Al Quds Joy of Salahuddin Ayyubi Rah.

On 15 Rajab 583 Hijri, Salahuddin Ayyubid besieged Al-Quds.  He offered to hand over the city peacefully.  But the city clergy rejected the proposal.  Salahuddin Ayyubi continued to attack with minjanik for 12 consecutive days.  Seeing the severity of the attack, the Crusaders offered peace.  Salahuddin Ayyuubi refused and said, I will treat you the way you have treated Muslims for 92 years.

The Crusaders replied, We will kill our children, women and animals.  Then I will burn Baitul Maqdis.  We will also slaughter 5 thousand Muslims who are prisoners in our hands.  Then I will fight to the death.

 Hearing this answer, Salahuddin Ayyuubi fell into a dilemma.  After consultation it was decided that they would be released in return for Jiya after the handing over of Baitul Maqdis.  The city of Alquds fell into the hands of the Muslims in the month of Rajab 27 Hijri.  The Crusaders desecrated the Aqsa Mosque so badly that it took a week to clean it.  Salahuddin Ayyuubi celebrated Eid al-Adha in Al-Quds this year.জগজগজগজগজগজগজত

 In the middle of the Rajab month of 585 AH, the Crusaders headed by Guy de Lusignan headed for Akka, a city near Sur.  Lusignan was released after eight months of imprisonment by Salahuddin Ayyuubi on the condition that he leave for France.  But he broke his promise and went to Sur to join the defeated crusaders.  Salahuddin Ayyuubi was very angry because of the broken promise.  Before he could reach Akka, the Crusaders reached Akka and besieged the city.  Saladin Ayyubi failed due to the strategic position and enormous strength of the Crusaders.  After a full two years of siege, the Muslims were forced to make a treaty with the Crusaders.

 This led to greater unity in Europe to support the Crusaders at Baitul Maqdis.  It was the third largest union.  The first unity was during the First Crusade.  Which was very successful.  The second biggest unity between them was after the fall of Ruha kingdom.  Nuruddin failed this crusade.  It had no results.  After the city of Akka was surrendered to the Crusaders, Jaffa, Askalan, Caesarea, Arsof, Haifa fell to the Crusaders.  27 Safar In 589 Hijri, Mahabir Salahuddin Ayyubi passed away.

After his death, the Muslims were in dire straits.  Extreme power conflicts arise.  After nine years of Muslim strife, Salahuddin Ayyub's brother Adil managed to bring the situation under control.  Meanwhile Beirut fell to the Crusaders.  Europeans may see danger in the unity of the Muslim world.  The Fourth Crusade began in 599 AH/1202 AD.  But this crusade failed.  Instead of Alquds, the Crusaders rushed towards the Byzantine capital of Constantinople.  They killed the Byzantine emperor and captured Constantinople.  They kill and plunder the natives.  Blood floods the book.

Adil ruled the Muslim world from 598-615 AH.  He did not conduct any final campaign against the Crusaders during this long period.  Be active in restoring internal peace and order.  As a result, the fifth crusade was conducted against the Muslims in 615 Hijri.  Hearing about the campaign, Adil left Egypt and rushed to protect Palestine.  Hearing of the large number of crusaders, he went to Damascus to raise troops.  Learning of Adil's departure from Egypt, the Crusaders landed at Dimayya, the main port of Egypt.  Meanwhile, Adil died in Damascus.  Crusaders established control over Egypt.  Clashes broke out between the Islamic forces and the Crusaders on the border of Mansur.  Seeing that the situation was dire, Kamil made a very humiliating proposal to the Crusaders, if the Crusaders left Dimayat, he would give them all the territories conquered by Salahuddin Ayyubid, including Al-Quds.  But Kamil had one condition, that Kirk and Shobak regions would remain out of it.  That is why the Pope's representative rejected this proposal.  Due to the rejection of this proposal, a clash broke out between the two sides.

 Despite such humiliating proposals, Allah Ta'ala gave victory to the Muslims.  Defeated, the Crusaders demanded some sort of return home with their lives.  This is how Allah protected Palestine at that time.

In 624 AH, the Sixth Crusade was led by Frederick II, Emperor of Germany and Austria.  They went out with only 500 warriors.  Kamil II, the weak-willed ruler, offered him alquds if he returned without fighting.  Kamil indeed surrenders Alquds to the Crusaders.  Federic captured Alquds in 625 AH/1238 AD with only 500 soldiers.  But Kamil included a condition that Al-Qubbatusa Sakhra and Al-Aqsa Mosque would not be given to them.  Kamil ruled for 20 years from 615-635 AH.  This fall occurred 43 years after Salahuddin Ayyub's conquest of Quds.  In 637 AH/1239 AD, Najmuddin Ayyub took over.  He was a good ruler.  He recasts everything.  Meanwhile, Najmuddin's nephew Ismail sat in power in Damascus.  He did nothing for power.  He joined hands with the Crusaders to conquer Egypt.

 In 637 Hijri, Nasir Dawood raided Al-Quds with his own forces.  His campaign was not under the influence of Islam.  He just wanted to build his empire.  He wrested Alquds from the Crusaders.  After 11 years of Alquds surrendered by Kamil II, the Crusader rule came to an end.  Ishmael appeared just as Dawood was about to occupy Al-Quds.  He wants to wrest Alquds from him and hand them over to the Crusaders.  In return he would receive the help of the Crusaders in conquering Egypt.  He even agreed to give Aqsa and Kubbatus Sakhra to the mosque.  In 638 AH/1240 AD Alquds was surrendered to the Crusaders for the second time.

Sultan Najmuddin Ayyub recaptured Alquds in 642 AH/1244 IS.  After 693 years, Islamic rule continued in Al-Quds for almost seven centuries.  In 1335 Hijri/1917 AD the British-force entered Al-Quds and that streak came to an end.

After hearing of Najmuddin Ayyub's conquest of Quds, the Catholic Pope called for the Seventh Crusade led by French Emperor Louis IX.  2nd Muharram 684 Hijri / 1250 AD Battle of Farisku took place.  The Crusaders were soundly defeated.  Louis IX was imprisoned.  About 30,000 Crusaders were killed.

 After the death of Najmuddin Ayub, the Mamluks came to power in Egypt through various incidents and accidents.  Saif al-Din Qutuz, the great ruler of the Mamluks, became a shield for the Muslim world against the Tatars.  Defeated the Tatar forces deployed in Gaza in 654 AH/1260 AD.  He then dragged the Tatars into the Battle of Ainul Jalut.  On 25 Ramadan 658 Hijri, Muslims won a historic victory in the wilderness of Ainul Jalut.

 Zahiruddin Bibers gained power after Saifuddin Qutuz.  In 663 Hijri, he turned his attention to the Crusaders after four years of rule.  Together he fought multiple crusades against the empire.

Then Saifuddin Kalaun came to power.  He was also aware of the Crusaders.  In 688 AH he conquered the Crusader kingdom of Tarabalus.  He died in 689 Hijri.  His son Ashraf Khalil came to power.  He also expelled the remaining crusaders who had formed in the Muslim world.  Jews were living happily under Muslim rule.  At that time, in 690 Hijri/1290 AD, King Edward of England ordered the Jews to leave the country.  A year later, King Philip I of France passed a bill for the Jews to leave France.  But accepting Christianity was a different matter.  Then the Jews began to embrace Christianity in groups.  Their conversion was only to escape persecution.  Christian Zionism was born through them.

The end of the Mamluk Empire saw the rise of the Ottoman Empire.  This empire was established by the hand of Usman Ibn Artugrul.  This empire lasted for 643 years in strength and weakness.  In 922 Hijri/1516 CE, a bloody battle took place between the Ottoman and Mamluk forces at Marz Dabiq Maidan.  The Ottoman Sultan Selim I was victorious in the battle.  The Mamluk army was devastated.  After this victory, Sultan Selim conquered Syria, Palestine and Lebanon one by one.  Then the last refuge of the Mamluks occupied Egypt.


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