If I am careless for a moment, I will fall back a thousand months.'


A famous event.  A person found a very valuable piece of diamond somewhere.  He took it to a jeweler and inquired about the diamond.  Jahuri told him that its true value will only come when craftsmanship is put into it.  However, this work is very complex and sensitive.  For this, the remuneration of a large amount has to be calculated.  The man understood the value of the diamond in the words of the jeweler and agreed to pay any fee for the work.  He brought Jahuri home with him.  One of Jahuri's qualities was that she also knew music.  At one point in the conversation, the man asked him to play a song.  Jahuri started singing the tune of a song.  Meanwhile, the afternoon has passed and the evening is approaching.  After finishing the song, Jahuri said, "Pay me, my time is up."  Hearing this, the man said in a surprised voice, "What's the fee?"  You haven't touched the diamond yet!  Now Jahuri said, 'Hey, the price is time.  And I gave it.  So now you have to pay for it.'

 See, the man had no sense of the value of time even though he could appreciate the true value of diamonds.

 Same situation with us.  One of the major reasons for our backwardness is that we do not realize the value of time and do not know how to use it properly.  At one time it was not even possible to imagine that the current world is moving at such a fast pace.  But modern technology has made all this real.

It is a great pity that these modern day technologies are being used by those who want to throw the whole world into the pit of destruction.  And the nation which is supposed to lead the whole world, that nation is empty handed today.

 There is a famous Persian saying-

 "If I am careless for a moment, I will fall back a thousand months."

 It is a real fact that sometimes people fall back centuries due to momentary mistakes.  A truly intelligent person is one who learns from the past and moves towards the future with full determination and enthusiasm.  Spending every moment calculated and trying to make the time more and more productive.

 An Urdu proverb is-

 "A nation is like a sword in the hand of the blind, who at every moment takes account of their actions."

 Allah Ta'ala swears by the ages in Surah 'Ashr' when speaking of the sufferings of mankind.  From that it becomes clear that the time that people get is very big and very important thing.  Its right appraiser and right user can be many things.  And he who is indifferent to it, who spends it frivolously brings about his own downfall.

 The nation that should have been the first to know this time was the Muslim nation.  But in today's society this feeling seems to be the least among Muslims.  While other nations are working tirelessly towards their goals – whatever their goals may be – the Muslim nation, who have an ambitious goal in front of them, does not feel that time is running on its own.  But no benefit is being taken from it.

This is a widespread condition.  But it is not that there are no exceptions.  In today's dark night, there are some lights burning here and there, but they are not enough for the darkness.  More intensity of light is required.  Especially when there's a random gust of crazy wind blowing those lamps.

 To light the lamp of faith, to make its rays brighter, and to light many more lamps, requires the inspiration to burn oneself like wax.  It is only a conflict between light and darkness in the darkness.  In this situation, it is the responsibility and duty of every believer, collectively and individually, to realize the true value of time and to be ever vigilant so that not a single moment is wasted.  If God-given ability is properly used, the ray of faith will be sharpened.  And any darkness will be easier to deal with.

 This is a common benefit of accurate time estimation.  If you think about it personally, it is supposed that the value of time is more for a person.  But how it is being misused and destroyed.  Sometimes the thought arises in the head that if I don't do this work now, what else will come of it?  There is much more time ahead.  But do not think for once that the present and the future are not the same.  Both are very valuable in their respective places.  The time that is gone will never come back.  If it was destroyed, it was lost.  It will not come back even after crying a hundred times.  And for this reason, one of the teachings of Islam is that a Muslim cannot do anything in vain and in vain.  Because, he has been taught the value of time and has also been taught techniques to make time more valuable.

Although the time is very near, people can only feel it, not witness it.  So man can never transcend time, time itself transcends him.


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