Gentle use An extinct characteristic

 Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, "In Paradise there will be some beautiful palaces from which one can see the outside and the inside from the outside."  Abu Musa Ash'ari RA.  He asked, O Messenger of Allah, for whom are these palaces?  The Prophet replied, "Those who speak softly, give food to the needy, and stand in prayer before God late at night when people are deep in sleep."  -Musnad Ahmad Hadith 173

 In another hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, 'A humble word is equivalent to a charity and every step towards prayer is equivalent to a charity.  -Musnad Ahmad 2/213

 In another hadith, those who maintain humility and get along with people, are forbidden for hell.  -Musnad Ahmad 1/415

 Three hadiths are presented here.  These hadiths contain important lessons.  However, the theme in all three hadiths is to speak softly to others and be gentle.  This quality gives a person a unique greatness and many people around him start loving him.  In our society speaking softly is considered a part of politeness.  However, this politeness seems to be limited to special cases.  The success of Islamic education is that Islam does not want to see this as a matter of politeness;  Rather, it wants to make it part of human nature as a characteristic feature.  Above all self-interest, Muslims treat everyone with kindness.  With those who have a need, and with those who don't.  With people of power and prestige, and with the lower and weaker classes.  For the good behavior of Muslims is not governed by worldly interests;  Rather, it is governed by the motivation to gain the pleasure of Allah.  This is clearly stated in the above hadiths.Since we believe in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam as the best role model, we should accept his teachings with full trust and love.  Otherwise our character will never shine and our behavior will not reveal Islamic characteristics.  It does not seem right to think that our conduct will be regulated by the rules of politeness which exist in the present day.  Mentioning some examples.  A familiar term in our commute is;  “Local Bus” A large section of Dhaka residents are regular passengers of this bus.  A common sight in these buses is the grumbling of passengers and contractors.  Bus contractors are not all saints.  Then they would not do contracting anymore.  But it cannot be denied that they are often ill-treated without fault.  All sufferers know how overcrowded local buses are.  It is never possible for the poor contractor to remember the faces of so many people.  But we local bus passengers impose this tough responsibility on him.  If he forgets someone's face and asks him for a second rent, he shouts, "How many times will I pay the rent?"  I have seen many, sitting quietly in this state.  does not give any answer.  The contractor does not know whether he has paid the rent or not.  Then he demands rent again and again.  At one point the passenger became extremely heated and started abusing.  But the matter was not so difficult, it would have been possible to say that I have paid rent.  What is done without it cannot be called good manners.  That is roughness.  It is prohibited in Hadith Sharif.

To give another example, the present age is the age of mobiles.  Now it is difficult to find a person without a mobile phone.  Many of those who come to pray in the mosque have mobile phones.  A notice for this can be seen on the wall of any mosque.  Keep mobile phone off during namaz.  Muslims coming to the mosque start namaz by switching off their mobile phones.  But sometimes one might have forgotten and unfortunately one can imagine his mental state when his mobile phone rang.  In this case, what usually happens after the end of the prayer is very sad.  We punish him too much.  As soon as he returned the salam of the prayer, everyone looked at him with a strange disgusted look.  Some started scolding him in front of everyone.  The insults and sarcasm also continued.  All in all, a situation is created as if he has just committed the greatest crime in the world.  Needless to say, this behavior is not correct at all.  However, those who neglect to turn off their mobile phones during prayers must be warned.  But to put it mildly, another scene can be seen inside the mosque.  That is, a Muslim may be trying to go out after completing the obligatory prayer, he has some need or he will go home and read the Sunnah.  And there is no monthbook behind it either.  Even then, some people in the back row started screaming madly.  Why are you so anxious to get out of the mosque?  Do not like to stay in the mosque?  etc.How much should this rough behavior with a praying man?  The trouble would have been solved if he had been given a place to go out.  What is done without doing that is called rudeness in the words of Hadith Sharif.  It must be introduced.  Because there are many types of people in congregational prayer who should delay for a while without intending to perform the Sunnah immediately after the obligatory prayer, so that someone in front can go back if needed.

 The teachings and ideals of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam are equally applicable to all people of all ages.  But in the times we are now passing through, we need the ideals of the Prophet more than ever.  Only with the training of the Prophet's one ideal can we who are wandering in the circle of difficulties and complications breathe a sigh of relief.

 Many of our family and social problems originate from speech and behavior.  If our words are restrained, modest and elegant, humble and flexible, then many unwanted complications can be avoided.  The last thing is that many people have practiced many ways about the biography and Seerat of Rasool Kareem.  Prophet-lovers have discovered many methods of practicing Seerat through the ages.  Let us adopt the best method of practice.  We record the life of the Prophet in the living book of our lives.  In each page of our life-book, let us show the living form of each ideal of the Prophet's life.

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