The worst is the two-faced man

Little Monira! What, are you surprised? So I understand that you are looking at the title with big eyes full of wonder! Two-faced people!

Bapar, what terrible do not know to see! There are also horns! Looks like a monster! What do they eat? I understand people eat! If you see small children, it seems that they swallow!

There is nothing to worry about little friend! The two-faced man looks just like you. Not a monster. But they finish eating everything!
What is this? If you wake up again! Do you think they will eat you? No, they don't eat people. Does not eat even small children. So what do they eat, want to know?

They themselves consume all their deeds. How many good deeds they do with little difficulty; They eat all the rewards that Allah gives them in return. By slandering others, creating conflict between each other, they destroy all their deeds.
You know what's funny? Although they are called two-faced, they have only one face like humans. So why are they called two-faced? Because they go to someone and say something, praise him in front, slander his enemy. It means that I am with you, I want you well. I don't like your enemy. Again he goes to his enemy and says like this; Means I'm with you, not her. At the same time, one person makes another person angry and wants to look good to everyone.He behaves in two ways, looks in two ways; It is because of his two-faced behavior that the beloved Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, called him 'two-faced' or two-faced. The Prophet said:

إِنّ مِنْ شَرِّ النّاسِ, ذَا الْوَجْهَيْنِ, الّذِي يَأْتِي هَؤُلَاءِ بِوَجْهٍ, وَهَؤُلَاءِ بِوَجْهٍ.

The worst people are two-faced people. One look to them, another look to them. (i.e. acting duplicitously.) -Sahih Muslim, Hadith 2526
Such people are disliked by Allah and people also hate them. No one can see them. They may behave well in public, but in reality everyone hates them. This wrongful act of his is revealed to everyone one day or the other. As a result no one can trust him anymore.

May Allah keep us away from such people and also keep us away from this sin - Ameen.


  1. Your post is like a fountain of knowledge, providing a continuous flow of insights for thirsty minds.

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