You are the best after Allah, O Muhammad (SW)


The glory of the world, the prophet Muhammad, the messenger of world peace.  Every atom of the world is a witness of His universal dignity and fame and greatness.

 The unique personality and incomparable life of the leader of Arab-Azm, the best leader, Hazrat Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, permeates every era and place from the beginning to the end.

 Everything in the universe is influenced by the boundless greatness and sweetness of the Prophethood and Message of the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace.  Every molecule and atom of the world is a witness of his fame and greatness.


 Its mesmerizing sound reverberates throughout the heavens and the earth.  The honorable name of that best man of creation is 'Muhammad' Rasulullah.  And his fame is so great that all the heights and heights of space and time are nothing compared to this holy name and personality.  Everything from the underworld to the upper throne is reminiscing about him.  No one else got such a high status in the whole world except him.  No one will get it.  Poet Syed Sabih Rahmani has beautifully said this ineffable truth -

 كوئي مثل مصطفى كا كبهى تها, neither is, nor will be

 كسى اور كا يہ رتبہ كبهى تها, neither is, nor will be

 Meaning: There was never, is not, and will never be like Mustafa (peace be upon him).

 No one else has ever had this status, not yet and never will.

 Famous Mufassir Allama Syed Mahmud Alusi.  (127 AH)

 وَرَفَعْنَا لَكَ ذِكْرَكَ

 In its Tafseer, he writes, "What can be greater than the dignity and majesty of Rasulullah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, his incomparable ideals and the fame of his name, that Allah, the Exalted, has added the name of his beloved in the martyrdom of Kalima with his own name.He declared obedience to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, as obedience to himself.  Along with the angels, he also sent salutations to the Prophet and ordered the believers to recite salutations to him.  And whenever he addressed, he addressed with the most honorable and beautiful titles.  For example, O Muddachshir!  (Covered with a sheet), O Muzammil!  (Blanket covered), O dear Prophet!, O dear Messenger!  etc.

 In previous heavenly books, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has been mentioned in praise and has taken the pledge of faith in him from all the prophets and the Ummah.

 It is a historical and undeniable fact that there is no region on the face of the earth, where the message of Sarwar do Alam, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is not proclaimed day and night.  At 1440 minutes of twenty-four hours, the call to prayer starts ringing in some part of the world, in some region.

 And the name of the creator, Allah Ta'ala, and the name of the best of creation, Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, began to be pronounced.  So the dignity and greatness of his name is so bright that as long as the call to prayer sounds on earth, the name of Allah along with the holy name of his beloved Prophet, Sayyiduna Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam, will be showered in the hearts of lovers.

Even today, in this age of irreligion, the efforts to propagate the true religion of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, and to expand his life and message, continue with full devotion.  The joy and happiness felt in the hearts of billions of people by remembering the Holy Name of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, by discussing his praises and hearing his unique qualities cannot be expressed in words.  Regardless of his background, even his enemies have no choice but to respect him.

 Reciting the verse keeping in mind the situation and context in which this verse was revealed will undoubtedly increase the taste and pleasure of recitation.  The darkness of Kufr-Shirk, the whole world is against him, the famous chieftains of Makkah are engaged in trying to extinguish the lamp of Mustafa, may God bless him and grant him peace... this verse was revealed.

 Who could have thought then that the holy talk of this orphan of Mecca would be pronounced all over the world!  A great part of the civilized world will be enlightened by the light of his religion, and millions of people will count it a hundred thousand glories and fortunes to lay down their lives in his name.  But the promise that Allah Rabbul Alamin made with His beloved Messenger and honorable servant Hazrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was bound to come true and it has come true.  He will prevail like the sun in the praises of the whole world till the doomsday.

 Maulana Abdul Majeed Darayabadi Sundar wrote, "The name of the creature that is spoken with the Creator, the name of the servant that is heard with the name of Allah is not the name of the emperor or the king of the world, not the name of any poet-literary, not the name of any scholar or philosopher.  Not the name of a leader or commander, not a sage or priest, not even another prophet.  Rather, it is the piece of Abdullah's liver, the apple of Amina's eye, the mother and orphan born in the land of Bata.

In the green lands of Kashmir, in the mountains of the Deccan, in the highlands of Afghanistan, on the peaks of the Himalayas, in the basin of the Ganges, in China-Japan, in Burma-Russia, in Egypt, in Iraq-Iran, in the vast lands of Palestine and Arabia, in Turkey-Najd, in Yemen-Morocco, in Istanbul, in Hindustan.  In remote regions and in the heart of civilization and culture—not in years or months, in London, Paris, and Berlin, but five times a day from the lofty minarets, the name which with the name of the Creator spreads into the ether is the name of a great and honorable being, whom the unintelligent world once knew only as an orphan.  .  So this is the Orphan's Kingdom, and this is it

 وَرَفَعْنَا لَكَ ذِكْرَكَ

 Its commentary.  Not a specific tribe or province;  If there is any rulership in the whole world, in the heart of the world today, it belongs to this orphan, peace and blessings be upon him, and if there is any kingdom, it belongs to this Ummi, peace and blessings be upon him.

 Sahabi Hazrat Abu Saeed Khudri RA.  Narrated, the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, once Gabriel Amin a.  He came to me and said, "My Lord and yours have asked me that how has He exalted your remembrance?"  I insisted that God knows best.  He said, Allah Ta'ala said, when my name is pronounced, your name will also be pronounced with me. - Sahih Ibn Hibban, Hadith: 3381;  Musnad Abu Yala, Hadith: 1375

 Muhammad's name is matched with Allah's name in poetry-in takbeer-kalima, in prayer-adhan.

 So today there is no region, no moment, which passes without the remembrance of Habib sallallahu alayhi wasallam?

As the earth rotates in the ten directions of this world, the name is recited in every adhan.  The glorious name of the universe is also chanted in Sarwar from the lofty minar along with the glorious name of the universe in the canal.  On land and water, in cities and villages, in settlements and in deserts, on mountain tops, the name of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is everywhere.

 The leader of Arab-Azm, the leader of the world is called by the blessed name of Hazrat Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam.


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