A child should not be beaten when he is angry


Hazrat Thanvi Rah.  Said, "Never beat a child in anger (this is for both the father and the teacher)."  After the anger subsides, the punishment will be thought out.  A better punishment is to waive the leave.  It has a great effect on the child.  Miyaji became independent by beating students because there was no one to question him.  The child does not have the right to question and the guardian has given Miyaji full freedom by saying, "The bones are ours, and the skin is Miyaji's"!

 Remember, Allah is the one who questions about the rights of whom there is no one to question.  Even if a ruler oppresses a dhimmi (a non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim country, whose security rests with the Muslim ruler's jimma) on a kafir, it is narrated in the hadith that he will be held accountable to Allah and His Messenger.  (Anfas Isa p. 173)

 Beating children is terrible

 Beating children is terrible.  Our father Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi.  He used to say that other sins can be forgiven through repentance, but it is very difficult to get forgiveness if children are wronged.  Because this is the slave's right.  And the right of the slave is not forgiven only by repentance, until the person whose right has been violated forgives.  Meanwhile, the one who has been oppressed is a minor.  Forgiveness of a minor is not acceptable in the eyes of Shariah.  Even if the child verbally says, I am sorry, it is not acceptable.  That is why it is very difficult to get pardon for this crime.  And so one should be careful about beating children and misbehaving with them.

Restrictions on beating children

 The teachers of the madrasa did this injustice.  May Allah protect them.  amen  Hazrat Thanvi Rah.  Ruled that no teacher can beat children in Maktab.  If someone was beaten, he had to answer to Hazrat R.H. and sometimes he had to be punished.  Once Hazrat had also said that if I come to know from now on that a doer has killed a child then I will make that doer stand on the balcony of the mosque and cane the child.  The matter is very delicate and serious.  That's why Hazrat Thanvi Rah.  He was very strict about this.

 Punish sensibly after calming down

 It is true that teaching children is a very difficult task.  It is not easy to keep them under control and sometimes beating situations arise.  So in such a situation, if no other treatment is effective, Hazrat Rah.  He said that even in this case he will not beat in anger.  Be quiet at this time.  When the anger is gone, thinking will punish.  The level of punishment will be correct.  Punishment will be given to the extent necessary.  There will be no trespassing.  But if you start beating in anger then you will get ten slaps instead of one slap.  Because of this it became a sin.  Because more than necessary punishment has been given.  Secondly it will harm the child.  Because all things become harmful if exceeded.  Thirdly it must be repented of later.

 That is why Hazrat Rah.  He said the very basic thing is that he will not punish when he is angry.  Punishment after anger cools down.

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