2 very big blessings that we don't think of as blessings

Many valuable things are not properly evaluated if not aware.  And the thing that should be valued, if it is not valued in time, the result is sorrow and regret.  That is why it is necessary to be vigilant about the valuable things within reach.  Is the right to be neglected and destroyed by arbitrary use?

 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) tried to make his Ummah aware of this.  The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) has highlighted this simple fact to his Ummah that it is possible to achieve progress and success through the correct and appropriate use of the blessings that Allah has bestowed on people, and if not, deterioration and failure.  Referring to two such blessings in a hadith, he said, "Innumerable people are affected by these two blessings."  (That is, they are deprived of welfare because they do not value these two blessings properly.) The two blessings are 'health' and 'leisure'.'

 How great is the gift of Allah Ta'ala in these two matters is understood very well when they are lost.  It is easy for a sick person to understand the importance of wellness.  And when you are plagued with unwanted troubles, you realize the value of vacation.  But even after understanding, he does not do anything.

 In the Holy Qur'an, Allah Ta'ala said, 'On that day you will be asked about the blessings of Allah Ta'ala.'

 It is mentioned in Hadith Sharif - The first question about the favor that will be asked on the Day of Judgment is, Did I not give you a healthy body?  Have you not been satisfied by cold water?  That is, how much have you fulfilled your responsibility by accepting this blessing?  People have to answer this question.

When the right view is formed about worldly wealth, that is, the ability to understand the fact that these wealth are not the ultimate goal of life, but only the means of living;  Then there is balance in people's thinking and mind.  And it affects his actions.  People then do not chase after wealth;  Instead, they try to gain Allah's pleasure by using wealth.  However, misconceptions about the purpose of life make people delusional.  Only then is it possible for people to devote themselves to the worship and obedience of Allah Ta'ala with peace of mind.  This opportunity for self-sacrifice is called vacation.  This vacation is a great blessing of Allah Ta'ala.  By using it, people can progress far in the path of attaining God's pleasure.  But there is a fear that if people are unaware or careless then this valuable opportunity can be missed.  So the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) warned his Ummah.

 So using these two blessings - health and leisure is the way to success.  The question is, how to use them?  Coming here requires purity of thought and vision.  Because, wrong thoughts can make all actions and pursuits of life meaningless.  Maybe all his life he chased Morichika.  His small talk is meaningless.  Those who spend their lives dancing and singing take this job very seriously.  It tries to prove its meaning with sarcasm and flower baskets of theories and bullies.  But in the end these are nothing but the entertainment of a class of viewers and listeners.  Can a person's whole life be devoted to all this?

Therefore purity of thought is necessary.  The highest goal of human life can be only one.  That is, attaining the satisfaction of Allah Ta'ala and attaining the success of eternal life.  When the motivation to succeed in this one goal is awakened, all the noble deeds of life are performed smoothly.  Because, Islam says that you can achieve God's pleasure by following God's path.  In short, that path is Islam.  The ultimate goal of human life is to become a Muslim by holding the true and comprehensive meaning of Islam in action and belief.  Allah Ta'ala has mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, 'I have created jinn and human beings only for My worship.'

 This one verse of the Qur'an is capable of changing people's thoughts and then their lives.  And a beautiful society, a safe world can be created only through God-oriented and God-dedicated people.


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