Acting on the Shariah is the solution to all problems


The words Muslim and Muslim refer to a person who submits himself to the command of Allah and His pleasure.  The literal meaning of the word Islam in Arabic is to surrender, to hand over.  Likewise, a true Muslim is one who submits his being to the guidance of Allah.  He vowed that I will do whatever my Lord wills.  I will do what my Lord has permitted me to do.  When it comes to surrendering or surrendering ourselves to the pleasure of our Lord, we need to know what our Lord said?  And what kind of deeds he has chosen for our lives.

 What is actually happening in our society is that a Muslim is usually reassured simply by being born in a Muslim home.  And that's why they think we are Muslims.  When we are Muslims, let us establish this right on Allah Taala that He will treat us with mercy, charity and help.  Because we are Muslims.  But it is generally forgotten that by Muslim (Muslim) is meant not only that one was born to Muslim parents.  Rather, the purpose of a Muslim is to submit oneself to the instructions of Allah Ta'ala.

So we take stock of our lives and say, have we surrendered ourselves to God's instructions?  It is said to the Muslim, rather he is commanded, that he should love Allah and His Messenger more than his parents, children and relatives.  It is stated in the hadith, 'You will not be a complete believer until I am dearer to you than your parents, your children and all people.'And it is clear when we have this much love for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).  That we cannot oppose his will.  Rather, we should not do anything for anyone that the Prophet (peace be upon him) did.  It is contrary to its guidance and guidance or that which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not like.  And if we do something contrary to the choice of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) then it means that we do not really love the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that we are commanded to love.  He loves himself more than his children and parents.

 In this regard, first of all, it is necessary for us to know those Ahkams that by acting on the Ahkams, the orders of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, are implemented.  And without acting on it, our true love for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) will not be proven.  If the love of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is not achieved in our life, then what benefit will we get in the hereafter?

Just knowing Ahkam will not work.  It is necessary to know Masael in order to act accordingly.  It should be understood that Allah Ta'ala promises His Nusrat and Aid, Mercy and Karam based on good deeds.  And the purpose of good deeds is to obey Allah and His Messenger.  Allah's help and mercy will be upon us when this method is adopted.  God forbid, if we do not obey God's orders and disobey Him, and go against the guidance of God's Messenger, then we cannot hope for mercy and mercy from God and His Messenger.  We will disobey Him and He will have mercy on us - how does that happen?  Is that reasonable?

 We need to take a real look at life.  We have to see how much we are following the instructions of Allah?  Where are we putting His will over ours?  If we do not give priority to his will over our own, then we will not obey him.  Obedience means that when we give priority to the will of Allah and the Messenger over all things.  Whether it is a matter of spending, importation, dealing with someone or any other matter, there are many aspects of life, we have to make sure that we prioritize the pleasure of Allah in every aspect.  As much as we give priority to the pleasure of Allah and the Messenger, so much will we get His favor, help and karma.  If we review the history of Islam, we will see that Allah's Rahm, Karam and Nusrat have accompanied the Muslims as long as they have been able to present evidence of their good lives.  In the Qur'an, Allah has clearly promised, 'If you do good deeds, I will satisfy you, and if you do evil deeds, you will be seized and punished.'

The state of the Muslims says that all their perils, troubles, losses and their disgrace are the recompense of their disobedience and bad officials wherever we are.  Here man's relationship is directly with his Lord.  If he disobeys his Lord, his condition changes.  This whole world is the slave of Allah Ta'ala.  This world and the whole world will be just when we make our lives just according to the guidance of Allah.  Therefore, it is necessary for us to know the Masael from the scholars and lead our lives according to the instructions of Allah and His Messenger.

 If you read the history, you will see the history of rise and fall of the Muslims of the subcontinent.  They also faced great problems and extremely abundant conditions.  If you review them, you will see that when life has been spent according to the will of Allah, the mercy and blessings of Allah have been showered, honor and prestige have been gained.  On the other hand, when they disobeyed, they were surrounded by problems and adversities, dangers and troubles.

 The state of the Ummah today is far from the position it should be in in terms of obedience to Allah and the implementation of His instructions.  That's why we notice that our life today is problematic.  If we think about it, we will know that our indifference is quite present in this matter.  We should review our lives and try to make them conform to the Shariah.  Because there is no other way.

It is the duty of Ulama to preserve all the precepts of Islamic Shari'ah, to educate people, and to take individual and collective initiatives to propagate them.  And the responsibility of the Muslim public and all Muslims is to know those rules and act on them fully and to implement them in their real life.  Because on its implementation, honor and respect in this world and success and prosperity in the hereafter will be achieved.  And the greatest achievement is that we will not fall under the displeasure and punishment of Allah in the Hereafter.  Apart from this, this world will also be spent with honor and peace.  But that will happen only when we act on it (Shariah).  All of us have the same duty - to review our own lives and see how much we are practicing Islamic Shariat?  Islamic Shari'ah is called Islamic Ahkam for life.  That is, the name of the commandments of Allah and the Messenger is Shariat.  So we have to see how much we are following Islamic Shariat.  Scrutinize the whole life and try to eliminate the errors and deviations that will be noticed in it.  The result will be that we will gain honor, prestige and tranquility in this world and attain the ultimate desired success in the hereafter.

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