Good conversation is a sign of good character


Language is a yardstick for measuring the excellence and inferiority of human character.  When the tongue is bitter and harsh, its injury is very terrible and its wound goes deep.  The highest aspect of the beautiful use of language is that all prophets and messengers have fulfilled their duties through this language.  Again, if you look at its negative side, you will see that this is the biggest enemy of morals and all human actions and behavior.  Today, through language and media, the moral depravity and character disorders of the enemy are infiltrating us.

 It is a universally accepted fact that language plays a major role in our character development.  Character is strong only when its foundation is laid by deep knowledge and proper planning.  And all forms of knowledge are expressed through language.

 Therefore, good conversation is essential.  Let me mention some techniques on what is beautiful or good language and conversation.

 1.  The attractiveness of the conversation depends on the purpose of the speech.  Therefore, the nobler the purpose of the speech, the more beautiful and audible the speech and conversation will be.  So it is imperative to refrain from meaningless conversation.

 2.  Always make it a point to tell the truth.  Because lies are the root of all sins.  The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: The greatest betrayal is when you tell your Muslim brother something that he thinks is true, but it is false.  -Abu Dawood

3.  I want to include all those things in the conversation about which there is full trust and faith.  Make every effort to match your words with your actions.  Try to avoid contradiction of speech and action.  Otherwise, it will create an atmosphere of inaction in the society.  Condemning the contradiction of words and deeds, the Qur'an says in the Qur'an, "You make people hear good things, but you yourselves forget them!" - Surah Baqarah: 44

 4.  Use of sentences should be free from artificiality and idiocy.  Because instead of connecting with these people, it creates a break in the relationship.  One should try to express one's being in front of others in a simple way.

 5.  Instead of such words that break the heart, create despair and fear, I want to speak words that convey hope and benevolence.  If the speaker's main objective is to seek the welfare of people, then he will prove to be a useful person for people in social life.  It has been stated in the hadith that sometimes good words come out of the mouth of a servant, which pleases Allah.  Banda does not pay much attention to it.  But Allah exalted his dignity instead.  -Sahih Bukhari

6.  Elegance and directness should be adopted in the sentence.  Allah Ta'ala commanded Prophet Musa (a.s.) to speak softly to the oppressors like Pharaoh.  It is said, 'speak to them in soft language'.  Then it is needless to say what kind of words Muslims will exchange among themselves.

 7.  Speak according to the age, intelligence, mental state and ability of the audience.  Talk to children in a polite manner and do not talk philosophy or philosophy with them.  In this way, while talking to parents, be careful to follow the instructions of Allah.  Don't even utter the word 'ugh' in front of them, don't be harsh, get excited or upset.  Always take care of manners and etiquette.

 8.  Don't speak impulsively and never think that the knowledge I have is the only correct one.  Keep yourself always above narrow mindedness to listen to the words and opinions of others.

 Will exchange short and meaningful sentences.  Will try to avoid meaningless long conversations.

 9.  Look at the person you are talking to.  Don't turn your back and talk.  Purity of our tongue is undoubtedly a means of purity of soul.  That's why slip of the tongue should not be taken for granted.  Caution and awareness are essential to survive slippage.  One should always strive to acquire this quality of vigilance and encourage others to do the same.  Even if you cannot remove the weakness of others, you will improve yourself with continuous efforts.


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