We can do all these deeds in Ramadan

All the deeds we can do to protect the holy month of Ramadan are:

* Fasting: It is obligatory to fast during the month of Ramadan.  This is the special practice of this month.  It is the duty of every Muslim to observe all manners of fasting for the whole month.

 * Taraweeh: The special act of the night of Ramadan is Qiyam Ramadan i.e. twenty rakat Taraweeh.  The effect of Tarawi Namaz is immense to obtain the infinite mercy and forgiveness of this month and to receive the promised reward and reward.

 * Donation: Charity is always the best deed, but its importance increases in Ramadan.  It is mentioned in the Hadith Sharif - 'Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was more charitable than all the people of the world.  In the month of Ramadan, his hand of charity would be extended.' - Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 1902

 * Recitation of Quran Majeed: This month is the month of revelation of Quran.  Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam used to recite Quran Majeed every night of Ramadan with Gabriel.  Hadith Sharif has come - 'Hazrat Jibreel a.  Every night until the end of Ramadan, he used to meet the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, would recite the Qur'an to him.'-Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 1902

 So we should all recite the Quran more in Ramadan.  Finish the Quran at least once.  When discussing the biography of the Salaf Saleheen, it can be seen that each of them and their family members used to read the Quran many times during Ramadan.

*Nafal Ibadat: In this month Satan is in order.  In this opportunity, one can gain closeness to Allah Ta'ala through more Nafal worship.  There is no rush to perform any worship regularly in this month and it easily becomes a habit later on.  So Nafal Namaz should be performed more with Zikir-Azkar.  At least performing Nafal prayers at different times like Ishraq, Chasht and Tahajjud etc.

 It is a pity that two or four rakats of Tahajjud prayer can be easily offered in Ramadan after rising to Sahri.  No need to suffer like other days of the year.  But being inattentive or eating too much during Sahri does not make it possible to perform Tahajjud.

 * Dua: This month is the month of mercy, blessing, forgiveness and paradise.  Therefore, it is absolutely desirable to take refuge in Allah Ta'ala and pray with tears.

 * Asking for forgiveness: Jibreel a.s. on the person who could not forgive his sins even after Ramadan.  And the Prophet of Mercy cursed.  Therefore, this is the best time to remember the sins committed in life, repent more and seek forgiveness from Allah Ta'ala.  Especially during Iftar and Tahajjud, one should seek forgiveness and make dua in the court of Allah Ta'ala.

*I'tikaf: The Masnoon I'tikaf of the last decade is a very meritorious act.  The hadith comes in Sharif - "The Prophet, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, used to observe Itikaf during the last ten days of Ramadan." - Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 2021;  Sahih Muslim, Hadith 1171

 * Searching for Shaba Qadr: It is obligatory to search for Lailatul Qadr, which is better and better than a thousand rajnis by waking up the night through worship.  It is mentioned in the Quran-

 Undoubtedly, I revealed the Qur'an on the night of Qadr.  And do you know what Shabba Kadar is?  Shab Qadr is better than a thousand months.  On this night the Angels and Ruhul Quds (Jibraeel a.s.) descend (on earth) with every good thing by order of their Lord.  (This night's) pre-eminent peace which continues till dawn.'-Surah Qadr

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