The last visit of a great believer(1)

[ Lucknow Nadwatul Ulama's respected Ustaaz and renowned Adeeb, researcher Alem Maulana Nazrul Hafiz Nadbi's respected mother passed away on 14th September-03 on Sunday in Fajr prayer.

 At that time Maulana Nazrul Hafiz Nadvi highlighted some heartwarming and instructive things from the life of his mother at the request of the Urdu monthly 'Bange Hera'.  His translation is presented in the pages of Al Kawsar, thinking that the life of this nobleman will be instructive for the women of this generation.]

 Amma used to tell me, 'Son!  How long have you been praying for my long life, I have been alive for a long time, now give me a chance to meet Allah.'

 I used to say - Mom!  I am selfish!  I therefore pray that your existence may be a cause of Khair and Barakat for us.  For as long as you live, you will continue to pray for us.

 However, in the end it was what he wanted.  In spite of all our hopes and wishes, he left us and traveled to the afterlife in such a way that I was deprived of his last service.

On Sunday, September 14, Ammajan performed the Fajr prayer and prayed for a long time.  Then he sat in the chair.  Tea biscuits are presented in front of him.  The seven children of the house gather around him.  He distributed biscuits to everyone and himself took two biscuits with tea and milk.  He left three biscuits and said, God willing, it can be eaten tomorrow.  His breathing became heavy while saying this.  He called for water.  My elder daughter was present there.  He asks someone to call a doctor.  My mother heard him and said - Doctor, don't call me, I won't live much longer.  At that time dots of sweat can be seen on his face.  He himself stretched out on the bed.  He closed his eyes and straightened his arms as he wanted to sleep.  Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Raziun.

This tragic event happened so unexpectedly at 6:40 in the morning that whoever heard the news of his death asked with natural curiosity, was he sick?  I was unfortunate enough to be staying hundreds of miles away in Lucknow.  When the news reached me at seven o'clock in the morning, I believed the news because he had told me several times that I would leave this world one day while walking.  He said several times while staying at home - both my sons live in Lucknow.  If I die in such a state, then I should not delay the burial and the funeral prayer, because it is a sin.  When the phone rang a second time, I gave permission for the burial with pressure on my mind.  When I appeared at the grave on the second day, all barriers of self-control were broken.  After saying this, tears started flowing in countless streams which he said as a wish - 'Beta!  When the people come away from burying me, you will sit near the grave and recite Surah Yashin until my question-and-answer in the grave is over.  Your presence and Duar will inspire me with courage.' But he had no idea that such a great wealth would be left out of my hands.

 There is no doubt that every person has to taste the taste of death.  But some die beautiful and some die bitter.  This essay is not being written on Amma's death because she is my mother and I was influenced by her and find her personality exemplary.  Although it is natural and the Arabic proverb goes like this - 'Every child is weak towards its father'.

This article is being written because it is a discussion of a good slave of Allah and a good servant/slave of Allah can benefit from reading it.  Moreover, this discussion needs to be done because it is a discussion of the people of the generation that is going to end now and these qualities are going to be rare and rare in the current generation.  Undoubtedly, there is something in this life for the new generation.

 I will present to the readers only a glimpse of the way I saw my mother living day and night for half a century.  Maybe someone will benefit from it and a gift will be arranged for Amma.

 My mother was past 85.  Despite his physical weakness, he used to carry out his tasks himself.  But his grandchildren were always ready to serve him.  The ease and calmness with which my mother welcomed death is a glimpse of her whole life of good deeds.  All his life he was engaged in prayer and Quran recitation.  He has become a role model for all in his service to people and children's education and training.

 My mother winked at a pious genre.  His father (our grandfather) Mullah Sirajuddin Hazrat Thanbi.  He pledged allegiance to him and was popularly known as Mulla Qari.  Our father Maulana Qari Abdul Hafeez Sahib.  Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ahmad Saheb Pratapgari took oath of allegiance.  was in his hands and his caliphate.  My mother is also Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ahmad Saheb.  Bai'at was with it.

His childhood education was till the book of Ismail Mirathi.  Then he performed Mutala'ah personally.  The women of our settlement Malmal founded an Anjuman called 'Islahe Niswan'.  My mother was also one of the banis of that Anjuman.  He used to attend that Islahi jalsa every Thursday with seriousness.  The Anjuman also had a library.  From there he used to collect and read books on historical and social events and novels.  He has read the books of Rashed Alkhaeri and Deputy Nazeer Ahmad many times.  Hazrat Thanvi Rah.  Its 'Beheshti Jeor' was not only included in her studies but she taught it to many girls.  This book was next to his poetry till the last moment of his life.

 As long as he was healthy and physically able, he performed the Tashbeeh prayer every Friday and regularly recited Surah Kahf.  Later, due to weakness, he used to perform this prayer on Fridays of every Ramadan instead of Fridays.  On this day, with special importance, Ibrahim recited Darud one thousand times.  He used to guide the children at home to recite short Darood Sharifs regularly.  It was a habit from childhood to recite Surah Mulk, Surah Sijda, Surah Yashin before going to bed.  After finishing the recitation in Fajr prayer, Hazrat Sheikhul Hind used to read the translation of the Quran.  During Ramadan, Mubara used to recite four or five verses of the Quran every day.  Majeed used to recite Quran with great love and affection.  Sahih was very careful about recitation with Makhraj.  He recited it twice to my father.  But even then he was not relieved and his Hafez grandson Mu'azzam recited it again.  Sometimes he used to recite some verses to us along with Sahih Makhraj.

Besides, Surah Arrahman, Surah Qaf etc. were also memorized by him.  He used to recite long surahs in prayer.  He used to spend a whole hour in the Isha prayer.  It was customary to pray for a long time after the prayer.  Machoor used to pay special attention to Maqbool in dua and prayer.  Regularly recited Darood Sharif and other tasbeeh tahlil with special importance.

 After Zikir, Tilawat and Namaz, his focus of interest and taste was to look after the weak, destitute and helpless people.  He also emphasized nursing the sick and expressing grief and sympathy for the dead.  As long as he was able to walk, Chhawab thought he would do this work himself.  Even when the strength of movement decreased due to shortness of breath and weakness, Shushrusha used to send her grandson for sympathy and mourning.

 We have seen mother since childhood, she was always ready to help the needy.  He helped them with food, clothes and cash.  When it was time to eat, he would feed the hungry with great respect.  social responsibility

 He was very careful in keeping.  Whenever the community or the Muslim community asked for a donation for any emergency or mosque-madrasa or for any sick or needy person, he would be the first to do so.

 He instructed the people in the house that if a person wants a loan, he must lend it to him

 Must be paid but cannot be pressured to collect the debt.  If someone voluntarily pays it, then he will accept it.  It was not my mother's habit to return a needy or needy person empty-handed.

 (to be continued inshallah)

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