Concentration is the key to success

Hazrat Maulana Ilyas had a very loving relationship with Haji Sahib, a businessman from Delhi.  Hazrat was also in love with an employee of his shop.  Once Haji Sahib dismissed the employee from his job.  The employee informed Hazrat Maulana Ilyas about his dismissal.  One day in the meeting Hazrat Maulana Ilyas.  Haji asked Sahib, Why did you send so and so away?  Haji Sahib replied, "Hazrat, the man is very good and trustworthy, very honest in his work."  But lately he has opened another shop of my same product in the market, which he passes on to his son.  As a result, he stays in my shop, but his mind is in his son's shop.  He sells and buys here but always thinks about the improvement of that shop.  I saw that it would damage my shop, so I sent him away.  Hearing the words of Haji Sahib, Hazrat was surprised and said, You taught me استخلاس (concentration).  This is called استخلاس or concentration.  Ekhlas is one thing, Estekhlas is another.  Ekhlas is the name of Lillahiyat and Estekhlas is the name of doing a work for the sake of that work.  Ekhlas is not enough for the success of any work;  Rather, there is a need for esthekhlas.  As long as one does not put his mind and body into his work with complete concentration, success will not come in that work.  If you are honest, you will be rewarded, but success may not come.  To be successful, you have to immerse yourself in work.  Every moment, day and night, in sleep and in dreams, there must be a great Fiqr of that work.  Only then will you be successful, inshallah.

Whatever we are doing among the many services of religion, if we could do it with Ekhlas and Estekhlas then all our services would reach the desired destination.  Most of our services are far from honest, and in many cases lacking.  But we all hope for quick results.  Many times it is seen that one who is engaged in the service of Madrasa, has taken this service as his main work, he is engaged in many other services.  As a result, all his works remain unfinished.

 There are thousands of ways to reach Allah in the line of religion.  Since attaining the pleasure of Allah is our main purpose, if we were clinging to any religious service keeping Allah's pleasure in mind, if we only dreamed of that work in every moment of life, then it seems that our success would come faster and faster.  We want to have the same main task.  In all other work, the main work should be carried forward by keeping the supporting behavior.  Then it will be easy to get the proper result of the work by connecting Ekhlas with Estekhlas.

 Apart from حب جاه و حب مال (greed of honor and greed for wealth), I can also refer to those who have good intentions, who, despite having enough ekhlas, do not see success in their work due to lack of estekhlas.

Taleem, Tabligh and Siyasat are all religious services, to which we should devote ourselves to that service, to which it has become dominant, to work for that service, and keep the other as a support.

 Humans are very weak creatures.  Multitasking is really difficult for one person these days.  This weakness is magnified a hundredfold due to the fact that Noor is particularly distant from the time of Prophethood.  It goes without saying that the blessing of the Prophet's companionship was abundant among the Companions.

 Come on!  We strive for integrity as well as integrity in all our services.



  2. "Kudos to the web designer – they deserve a digital high-five for this masterpiece."

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