The arrival of Hazrat Ibrahim a.s. in Palestine

Middle Bronze Age (2000-1550 BC) This 450-year phase is very important in the history of Palestine. It was during this era that the first Tawheed was revealed here through Ibrahim A. When he migrated from Iraq (1900 BC) to Palestine it was under the rule of the Heksos. Although they were idolaters, they believed in religious freedom. They gave Abraham the opportunity to invite Tawheed. Hazrat Ismail A. was born here.As such, the relationship between the roots of Palestine with the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. 13 years after the birth of Ishmael A. was born Yaqub was born in his arms. He is very important in the history of Palestine. During the lifetime of Ibrahim A. Yaqub A. was born Once Yakub a. He migrated to Harran, the southern region of present day Turkey. Eleven children were born there. Later he again migrated to Palestine.Another name of Yaqub A. is Israel (meaning servant of God). As such his descendants are called Bani Israel. Yusuf A. Once, Ya'qub took A. with his family to Egypt. Yusuf A. And his brothers lived in Egypt for about 150 years. That was the time of the Heksos. As mentioned earlier, they believed in religious freedom.The Heksos were once defeated by Emperor Ahmose, the founder of the pharaonic empire. The pharaohs considered Bani Israel to be allies of the Hyksos. So great oppression came down on Bani Israel. This brutality lasted for 300 years. At this time there was a great collapse in the character of Bani Israel, as we know them today. Fear, humiliation, lies become their constant companion. At one stage they left Tawheed and indulged in idolatry.

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