All the mistakes that are common among us during childbirth


The reason for today's confusion is the absence of knowledge that the Shari'ah may have any injunctions on this matter.  In other words, many people do not know that there can be prohibitions of the Shariat even when the child is pregnant.  It is believed that Shariah is only the name of prayer-fasting and such worship.  There is no ruling of Shari'ah related to children and their upbringing.  So they have to be done according to conventional rules or as these are feminine matters, according to their customs or in a foreign way in imitation of the so-called civilization.

 This is the original mistake.  Salat, fasting and Hajj, Zakat are very important in Shariah.  But this does not mean that the Shariah has no guidance in other areas of life;  Rather, there are commands and prohibitions of Allah and His Messenger in every phase of human life.  Business, trade, raising children, family, etc. are not outside the purview of Islam.  Among these things are the commands and prohibitions of Allah and the guidance of His Messenger, which if obeyed, these actions become good deeds.  This Ilm is called “Ilmul Hal”.  That is, everyone will acquire the knowledge of the guidance of the Shari'ah regarding his own field and condition.  It is obligatory law.  It is sin not to know and not to feel the need to know.  After that, there is the sin of falling into mistakes or falling prey to superstition due to ignorance. Some of the common mistakes of today's topics are highlighted so that the relevant Sahih Ilm can be acquired and in this case one can be free from mistakes.

Birth defects

 It is considered that there is no prayer from the suggestion of childbirth;  It has several layers.  For example-

 (a) When the white discharge comes out before the delivery of the child, the prayer should be offered when it is time for the prayer.  If the discharge continues, the laborer's order will be valid.  But some mothers and sisters think that there is no prayer at this time.  It's not right.

 (b) The blood that comes out after full or most parturition is only nefas.  Therefore, even if there is bleeding due to any reason before this, the prayer will not stop and the prayer must be performed as a laborer.  In this case, many people leave the prayer.

 (c) Since the ceasing of prayer is related to the bleeding after childbirth, if for any reason the bleeding does not start after childbirth, then the prayer should not be interrupted but the prayer should be continued until the discharge comes out.  After the delivery of the child by operation, if the discharge does not start, then she should still pray.

 It is revealed that in all the mentioned cases the prayer is mentioned.  Its purpose is to pray as much as possible.  For example, the prayer will be performed even by pointing.  Of course, if even gestures are not possible due to great difficulty and still consciousness remains, then the next prayer should be performed.  - Taboyinul Hakayek 1/67;  Albahrur Rayek 1/218;  Raddul Muhtar 1/299;  Fatawa Hindia 1/37

Seeking the help of men

 Some do not find it objectionable to have a male doctor or male assistant during childbirth.  However, if it is possible to arrange female doctors, female assistants and midwives, it is completely impermissible to take direct help of men in this work.  Yes husband alone can cooperate.  Apart from this, no other man.  It is not only against Shariat but also against human taste.  Nowadays modern hospitals have female doctors as well as male doctors for caesareans.  Sometimes, if the doctor is a woman, the assistant is a man.  So it is important to make sure whether there is full female service or not before admission.  -Albahrur Rayek 8/192;  Tahtabi Aladdur 4/185;  Fatawa Hindia 5/33;  Addurrul Mukhtar 6/37

 Confusion about the baby's umbilical cord, attached navel and other cut parts

 These cut parts have different usages depending on the area.  In some areas, it is also customary to hang the cut pieces on a pyre for a certain period of time.  It is then thrown into a pond or river.  They are all wrong.  It is a rule to bury everything that is cut from the human body underground.

 It is not right to hang on the wool.  It is supposed to dry the baby's umbilical cord, but this has nothing to do with reality.  -Al Muhitul Burhani 3/106;  Sharhul Muhazaab 5/213;  Fathul Qadir 2/76

The place where the child is born is impure for 40 days?

 Many believe that the house or place where the child is born remains impure for 40 days.  During this time, prayer, recitation of the Qur'an, nothing is permissible.  This idea is completely wrong.  If there is impurity in any part of the house, the whole house does not become impure.  In this way, if the unclean place is washed and wiped according to the rules, that place also becomes holy.  It is permissible to pray there after consecration, reciting the Qur'an Majeed.

 The child's mother remains untouched for 40 days?

 There is a custom in some places that the mother of the child is not considered fit to cook or do any other work for forty days.  His touch is believed to make everything impure;  This is also wrong.  The concept of Jahili era.  Even if the child's discharge continues for forty days, the dishes, cups, or anything touched by the child does not become impure.  It is permissible to eat food cooked by his hands as in normal conditions.  Others can also use the dishes he used.  - Addurrul Mukhtar 1/299

 Do not pray and fast for forty days after childbirth

 The maximum duration of Nafas is forty days.  There is no fixed minimum period of time.  It may even be two to four hours or a day or two.  But some women think that fasting forty days after childbirth is not permissible even if menstruation does not start.  This is a misconception.  At this time, if there is any irregularity in the discharge, the matter should be known from the learned mufti.  It is not permissible to take action without knowing the issue.  - Albahrur Rayek 1/219;  Addurrul Mukhtar 2/299;  Khulasatul Fatawa 1/231

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