centuries.  The poet rightly says—

 Moments had sinned - centuries had punished

 A moment has made a mistake, a century has multiplied the cost.

There are moments in history when the right decision has to be taken with courage and determination.  If it fails to make the right decision at that time, centuries after centuries have to suffer the consequences.  I think that moment in history has arrived.

 No one can deny this fact—the entire Muslim world, from Morocco to Indonesia, is currently enslaved by the West.  Who can deny the slavery we are living, say?!  Economically, politically, militarily, in short, we are living a life of slavery.  How long is this slavery?

 But the situation of the Muslim world from Morocco to Indonesia is the natural resources that Allah has given them to no other nation.  The Muslim world is situated across the middle of the earth.  They have such abundance in their hands, with which they can rein in others.  They have the Suez Canal.  There is the Gulf of Aden.  Bosphorus and Strait of Hormuz.  They even have the most liquid gold and oil resources in the world.  They have natural gas.  Resources are all there.  Why are they still living a life of slavery?

The reason for this should be known from Hadith Sharif.  And that is, fearing death, becoming engrossed in the world and giving up jihad fi sabilillah.

 Our current situation is no exception.  But at this moment, the Janbaz Mujahideen of Hamas have created an opportunity for us to remove the yoke of slavery from the shoulders of the West and be excited about the initiation of freedom and independence.  Now if the entire Muslim world unites with Hamas and takes a coordinated countermeasure, then I can assure you that the entire Western world, including British America, will not be able to do anything united.  Why?  America is not in control.  America has not become God.  Sovereignty belongs to Allah alone.  They are not superpowers;  Supreme power belongs to Allah alone.

 So if we take this decision for once - if we have to tie a stone in the stomach, tie it.  I will be ready for maximum sacrifice.  We will get the chest if necessary in front of the bullet.  Will be a victim of bombing.  Then America and no power in the world will be able to defeat us.

 May Allah Ta'ala grant us tawfiq to understand this reality.  Realize this reality and grant tawfiq to end slavery.


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