It is important to understand the Holy Quran in the light of the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the lives of his companions


Just as the Holy Qur'an should be understood from the Qur'an itself, it is also important to understand it from the Holy Sunnah (Hadith and Sirat) of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.  The instructions and rules of the Qur'an were taught to him by the Revealer of the Qur'an himself [Dr.  Surah Qiyamah (75) : 19].  And he taught his disciples thoroughly verbally and by deeds, [Dr.  Surah Nahl (16) : 44].  Therefore, in order for the Qur'an to be complete and accurate, it is a condition that in understanding the Qur'an, the Hadith Sharif and the Holy Seerat should be kept in front and the biography of the Companions should be taken.

 This policy is universal.  But now we will only mention the statement of Imam Abu Mansoor Maturidi Rahmatullahi Alaihi.  He points to this principle in his explanation of Surah Rum (30) verses 17-18.  It is mentioned in Surah Rum-

 فَسُبْحٰنَ اللهِ حِیْنَ تُمْسُوْنَ وَ حِیْنَ تُصْبِحُوْنَ وَ لَهُ الْحَمْدُ فِي السَّمٰوٰتِ وَ الْاْرضِ وَ عَشِيًّ وَّ حِيْنَ تُظْرُوْنَ.

 Indulge in the glorification of Allah, when you reach the evening and when you face the dawn.  His praise is in the heavens and the earth and in the afternoon (indulge in His glorification) and also at Zohar.  - Surah Rum (30): 17-18

 Imam Abu Mansoor Maturidi rahmatullahi alaihi said:

 إنهم فهموا من هذه الآية فرضية الصلوات الخمس.  ولو كانت أفهامهم مثل أفهام أهل زماننا لما فهموا منها سوى التسبيح المموقور.

 In other words, the people of the first rank of the Ummah have understood the rule of obligatory five times prayer every day from this verse.  If they had thought like the people of today, they would have understood only reciting tasbeeh from here on.  [Badayus Sanaye, Allama Abu Bakr Kasani (died 587 AH) 1/253] 1

Imam Maturidi rahmatullahi alaihi means that the Qur'an should be understood in the light of the believing lives of the leading figures of the Ummah (Sahaba, Tabayeen, Tabee Tabayeen).  Because they understood the Qur'an from the teachings of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and their Islamic life was a reflection of the Holy Qur'an and the teachings of the Prophet.

 After discussing this policy, Imam Maturidi.  Mentioned in detail, how the Imams of the Ummah understood the law of prayer from these two verses and the obligation to pray five times a day.  Note his book Tabilatu Ahlis Sunnah (8/258).  See also, Badayus Sanae 1/252-265.

 It must be remembered that five daily prayers are a fundamental and irrevocable provision of Islam.  Like other fundamentals of Islam, this provision has been clearly and irrefutably passed down through the ages along with Tawatur.  As we know the following aspects of Islam.

 1.  Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, may God bless him and grant him peace, is the servant of God and His Messenger.  He is the last prophet and messenger.  After him there will be no Prophethood nor Risalat.  No revelation from Allah will come to anyone after him and it is impossible for any new prophet to come after him.

 2.  The Qur'an is the last book of guidance revealed by Allah Ta'ala.

 3.  This deposit of the Qur'an, as the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, left it with the Companions, as commanded by Allah Ta'ala, is protected forever and will remain protected until the Day of Judgment.  It is not possible to increase any single word or letter and there is no possibility to decrease it.

4. Khatamun Nabiyin Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, may God bless him and grant him peace, is the prophet of all who come until the Day of Resurrection.  The shari'ah given to him by Allah is the final divine shari'ah and its observance is obligatory for all.

 5.  The Hadith and Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, are evidences of the Shari'ah like the Qur'an and His Holy Seerah, Uswaye Hasanah for the Ummah.

 6.  The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, taught the ummah the obligatory duties by the command of Allah and commanded them to avoid them by instructing them about the Haram.

 These and other basic precepts of religion and Shariah have been clearly passed down through the ages.  Their evidence is not just a verse or a hadith;  Rather, their evidence is numerous.  Full Islam and the entire Prophet's life are proof of this.

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