Israeli brutality in Gaza Two tears for the Gazans!

In the meantime, a historic event happened in the Middle East.  The military operation of the Palestinian liberation organization Hamas "Tufanul Aqsa" took place.  Since then, the barbaric genocide of the occupying Israel has been going on to kill the Palestinian nation.  They are not only destroying the houses and homes of Gazans with their bombardment;  Instead, they are killing thousands of innocent civilians including women and children.

The world has already noticed that the people of a Muslim country are not only expelled from their homes or confined to their own areas;  Instead, the oppressive Israeli forces continue to kill openly.  But the ruling class of the entire Muslim world, including Arab-Azam, is silent.  They are so busy with protecting fame, luxury, propaganda and mattress power, etc., that just saying a word or two about the Palestinians is the end of the job!  No one is doing that;  As if they do not know the news of this brutal massacre!

 On the other hand, the power of disbelief is united and supporting the oppressor Israelis in this act of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.  As a result, anger is growing in the hearts of common Muslims due to common reasons.  Some are getting frustrated - there is no solution or end to it!

In this situation, we also have something to think about.  To whom we complain so much - Why are they not doing anything!  Before that we have to think about ourselves.  First of all, just as you have to reform yourself, you have to think and try to make people around you as true Muslims.  If I had followed full Islam, had I been a true Muslim, then in this situation there would have been provision and opportunity to use the people's money-raised army under Muslim rulers in such important areas.  But we see, in the country, the Muslim big forces are not being used in any way.  On the other hand, army soldiers of non-Muslim countries are rushing to Israel to protect their interests, as well as around the world.  But what are our Muslim countries doing?  As if they do not have the ability to make a two-word!  Some Muslim countries also have nuclear weapons.  What role are they playing in such hardship?  No, we are not talking about using it, but it must have an effect.  The largest country in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia's newspaper is read regularly.  When you open those magazines, it seems like nothing in the world is happening!  They don't even want to talk openly about Israel's brutality.  So is it true that, if it were not for Tufanul Aqsa of Hamas, the Saudi-Israeli diplomatic relationship would have been exposed for so long!  But everything that is happening is happening very close to them.  But the Saudi Prince's attitude is like this, nothing is going over me!  But soldiers of Muslim countries also go on peace missions in different countries.  There he tries to pacify the conflicting groups.  So who is going to pacify those who are killing their own brothers and sisters?

The responsibility of this silence of the Muslim rulers in the country is also on us.  We must also look at ourselves.  We are like two hundred million Muslims in the world.  What is the state of faith of our people?  Are we able to create that effect on those in power?  If our faith is strong and the majority of Muslims in the world are strong in faith, surely the blue design of the oppressors and infidels serving the ruling class will be destroyed;  Rather, it will be forced to collapse.  Then the righteous servants of Allah will manage the sacred trust of the state and our golden past will return inshallah.

 However, in such an unconscious, complex and silent moment, two drops of tears are enough for the people of Gaza.  In the poet's words-

 نه هم بدلے نه تم بدلے نه دل كى ارزو بدلى

 I want you to want me!

 Neither have I changed, nor have you changed, nor have the desires of the mind changed

 Asmani Faysala hopes to change how.

 May Allah restore the state of the Muslim world, have mercy on our Palestinian brothers, grant them ultimate success - this is the wish.  For now, we can't do anything for them except to shed a couple of tears.


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