Surrogacy: No pregnancy, no delivery, what kind of motherhood is this?

 In the current era, media curiosity is being noticed about the new born of a class of people.  When a child comes home to those who are promoted as 'stars' by the media - they are busy making news.  One such news has come about the arrival of a child in the house of two two national star famous couples.  The woman claims that she has become a mother.  But according to media propaganda, people did not notice any sign of mother in her in the near future.  They have brought out the answer to this question.  She has tasted motherhood through surrogacy.  Many people are curious about this.  Some also wanted to know about its Sharia.  Talking about Sharia today is not the main purpose.  17 years ago today we talked about the 'test tube baby'.  There was probably talk of such womb rent.  There was also some analysis of the Shariah ruling on this matter. 1 The reason why I was surprised after seeing the news more than the Shariah ruling of surrogacy is, what kind of motherhood is there if there is no pregnancy!  Immediately I remembered this verse of Al-Quranul Kareem-

 وَ وَصَّیْنَا  الْاِنْسَانَ بِوَالِدَیْهِ  اِحْسٰنًا  ​​حَمَلَتْهُ  اُمُّهٗ كُرْهًا وَّ وَضَعَتْهُ كُرهًا.

 I have commanded man to be kind to his parents.  His mother conceived him with great difficulty and gave birth to him with great difficulty.  - Surah Ahkaf (46): 15

I recited this verse many times after reading the news.  This has come to my mind over and over again, how much Allah Ta'ala has said in the Qur'an to do good to parents in this world.  In this verse, Allah Ta'ala talks about taking care of the mother.  As we all know, mother is mentioned three times in hadith.  The fourth time the father is mentioned.  The honor and dignity of the mother and the importance of being kind to her - Allah Ta'ala has given some indication in the mentioned verse.  Here parents are told to be kind to both, to be careful.  In this instruction, Allah Ta'ala has analyzed the greatness of mother in such a way that it is well embedded in the child's mind.  Allah said:

 حَمَلَتْهُ  اُمُّهٗ كُرْهًا وَّ وَضَعَتْهُ كُرْهًا.

 From the beginning of his life, his mother carried him in her womb for nine months.  Allah used the word كُرْهًا.  It means, conceived with great difficulty.  وَضَعَتْهُ كُرْهًا delivery was also very difficult.  One might say these days, many babies are born by caesarean section these days.  There is no pain in childbirth.  Even if there is no pain in childbirth, there is pain in cesarean.  Even if the pain of childbirth is not there, the belly should be cut for the child.  As a result, one has to bear the hardships of the whole life.  The hardships of pregnancy, delivery and nursing create a mother's compassion for her child.  If there is no pain in pregnancy and childbirth - what will be the compassion of the mother for the child and the child for the mother?  There may be the natural pity which the people of the world feel for any child in general;  But what about the compassion that comes from conception, delivery and care?

We are getting old now.  Have grandchildren.  Being the eldest among the siblings, I was able to feel the pain of my mother during the time of my younger siblings.  Then I became a father.  Then there was an opportunity to understand the pain of motherhood more deeply.  Then Allah made Nana, Dada too.  Girls and wives also have to feel the pain.  But this is only what can be perceived from a distance.  Only she, who has become a mother, understands the real pain.  It seems to me, without this matter of conception, birth, postnatal care and nurturing, it is not possible to create the compassion of motherhood.

 Grandchildren are the safest refuge for grandparents.  Sometimes we stop their parents if their parents scold or discipline them.  say evil  Even after all this, if the beloved grandchildren lose their clothes, I call their mothers, ``Where have they gone?''  The child has ruined the clothes, catch him.' Can't clean up by ourselves.  Mothers come and clean them.  Where, grandparents can not do this work of mother.  Mother has to do the main place of care.  The mother does not think that the child's toilet-urine is on the body or clothes.  Mothers don't even seem to smell.

 Now is the era of diapers for many.  But changing this diaper is very difficult.  These can only be happily cleaned by mothers.  It's just that - there are countless examples of the mother losing sleep for the child and getting sick herself.  But today's so-called modern society wants to destroy that beauty of motherhood.  They are bringing such a culture in the society, only money will taste motherhood.  It is as if there is no shield, there is no sword of Nidhiram Sardar!  Same thing here, no womb, no delivery, no care - her name is 'Mother'.

A real incident came to mind, a couple's child was not laughing.  They brought a baby girl from another house, who had a couple of girls.  The girl grew up with foster parents.  They gave her marriage.  Although his parents also had a relationship with this family.  But both the families kept the real story secret from the girl.  The girl used to respect her real mother as her foster mother's girlfriend.  But at some point the real story comes out.  From then on the girl started to despise her real mother.  He rejects any of his gifts, caress.  He clearly says, if you were my mother then how did you hand me over without nurturing and taking care of yourself?  The incident happened among our close acquaintances.  The matter was scarred in the minds of many.

 Why things like surrogacy are gaining popularity day by day?  We know about test tube babies, some people out there have to resort to this treatment because of their weight.  In the normal process of human birth, if no one has a child, then the necessary substances are taken from the two and placed in the tube.  It is given to the mother's womb after a certain period of time.  It's weight.  Here is the issue.  It is clear under what conditions it will be permissible, under what conditions it will not be permissible if violated.  Are there any such dangers to those who are currently resorting to this process?  As you can see, they have no such danger.  Actually they are fashionable mother, fashionable father.  They don't want to suffer themselves.  They just want to leave an heir to their vast wealth.  If you don't have children, there is a practice of adopting foster children.  But a feather is a feather.  So the rich want to show off their children.  So they adopt this method.  It is a process of capitalist so-called mothering.

While reading about surrogacy, I saw that it costs from one hundred and twenty thousand dollars to two hundred thousand dollars to rent a womb in America.  If one hundred and twenty thousand dollars is caught, it is more than crores of rupees in our country.  Looking at this huge cost, we can understand that it is not possible for an ordinary person with money.  It's just a money grab.  I have money, I rent a poor man's womb and become a parent.  This process was underway in India.  Naturally, the cost here was somewhat lower.  When the process of banning started in India, many people wrote about it.  So-called progressives clamor for it.  Makes arguments for it;  The poor people who are talking about this law will have their income stopped.  They will suffer more.  Now if we observe, they say that if the capitalists are hindered in any work, in any injustice, in their consumerist thinking, the income of the poor will stop.  They will be in danger.  Thus they want to perpetuate poverty.  When the brothel was closed, they shouted, "What will they eat to survive?"  Remember, this is their language-

 وَمَا تُخْفِیْ صُدُوْرُهُمْ اَكْبَرُ.

 What is hidden in their hearts is even more serious.  - Surah Ale Imran (3): 118

 In fact, their thinking is, if these are stopped, how will we continue our reckless frolics?  How will luxury continue?  The so-called devotees of those women think that if the woman gets pregnant, they will have lust problems, and the women think that their earnings will stop.  That is why a culture of hiding everything from marriage to children can be seen in that world.  Alas false happiness!

They are the ones who have created poverty, and they are again presenting poverty as an argument to sustain this poverty.  A mother would not have been forced to pay rent if they had not unjustly axed wealth, practiced Islamic and fundamental methods of poverty alleviation and equitable distribution of wealth.  Who wants to give the child born in his womb to someone else?  Even if the poor man has eight or ten children, he raises them with difficulty;  Despite this, the child does not want to give to another person.

 So the society has to come out of all these opposite thoughts.  It must be remembered that the family system in the West did not disappear overnight or even then.  Far from caring, children often have no interest in attending or paying for their parents' funerals.  Why?  Among many reasons, lack of care and care of children by parents is also a big reason in this case.  So Muslims should be careful not to fall into all these opposite and inferior thoughts.  Those who are thinking like this should turn back from these things.  We have to think, what is the mother's compassion, what is the real reality of being a mother.  The mother who conceives, the mother who gives birth, the mother who keeps the child after birth is the real mother.  That mother sacrifices everything for her child.  It is the child who devotes everything to the service of the mother.  May Allah grant us all the right understanding of religion.  Save Muslim men and women from all these illusory thoughts and consumerist mentality - Ameen.

 Procreation of a child by the material of someone other than the spouse or by storing the material of the husband and wife in the womb of another is equivalent to planting crops in one's field.  It is a damnable sin.  No human being of sound mind, taste and self-respect can consent to such a procedure without perversion of intellect.  In addition, it also creates a difficult problem of determining the identity of the family.  From this point of view, adopting this approach is another Kabira sin.


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