There are many misconceptions about naming children in our society


Keeping the name without Akika

 Performing aqeeqah is considered a prerequisite for naming a child and it is thought that the child's name is not fixed without aqeeqah.  That's why some call the baby "Babu" or some other similar word before aqeeqah.  Called by real name since Akika.  But keeping the name is not conditional with Aqeeqah.  It is permissible to keep the saint's name even if he does not do aqeeqah.  Keeping the name even before seven days is proven by the deeds of the Prophet himself.  -Sahih Bukhari 2/829;  Tuhfa 93-94;  Ilaus Sunan 17/122

 If you change the name, make Akika again

 If for some reason the previous name is changed, it is considered necessary to do Akika again.  This is wrong.  Rasulullah Kareem, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, changed the names of many Companions but did not ask them to re-Aqeeqah for this.  Neither did they.  -Sahih Bukhari 6192;  Sahih Muslim Hadith 2149;  Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaiba Hadith 5950;  Tuhfa Hadith 111-112

 Mistakes in choosing a child's name

 Most of the parents do not know what are the Shariah guidelines in choosing a child's name.  That's what I think when I hear the names of boys and girls these days.  Some are named in imitation of the Gentiles and consider it a style.  Others name the child as Patal, Lebu, Jhantu, Lal Mia, Kalu Mia etc.

Some people match the names of their beloved children with the top singers and models of the world.  Where Jews, Christians, and even Hindus are seen to adhere to the strict nomenclature of names, Muslims are degenerate.  Looking at these, one would think that Muslims have no policy on naming children.  But the reality is completely opposite.  Only Islam has given good and excellent principles in naming children.  There are numerous hadiths in this regard.  One of the Sunnah of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was to change a bad name to a good name.  For this reason, this issue can be seen as a separate chapter in the hadith books.  Some principles determined in the light of Hadith and Sunnah are presented.

 1.  Named 'Abdullah' 'Abdur Rahman'.  Because the hadith came in Sharif,

 ’’إِنَّ أَحَبَّ أَسْمَائِكُمْ إِلَى اللهِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ عَبْدُ اللهِ وَعَبْدُ الرَّحْمَنِ ‘‘

 Surely the most preferred names to Allah Ta'ala are 'Abdullah' and 'Abdur Rahman'.  -Sahih Muslim Sharif, Hadith 2132;  Fatawa Hindia 5/362;  Addurrul Mukhtar 6/417;  Tuhfa 99

 2.  Named after the Prophet, Sahaba, Tabayyin and Tabayyyyyyin and the previous saints.  In Sahih Muslim there is a chapter on this topic, titled, "باب التسمي باسما الأنبياء والصالحين" "Concerning naming names after the Prophet and Salihin" - Sahih Muslim Hadith 2135;  Tuhfa 110;  Raddul Mukhtar 6/417

3.  Keep a name that makes good sense.  It is reported in the hadith that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said,

 إِنَّكُمْ تُدْعَوْنَ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ بِأَسْمَائِكُمْ وَأَسْمَاءِ عَائِكُمْ, فَأَحْسِنُوا أَسْمَاءَكُمْ

 On the Day of Resurrection you will be called by your names and the names of your fathers.  So make your names beautiful.' -Sunan Abu Dawud Hadith 4948

 It is also important to have a name with good meaning because the effect of the name lies within the person.  This is proven by the Sahabah in Hadith and Asare.  -Tuhfa 122-123;  Raddul Muhtar 6/418

 4.  Not to mention any of the attributes prescribed for Allah Ta'ala.

 Such as Rab, Khaleq, Samad, Jabbar, Mutakabbir etc.  However, names such as Abdur Rab, Abdul Khalek, Abdus Samad etc. can be added before these;  Rather, the Hadith Sharif has encouraged to keep the name with such 'Abd' yoga.  Nowadays it is customary to call them only Khalek, Malek, Rahman, Samad, except Abd.  It is a reprehensible and reprehensible act.  It is essential to survive.  - Fatawa Hindia 5/362;  Tuhfa 108

 5.  Abde Ali, Abdul Kaaba, Abdunnabi etc. not to be named.  Only the word 'Abd' can be added to the beginning of Allah Ta'ala's name.  No one can be named by adding 'Abd' to the beginning of any other word.  - Tuhfa 100-103

 6.  If you hear the names of non-Muslims, do not keep such names.  Not to name Shahan Shah, Sayyidul Basar or any such meaningful names.  - Tuhfa 101

 7.  Pharaoh, Qarun, Haman and not to name the cursed individuals and groups.  - Tuhfa 104

 8.  Don't have bad names.  -Tuhfa 105

 9.  Not to be named by special terminology such as Prophet, Messenger, Angel.

Matching the girl's name with the father's name and the boy's name with the mother's

 While choosing a name for many, the main condition is that the girl's name matches the first letter of the father's name.  And matching the first letter of the mother's name to the son's name, but this is not the least consideration in choosing a name.  All the factors discussed earlier are important in choosing a name.

 Naming in Arabic words or words used in Quran-Hadith

 Many people think that the name should be Arabic.  Whatever the meaning.  And if that word is from Quran-Hadith, then there is no question.  It becomes a big document to keep the name.  But in all the principles given in the Shari'ah for keeping the name, it is clear that the name must have a good meaning.  It cannot be chosen as a name just because it is Arabic or just a word from the Quran.  Money should also be taken care of.  The Qur'an also contains the words Jahannaam, Shaytaan, Pharaoh etc.  So what can be named by all these words?  But unfortunately some Muslim baby names are left only because the word is in the Quran.  Such as 'Kafirun' (plural of disbeliever) 'Zhafir' (Crying of Hellfire) 'Riba' (Usury) 'Nabiullah' (Prophet of Allah) 'Mursalin' (Messengers) 'Ambia' (Prophets) 'Mahin' (Trifle) etc.  Can be named.  Ambia is usually named after women.  It means prophets.  What wonder?  No prophet was a woman.  But the name of a woman is called the prophets!  How is a person who is male but not a prophet called a prophet?  And after the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, there is no opportunity to become a prophet.  The main reason for this mistake is not having the minimum knowledge of Shariat and Arabic.

Uncommon name

 Nowadays, when someone wants a name, they say, Huzur's name must be Uncommon.  The manner of speaking seems to be asking for a name that has not been heard in 40-50 years.  But how can such a rare name be found following the principles of Shariat?  In the eyes of Shariat, if you keep a good name, then you have to keep the names of Prophets, Messengers and virtuous people.  But these are not uncommon.  Forced to use Arabic words with bad meaning or names such as Patal, Diesel, etc., which are not correct at all.

 Addition of Muhammad and Musammat

 The addition of Muhammad at the beginning of boys' names is considered essential.  It is not necessary.  And Musammat is added at the beginning of girls' names.  It means famous.  Then Musammat Sharifa means Sharifa Nammi.  Well tell me, can the word Nami be part of the name?

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